ffplay for radio streams

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ffplay for radio streams

#1 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

This is an off-shoot of FredX's thread here on DogRadio and YRadio
and I did not want to derail his thread.

Given that ffplay is on all modern Puppies, we should give more thought
on using it as a media tool. It would save a good number of Mb's in a
Puppy, if we did not have to include mplayer or mpv in it.

I just found this. The stations do not work anymore, and you have to
align the quotations marks flush to the equal sign in the matrix at the top.

I replaced a couple of those sample radio streams with ones which
I know are still alive, and this person's concept works.

If you have any idea on this subject, or know of scripts, etc., that have
been done with ffplay, please chime in below.

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#2 Post by musher0 »

Here's an early attempt.

You have the radio data file and the ewxcuting script.

The data file:

Code: Select all

# Some Internet radio stations that play classical music.
# Baroque
# Two stations for romantic era composers
STATION["AbacusFM Classical"]=""
# Medieval
# Various; presentations in Czech.
# Plays the well-known classics
STATION["Venice Classical_Music"]=""
# Hard to pinpoint.
# Music from 20th Century composers
And the script:

Code: Select all

# Auteur : inconnu. # Source : https://www.ubuntu-user.com/Magazine/Archive/2014/20/Playing-streams-off-the-web-with-FFplay
# Relevé le 3 janv. 2019, à 19 h 55. # Adapté par musher0.
# (c) musher0, 3-4 janv. 2019. GPL3
declare -A STATION
[ -f ListingS ] && . ListingS
echo -e "\n\tPlease select an Internet radio station:\n
\tTyping 'Cntl-C' once, exits a stream;
\t\ttwice, quits the script.\n"
select ENTRY in "${!STATION[@]}"; do
     echo -e "\t\tPlaying ${URL}\n"
     ffplay -nodisp -loglevel info -hide_banner -loop 0 ${URL}
     # 2> test2  # pour registre d'erreurs
And the result (pls see scrot).

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#3 Post by musher0 »

It comes with a parser for m3u lists.

If you have a few old m3u's lying around and you want to know if the URLs
in them are still valid, AND if ffplay can play them (it can't play all audio
streams, as FredX noted), you can use this:

Code: Select all

# /mnt/home/Musique/Radios/Listings.sh
# Goal: Create a matrix from a m3u file, that script ffplay-radios.sh can use
# (c) musher0, Jan. 3-4 2019. GPL3
cd /mnt/home/Musique/Radios
> ListingS
> test # precaution; see below.
while read station;do
     if [ "`echo $station | awk -F")" '$1 ~ /EXTINF/'`" ];then
          if [ "`echo $station | awk -F")" '$2 !~ /sky.fm/'`" ];then
          # Condition concernant un réseau
          # The sky.fm network does not exist anymore.
               read url
               echo "${url}"
               [ "${url:0:1}" = "#" ] && OK1=non || OK1=oui
          # Excluding music list endings, since ffplay cannot use them.
               [ "${url: -3}" = "m3u" ] && OK2=non || OK2=oui
               [ "${url: -3}" = "pls" ] && OK3=non || OK3=oui
          #   echo $OK
               if [ "${OK1}" = "oui" -a "${OK2}" = "oui" -a "${OK3}" = "oui" ];then

                    ffplay -x 300 -y 100 -window_title "${TITLE}" -timeout 2000 -loglevel verbose -hide_banner -loop 0 -i "${url}"  2> /mnt/home/Musique/Radios/test
                    if [ "`grep -Ev 'close|nvalid|timed|error|Failed' /mnt/home/Musique/Radios/test`" ] # && Test=erreur
          # A faulty stream url will have one of those words in the test log.
          # Concernant le résultat d'un test du flux. # If the test is good, we create the radio listing.
                         Name="`echo $station | awk -F")" '{ print $2 }'`"
            #           echo "${Listing}"
                         echo "${Listing}" >> ListingS
                         sleep 1s
                         killall -q ffplay
done < Radio.m3u
more ListingS
It creates a "ListingS" (sic) data file that the playing
script (see post above) can interpret and play.

