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by PaulBx1
Wed 05 Sep 2012, 18:08
Forum: Programming
Topic: systemd vs initscripts?
Replies: 15
Views: 11016

Here is a guy who thinks systemd, udisks2 et. al. are turning Linux into Windows: I have to say I can see his point (although I am far from being a dev). While I like systemd in arch for fast boot times, my logs a...
by PaulBx1
Thu 30 Aug 2012, 22:27
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: I'd like to see end to this racial krap
Replies: 81
Views: 3150

I'd like to see end to this racial krap Good luck with that. It's in the interest of the ruling class that racism exist. If it didn't exist, they'd have to create it. I just bought another gun a couple days ago. I'm still annoyed that I have to tell the government what color I am, and what's worse,...
by PaulBx1
Thu 30 Aug 2012, 22:16
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: US people believe in mermaids, zombies and E.T.'s
Replies: 89
Views: 2721

I don't believe in zombies and mermaids, but I am pretty sure that lizard people run Washington D.C.
by PaulBx1
Thu 30 Aug 2012, 22:09
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: Friendly atheist forum? Does such exists?
Replies: 133
Views: 3458

Being friendly to Christians. I went each Sunday to a "Church" and even preached and prayed and studies the Bible and befriended all the believers there and where very active socially with them and I where friendly and they where friendly but it where obvious that as an atheist it is not ...
by PaulBx1
Thu 30 Aug 2012, 21:55
Forum: Programming
Topic: systemd vs initscripts?
Replies: 15
Views: 11016

Here is a post that discusses why arch went over to systemd. You can decide for yourself how much it applies to Puppy. My arch boot times are around 28 seconds including typing in a lengthy password. However boot times are actually kind of...
by PaulBx1
Sun 03 Jun 2012, 05:12
Forum: Programming
Topic: systemd vs initscripts?
Replies: 15
Views: 11016

I've been using arch lately, which is going over to systemd. There are a couple of things here. 1) Makes for a zippy boot. My arch boots way faster than Puppy ever did, on the same machine. However arch booted faster than Puppy with the old sysv init, but now it is going even faster. I spend the mos...
by PaulBx1
Thu 19 Apr 2012, 17:33
Forum: Security
Topic: Securing your /boot partition
Replies: 3
Views: 2676

I have installed arch linux and tried this method. It works very well, and is not very complicated. I assume it would work with any OS that is fully encrypted except for the /boot partition.
by PaulBx1
Wed 14 Mar 2012, 18:36
Forum: Security
Topic: Securing your /boot partition
Replies: 3
Views: 2676

Securing your /boot partition

I've been playing with other distros, for full disk encryption among other things. The one hole in the arrangement is that /boot cannot be encrypted so you can't be sure of it (I think we were talking about this in one of the threads here). There was some idea of checking the contents of /boot after...
by PaulBx1
Wed 22 Feb 2012, 23:52
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: Can Puppy make its own DNS cache?
Replies: 6
Views: 1684

Here is one example of an application that does this
by PaulBx1
Wed 22 Feb 2012, 17:49
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: Can Puppy make its own DNS cache?
Replies: 6
Views: 1684

Can Puppy make its own DNS cache?

I have read that some attacks on the internet could come through DNS servers, so I was wondering if there was a way to set up an internal cache. I don't want to manually edit hosts or resolve.conf. What I want is some daemon that will capture the DNS requests that I make in my day-to-day browsing an...
by PaulBx1
Wed 22 Feb 2012, 01:07
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: More mayhem and murder in the name of antiterrorism....
Replies: 8
Views: 525

Sure is a good thing Obama has that Nobel Peace Prize.
by PaulBx1
Wed 22 Feb 2012, 01:02
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: As if you hadn't guessed, Microshaft shaft the taxman
Replies: 4
Views: 383

Uh Aitch, you seem to be getting confused over who the bad guy is. The bad guy is the guy holding the gun. In other words, the government. Anybody, and any collection of people, has every right to resist theft in any way that they can. So Microsoft is doing NOTHING WRONG. On the other hand, if there...
by PaulBx1
Mon 13 Feb 2012, 02:50
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: Economic hitmen
Replies: 3
Views: 359

Yeah, Max Keiser tends to go overboard a bit, doesn't he? Fourth Reich and all that. But without the histrionics, I think he is about right. I wouldn't make too much of the American govt threats against China. That what this government does, rattle sabres. But they have more sense than to go to war ...
by PaulBx1
Sat 11 Feb 2012, 23:06
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: Economic hitmen
Replies: 3
Views: 359

Economic hitmen

This youtube is a good, concise explanation of the problem. If you want to dig in more, listen to Lew Rockwell interviewing this same guy. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man I hope we don't get into this futile back and forth about "c...
by PaulBx1
Fri 10 Feb 2012, 17:13
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: CF card as Solid State Drive
Replies: 19
Views: 612

I got the fastest possible sdhc card I could find, plugging it into the card reader of my netbook, and it was still much slower than the ssd internal drive, which in itself is no great shakes in a Dell Mini 9. But the speed difference may have more to do with the bus than anything, I suppose. ext2 c...
by PaulBx1
Fri 10 Feb 2012, 17:02
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: Laptop 10C hotter at idle - new thermal paste?
Replies: 10
Views: 301

I have looked under heatsinks before and found spotty application of the compound. It might be worth a try, but make sure you don't get a bubble of air in there that would defeat your purpose. Also think about your fan bearings, if they are drying out and the fan slowing down, you won't be getting e...
by PaulBx1
Tue 07 Feb 2012, 21:40
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: CF card as Solid State Drive
Replies: 19
Views: 612

I don't use swap at all. I have 1GB of ram. Buy more ram if you are worried.

Format your ssd drive ext2 to avoid the journaling writes.

I'd be nervous about CF. They are pretty slow I think, compared to regular hard drives or SSD drives.
by PaulBx1
Tue 07 Feb 2012, 21:30
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: What do you think of Anonymous?
Replies: 43
Views: 1137

Anonymous are my heroes.