Nvidia problem on Puppy 2.14 install

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Posts: 187
Joined: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 02:58

Nvidia problem on Puppy 2.14 install

#1 Post by paulsiu »

Recently, I tried to install my laptop from scratch on Puppy 2.14 using the notes from 2.13. One of the steps involve installing the Nividia driver. However, when I attempted to startx, I got the following error in dmesg:

nvidia: Unknown symbol agp_bind_memory
nvidia: Unknown symbol agp_enable
nvidia: Unknown symbol agp_backend_acquire
nvidia: Unknown symbol agp_free_memory
nvidia: Unknown symbol agp_allocate_memory
nvidia: Unknown symbol agp_unbind_memory
nvidia: Unknown symbol agp_copy_info
nvidia: Unknown symbol agp_backend_release

Any idea what this mean?

Posts: 187
Joined: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 02:58

OK, I figured it out

#2 Post by paulsiu »

Before you installnvidia, load the agpgart module by:

modprobe agpgart

Once the module is loaded, the unknown symbols messages go away.

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