Puppy 2.14: Unable to connect with dialup.

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Puppy 2.14: Unable to connect with dialup.

#1 Post by jason.b.c »

Is there any kind of step-by-step instructions that someone here could give me on how to get puppy 2.14 on the internet..??

My internet is dial-up....

My external serial modem - ttys1

i still can't get puppy on the internet...!
Last edited by jason.b.c on Mon 12 Mar 2007, 05:33, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by jason.b.c »

Here is the thread i started previously...

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 36&t=15527

I guess you could post there or here...
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#3 Post by rarsa »


I cannot help you with dialup as I've never used it in puppy.

I can help with a small advice though: Specify your problem in the thread's title. You can do it editing your first post in this thread.

"How do I connect with dialup?" <--- something like this.
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#4 Post by mbutts »

here is how my us robotics serial modem is set up

open the internet connection wizard (icon is on desktop)
hit the "connect to internet dialup analog modem " button
go through all the tty buttons and see if it finds one. if it does press the save button if audio is working on the machine it will say "OK"
a new box opens up and you press exit

gt dial box opens

hit "add" button
enter server name ( it is something that will help you to remember which account if you have more than one. could be AOL, dialup, my connection..ect

type in the phone number in the next box

enter your user name that the internet provider set u up with
enter the pass word

on connection type choose PAP
hit add and thats it!
then hit the connect button. i have seen problems if you shut off the computer with it being locked up and the computer will reboot but dialup will not work. to fix that problem just reboot and it should work fine.

if for some reason you did not find any modems detected in the i"nternet connection wizard "start with the one on the left,ttySO save it and go to the GK DIal setup box and put in all your info and save it.(once the info for your provider is added you should not have to reenter that) try to connect. if it does not work try ttyS1 save that and so on till u find one that works. usually i find one in S0 or S1 or SL0. some winmodems will not show even though they will work.

once you get the modem to connect :
at the bottom of the internet connection wizard there is 3 desktop connect icons you can check. select gkdial and it will bring up the gk dial box everytime you hit the desktop dialup icon. to get back to the internet connection wizard if you change modems, just right click the dialup desktop icon and select "execute the internet connection wizard"

let me know if that helps

oh one other thing, make sure you plug ur phone line into the right connection on the modem. NOT the one that looks like a phone, hook it up to the "other " one. it is the one that goes to the wall plugin.
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Do you have time to try this.

#5 Post by purple_ghost »

Restate the information on your hardware. Modem. Processor, RAM, hard drive, optical drive. Does your computer have more than one modem?

We should try to eliminate any extraneous details in working on this problem. To this end: Start with a new, fresh persistent file for Puppy 2.14. I am guessing you already have more than one persistent file. Or you know how to create one. Ask about the how for any detail which you are not sure about. Everyone is a first timer the first time.

As you create the new persistent file I want you create it with Xvesa and whatever resolution seems OK to you. And with the lower color number, which is 16. Yes. You are right. It should not make any difference. Just humor me. I would set the size of the persistent file to be 32 MB. This is just a test and there is no reason we should take up a whole bunch of your hard drive space.

You can see a version of "WvDial Modem Dialer" in the intial menu for Puppy 2.14. (Menu/network/WvDial Modem Dialer). Forget all about this program. It is not the version of WvDial which is used by the Gnome Dialer. I feel we should use the Gnome Dialer to get information.

If you look around. You might have a copy of the Gnome Dialer Pet Package. You can just click on this thing, (wherever it is) unzip it and allow it to install. Personally, when the computer asks you whether it should delete the Pet, I would keep it. You may want it conveniently around later. The computer will automatically tell you it needs a version of WvDial to be installed. It prompts you from where to get it. You can choose local and navigate to where ever you have it at. It will install all on its own. Then the install events will disappear.

You will have to reboot the computer for the Gnome Dialer to get hooked up and be on the Menu bar. The Modem must be turned on as the computer boots up again.

For the time being. Forget all about the Modem Wizard. We will first try to bypass using the Modem Wizard, which the Gnome dialer is set up to do.

So start the Gnome Dialer. Menu/Network/GnomePPP modem Dialup. In the Dialer start up. click on "Setup" Only change one thing. The first tab is for Modem. Leave alone the part where it says: "/dev/modem/" Click on the one named Speed. Set that to "38400" Yes I know that might not be the best setting. We are only trying to get the thing online before we tweak up the speed. Yes. Puppy Master is undoubtly correct when he says that this is the speed of the serial port and we should better correct the speed of the Modem by setting the "init strings" correctly. I doubt you are ready to research what the "init strings" should look like for your manufacturer/model of Modem, or want to research it, or type them in.