No promises, however; this is experimental. Please feel free to adapt it to
your needs.

Have a great day!
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#4 Post by zigbert »

pMusic plays radio with ffmpeg - no ffplay required.

Code: Select all

ffmpeg -i http://lyd.nrk.no/nrk_radio_p2_mp3_h -f s16le -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 44100 -ac 2 - | aplay -f S16_LE -c2 -r44100
- pMusic uses ffplay for visualization
- UPupBB 18.05 hasn't ffplay included
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#5 Post by musher0 »

zigbert wrote:pMusic plays radio with ffmpeg - no ffplay required.

Code: Select all

ffmpeg -i http://lyd.nrk.no/nrk_radio_p2_mp3_h -f s16le -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 44100 -ac 2 - | aplay -f S16_LE -c2 -r44100
- pMusic uses ffplay for visualization
- UPupBB 18.05 hasn't ffplay included
Hi zigbert.

Clever discovery.

But why ffplay gone in the BionicPup? It's only about 130 kb.
Sure beats the size of mplayer or mpv.

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#6 Post by zigbert »

musher0 wrote:But why ffplay gone in the BionicPup? It's only about 130 kb.
Sure beats the size of mplayer or mpv.
It must be said, I haven't control over ffplay's development the last 2 years, so things might have evolved?

There has been some attempts over the years to use ffplay. The main issues afaik is that it lacks gui-control (or signal handling for making an external gui) and that it won't embed into browsers. The latter might be less important now when html5 is getting the preferred choice.
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#7 Post by wiak »

musher0 wrote:Here's an early attempt [ffplay script].
I like this idea. I used ffplay in old pAVrecord to allow video to be observed whilst recording (via a pipe to ffplay). That wouldn't work with mplayer because of unwanted pre-buffering issues - ffplay seemed to accept and send out the piped video data without delay. However, I imagined that lack of apparent buffering would make ffplay not good for streaming; though I haven't tried your script I presume I have a mistaken view of ffplay in this case (maybe was more of an issue with old dialup connections?).

My only dislike is that your script is GPL. Whilst I myself am retired from programming and have no personal desire to make commercial program releases, I do not like the lack of freedom GNU/GPL licences impose - hence all my own open source programs adopt MIT licences since I am perfectly happy for others to develop my work commercially or otherwise. Indeed I have children who may or may not want to make a livelihood as programmers one day so MIT licences leave that door of opportunity open. Yes, I know, a lot a people on here don't want any software to be able to further developed as any proprietry version, but its nonsense when anyone claims its ever likely for most people to make a livelihood out of GNU software creation. Of course original licensor author can release future proprietry versions but still GPL licences of others restrict what code can be re-used (so GPL-licensed code not properly collaborative outside GPL environment). I guess I should encourage my kids to avoid programming as a career nowadays (or join the Android bandwagon) since we have certainly reduced the Linux-related prgramming livelihood possibilities via GNU-style licensing restrictions. Fine as a hobby though. I'm not sure why so many people in Linux community impose such restrictions on themselves (as if collaboration can't happen in commerce). Anyway it's a small matter compared to the self-imposed restrictions citizens of the UK will have given themselves via BREXIT (good bye at least to European funded research collaborations in that case - e.g. Galileo); won't be many opportunities left in that poor inward-looking country.

EDIT: As for omission of ffplay; yes, its generally just a part of ffmpeg install... It's main binary currently just around 130kB (much smaller indeed than an mpv or mplayer binary) but 'ldd /usr/bin/ffplay' should reveal it also depends on lots of other stuff, including ffmpeg libs such as libavformat etc.

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#8 Post by musher0 »

Why would a GUI be so important? Linux has a few
competent CLI music players.

