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#301 Post by smokey01 »

@Mike, this is quite a good idea, in fact a few of us have been doing it this way for years. Instead of deleting the .psip.conf and copying another one we just used a script to symlink to the appropriate config file EG:
.psip.conf <--> mike.psip.conf

This process is no longer required. Recently I asked jamesbond if he could add a few command line switches to do exactly this. Type psip --help in a terminal and you will see what I mean.

Code: Select all

# psip --help
psip [-c|--config-file config-file] [--log-file logfile] [--version|-v] [--expand-buddies]
Now you can have any amount of config files. Simply start them with a script.
Let's call the script Mike and the config file mike.psip.conf


Code: Select all

psip -c /root/mike.psip.conf --log-file /root/mike.psip.log --expand-buddies
You can also have a separate log file for Mike and expand the Buddies list if you wish.

Code: Select all

psip -v will display:

PSIP version 1.42
Copyright © James Budiono 2011, 2015, 2018
Thanks jamesbond.

Sorry Mike :wink:

Mike Walsh wrote:Evening, all.

Now; this may seem like a daft thing to say.....but you may, perhaps, wish to utilise multiple psip.conf files with PSIP. Not multiple accounts; PSIP is already capable of that. I'm talking about the settings for PSIP itself.

I've found it advantageous to use multiple psip.conf files myself. I had it demonstrated to me a couple or three weeks ago that you can, for example, run PSIP thru a VPN tunnel.....which requires a totally different set of configurations to that in use by PSIP when it's operating 'normally'.

You might wish to keep different config files for different groups of contacts, perhaps. Whatever the reasons, it's a PITA to have to keep swapping the files around in /root. PSIP can only make use of one .conf file at a time, otherwise it gets confused!


Anyway, I've thrown together a wee utility that permits this to be be carried out easily, via a YAD-powered GUI. It makes use of a hidden folder in /root, containing a number of sub-directories.

You manually place each of your psip.conf files into one of each of these numbered sub-directories (making sure you know which is which, naturally.) You select the utility from Menu->Network->PSIP Config Select, which looks like this:-


Prior to starting PSIP, just select the appropriate psip.conf file with the corresponding button. All this does is to delete the psip.conf file currently resident in /root, and to copy across the one you've selected. Nowt to it, just makes an additional operation a bit easier to handle, that's all. Wait till the 'Success!' message pops up, and you're good to go.

The .pet for this is attached below. If you don't have YAD on your system (check to see if /usr/bin/yad exists), you can get the current version here.

Perhaps it'll be useful for some of you. I built it to fulfill a personal always, I don't mind sharing.

Mike. :wink:
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#302 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

I'm not sure the following question goes in this thread, but I believe it is

Would anyone know if the Linux Ekiga service to connect PSIP to "ordinary"
phone lines & numbers still exists? I tried connecting to it a couple of hours
ago and got an error.

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#303 Post by OscarTalks »


Isn't that the diamondcard service that watchdog was talking about a few posts back?
Oscar in England
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Mike Walsh
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#304 Post by Mike Walsh »

Morning, boys & girls.

Just a wee bit of info for y'all.

For anybody who's trying out the new v3.0 of Smokey01's 'BackSeatDriver' (the one with BSDrvr & PSIP combined into one), you may find that it doesn't behave itself compared to the earlier v2.0.

It's quite possible that when you attempt to run the 'BSDrvr' part of the app, that the tunnel (as shown in the terminal) will quit on you after a few seconds. It's supposed to remain open all the time the tunnel is active.

As it happens, this is quite an easy 'fix'.


Like v2.0, v3.0 requires

ssvncviewer, &

It turns out that v3.0 also requires the vnc client/server libraries, too. Plug
....into the PPM's search box, and hit 'Enter'; you should get 'libvncserver' come up as an option. This is in the Slackos; if you install this, it also pulls in 'libvncclient', too. Haven't done this in the 'buntu-based Pups, yet; these may well show libvncclient in the PPM as well.

After making sure to delete any previous 'bsdriver.conf' file from /root/.config, fire BSDrvr up again, and everything should now behave itself. It's quite possible that these extra libraries are already in FatDog as standard.....which is where BackSeatDriver was written. Puppies will need to add these for v3.0 to run properly.

Hope some of you may find this useful.


EDIT:- For those wanting to use this in Precise 571, libvncclient & libvncserver are already installed. However, you'll need to use the PPM to install a newer version of libgnutls - v26 is installed, v28 is required. This will also pull in libhogweed.

Mike. :wink:
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psip listening on 2 ports

#305 Post by foxpup »

From I have downloaded (32bit) and (64bit).
As reported on ... 01#1046001 ... 44#1046144
the 32bit psip seems to be listening on port 5061 as well as on the usual port 5060.
Moreover, if I turn off tcp, it still listens to port 5061 for tcp!

Is this alright? :roll:
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