Reduce your expectations in this to be: We are just going to get some information. These efforts probably will not get you online right away.

After you change the speed. Close the setup. Enter your user name, password, phone number to your ISP, Personally, I would tell it to remember the password. This is another place one can be so sure one knows what one is doing. Well. The info can easily be entered wrong. I know, I have made that mistake on more than one occasion. Be careful to get this info in correctly.

Click on "Connect", The box which comes up will have a button named "Log". Quickly click the button "Log" before it goes away. In the mean time. If you can hear the Modem, give it a listen. If your Modem has the audio on, you are probably familar with the sound of a normal connection. First the dial tone, then the high pitched whistle. the lower pitched noises. Then what sounds like static. Then the modem audio cuts off, about the moment it is checking your password. Please tell us if there seems to be anything unusual in the audio. We want details. Be specific if you hear anything unusual. Like, when you first hear the dial tone. Do you hear a click click? Anything other than a pure dial tone?

Now If you got on. Go to some stable website. Like: http://www.yahoo.com

Tell us if and when it seems that the connection died, as best as you can determine. Or whether to Yahoo front page loaded.

We must have the information in the "Connection Log." If the "Connection Log is not on the top of everything else. Notice the rectangle on the task bar at the bottom of the screen that says, "Connection Log" Click on that to put the connection log on top. Click on the inside square where all the text is. Hold down the Ctrl key (lower left hand side of the keyboard, often) while pressing the character "a". This should select the text in the box, which you can see because the background all over the box changes color. Again, hold down the Ctrl key and press the character "c". This should copy information selected to the Clipboard.

Start one of the text editors. I like Geany. Menu/Document/Geany text editor.

When Geany starts click on File/New. Then Edit/Paste. Notice the functions of some of the Ctrl keys are explained the drop down for Edit. The information from the log should be showing in Geany.

Let us put this information some place you can get at it when you get back online with another distro of Linux. That would be on the hard drive outside of the Puppy file. File/Save As. Give it a name you can remember. End it with .txt. With the choice of "Save in folder". In my case that would be Home. Whatever that suits your situation.

Get back online with your other distro. Post the information in the text file and your other observations.

It would also be good to have the log information from a successful connection. I do not use Freeinspire. So I can not exactly tell you how to accomplish that. If you are not sure either. Then just post the info from the log in from the Gnome Dialer. And do remind us again what your hardware actually is.
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#6 Post by EdFromHouston »

Have you ran scanmodem.gz yet?

This is the first thing you need to do.

I have read all 65 posts in your two threads and the only thing you have told us so far that can help is that your password uses no special characters, and the modem is a serial hardware modem. This is good as it CAN be made to work because it has no software. What kind of modem....Brand...Memory...etc...? :?

Run scanmodem and copy it here. That will tell us more about your modem and what it is doing and allow for some systematic troubleshooting instead of guessing.

I would think using a hardware modem in some cases would require you to shutdown Freespire, not reboot, cut off the modem, then cut on the modem and boot up Puppy. This would eliminate the possibility of the modem not disconnecting fully and not dumping it's memory fully between changing operating systems.

Also what ISP are you using? Just because it works with Lindows doesn't mean it will work with Puppy unless the modem can observe the proper handshake rules. On a side note my modem disconnects using other ISPs after 1 second especially if they want you to use their dialup software.

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What Ed said, All excellent points.

#7 Post by purple_ghost »

I had thought to mention turning the Modem off and back on during a reboot. Personally I do not have any experience which indicates that might happen. Still. It is a good point. In some situations I think the Modem can retain info during a reboot.

If he can get Muppy online with Kppp. I hope he tries my suggestion with the Gnome dialer.

Ed is also surely right when he advises most people to use the scanmodem.gz a quick step to obtain information on modem problems.

Ed, If you know offhand how to get the log file (during startup) for Kppp, for Muppy, that would also seem to be useful in this case. Right now the Window for the boot log disappears as soon as the connection is made.
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Re: What Ed said, All excellent points.

#8 Post by EdFromHouston »

purple_ghost wrote: Ed, If you know offhand how to get the log file (during startup) for Kppp, for Muppy, that would also seem to be useful in this case. Right now the Window for the boot log disappears as soon as the connection is made.
I dont know for sure about Muppy but Puppy has that in /var/log/messages I think.

He said he got it working with Muppy and Kppp in the other post.
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Yes, I am the one who sent him Muppy.

#9 Post by purple_ghost »

I would hope to compare the successful log in from Kppp and an unsuccessful one with one of the other dialers.

The file you mentioned does not seem to have the kind of detail of the log in, What the modem sent, ATZ, init string, speed it connected. Even whether the connection even gets started.
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Re: Yes, I am the one who sent him Muppy.