1) You have chosen to retire from programming? That is a big loss for this

2) I use GPL3 because it's a known quantity. It may force the hand of some,
or so they may think, but IMO that is a lesser evil than having no GPL-type
license at all.

TWY guys later.
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#9 Post by musher0 »


The draft of a script formerly presented here has become a full parser
script for pls lists. Please see post below. I apologize for any

As to the problem I exposed here as well earlier, just make sure your
pls or m3u lists are text files with LF endings only, not WhineDose files.
The small leafpad editor has a quick and easy way to solve that problem
at the bottom right of its save panel.

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"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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#10 Post by musher0 »


This is where I'm at.
More later...

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"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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#11 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

Here is a new, validated (as of this writing), ListingS file. It's
eclectic, covering many musical genres. It does NOT represent my
musical tastes entirely, but it has a slant towards classical and ancient
music (sorry!).

Code: Select all

STATION["AbacusFM Classical"]=""
STATION["BBC Radio 2"]="http://bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcmedia_radio2_mf_p"
STATION["BBC Radio 3"]="http://bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcmedia_radio3_mf_p"
STATION["BBC Radio 4"]="http://bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcmedia_radio4fm_mf_p"
STATION["Europe 1"]="http://e1-live-mp3-128.scdn.arkena.com/europe1.mp3"
STATION["France Info"]="http://direct.franceinfo.fr/live/franceinfo-midfi.mp3"
STATION["Hirschmilch Radio Prog-House"]="https://hirschmilch.de:7001/prog-house.mp3"
STATION["Radio 10 "60's & 70's Hits""]="http://17893.live.streamtheworld.com:80/TLPSTR18.mp3"
STATION["Radio Caprice - Mainstream jazz"]=""
STATION["Radio Caprice - Piano Jazz"]=""
STATION["Radio Paradise (320k)"]="http://stream-uk1.radioparadise.com/aac-320"
STATION["Venice Classical_Music"]=""
That list is structured to be played by script ffplay-radios.sh above. It
was constructed with the following pls file parser,

Code: Select all

# playslist-parser2.sh
# Goal: Create a matrix that script ffplay-radios.sh can use
# from an pls list.
# © Christian L'Écuyer,Gatineau (Qc), Canada, 4 janv. 2019. GPL3.
# (Alias musher0 [forum Puppy].)  Rév. : aucune / none.
cd /mnt/home/Musique/Radios

> test
> test-cumul
> ListingS-test
> temporaire.pls
awk -F"=" '$1 ~ /File|Title/' playlist.pls > no-empties.pls

while read url;do
     read Name
     [ "${Name:0:5}" = "Title" ] && Name="${Name#*=}"
     [ "${url:0:4}" = "File" ] && url="${url#*=}"
     echo "$Name|$url" >> temporaire.pls
     echo "$Name|$url"
done < no-empties.pls

while read line;do
    # Excluding music list endings, since ffplay cannot use them.
    if [ "${url: -3}" = "m3u" -o "${url: -3}" = "pls" -o "${url: -3}" = "asx" -o "${url: -3}" = "asf" ];then
          echo "on passe (1)"
          ffplay -x 300 -y 100 -window_title "${TITLE}" -timeout 2000 -loglevel verbose -hide_banner -loop 0 -i "${url}" 2> test
          cat test >> test-cumul
          if [ "`grep -E 'close|nvalid|timed|error|Failed' test`" ];then
               echo "on passe (2)"
# A faulty stream url will have one of those words in the test log.
# Résultat d'un test du flux. # If the test is good, we create the radio listing.
          else # si succès / if success
               echo -e "${Listing}" >> ListingS-test
done < temporaire.pls
and the parser for m3u lists above. Please note that both scripts contain
an actual ffplay test.

If you have old m3u or pls music lists, and you pass them through
these parsers, the resulting list will contain live radios (reservation:
on the day you used the parser).

"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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