#10 Post by EdFromHouston »

purple_ghost wrote:I would hope to compare the successful log in from Kppp and an unsuccessful one with one of the other dialers.

The file you mentioned does not seem to have the kind of detail of the log in, What the modem sent, ATZ, init string, speed it connected. Even whether the connection even gets started.
This is in mine using GKDial:

Code: Select all

Mar 12 22:58:05 (none) daemon.notice pppd[3241]: pppd 2.4.3 started by root, uid 0
Mar 12 22:58:07 (none) local2.info chat[3246]: abort on (ERROR)
Mar 12 22:58:07 (none) local2.info chat[3246]: abort on (RING)
Mar 12 22:58:07 (none) local2.info chat[3246]: abort on (BUSY)
Mar 12 22:58:07 (none) local2.info chat[3246]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Mar 12 22:58:07 (none) local2.info chat[3246]: abort on (VOICE)
Mar 12 22:58:07 (none) local2.info chat[3246]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Mar 12 22:58:07 (none) local2.info chat[3246]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
Mar 12 22:58:07 (none) local2.info chat[3246]: report (CONNECT)
Mar 12 22:58:07 (none) local2.info chat[3246]: send (ATZ^M)
Mar 12 22:58:07 (none) local2.info chat[3246]: expect (OK)
Mar 12 22:58:07 (none) local2.info chat[3246]: ATZ^M^M
Mar 12 22:58:07 (none) local2.info chat[3246]: OK
Mar 12 22:58:07 (none) local2.info chat[3246]:  -- got it 
Mar 12 22:58:07 (none) local2.info chat[3246]: send (ATDT2812200082^M)
Mar 12 22:58:08 (none) local2.info chat[3246]: timeout set to 60 seconds
Mar 12 22:58:08 (none) local2.info chat[3246]: expect (CONNECT)
Mar 12 22:58:08 (none) local2.info chat[3246]: ^M
Mar 12 22:58:38 (none) local2.info chat[3246]: ATDT2812200082^M^M
Mar 12 22:58:38 (none) local2.info chat[3246]: CONNECT
Mar 12 22:58:38 (none) local2.info chat[3246]:  -- got it 
Mar 12 22:58:38 (none) local2.info chat[3246]: send ()
Mar 12 22:58:38 (none) daemon.info pppd[3241]: Serial connection established.
Mar 12 22:58:38 (none) daemon.debug pppd[3241]: using channel 1
Mar 12 22:58:38 (none) daemon.info pppd[3241]: Using interface ppp0
Mar 12 22:58:38 (none) daemon.notice pppd[3241]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/modem
Mar 12 22:58:39 (none) daemon.warn pppd[3241]: Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world and/or group access
Mar 12 22:58:39 (none) daemon.debug pppd[3241]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x25d0f671> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) daemon.debug pppd[3241]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 < 00 04 00 00> <mru 1524> <asyncmap 0xa0000> <auth pap> <pcomp> <accomp> <mrru 1524> <endpoint [MAC:00:c0:7b:8b:3e:1e]>]
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) daemon.debug pppd[3241]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1 < 00 04 00 00> <mrru 1524>]
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) daemon.debug pppd[3241]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x25d0f671> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) daemon.debug pppd[3241]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 <mru 1524> <asyncmap 0xa0000> <auth pap> <pcomp> <accomp> <endpoint [MAC:00:c0:7b:8b:3e:1e]>]
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) daemon.debug pppd[3241]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 <mru 1524> <asyncmap 0xa0000> <auth pap> <pcomp> <accomp> <endpoint [MAC:00:c0:7b:8b:3e:1e]>]
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) daemon.warn pppd[3241]: Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world and/or group access
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) daemon.debug pppd[3241]: sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user="***************t" password=<hidden>]
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) daemon.debug pppd[3241]: rcvd [PAP AuthAck id=0x1 ""]
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) daemon.notice pppd[3241]: PAP authentication succeeded
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) user.info kernel: PPP BSD Compression module registered
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) user.info kernel: PPP Deflate Compression module registered
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) daemon.debug pppd[3241]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x1 <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15> <bsd v1 15>]
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) daemon.debug pppd[3241]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 <compress VJ 0f 01> <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns3>]
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) daemon.debug pppd[3241]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 <compress VJ 0f 01> <addr>]
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) daemon.debug pppd[3241]: sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1 <compress VJ 0f 01> <addr>]
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) daemon.debug pppd[3241]: rcvd [LCP ProtRej id=0x3 80 fd 01 01 00 0f 1a 04 78 00 18 04 78 00 15 03 2f]
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) daemon.debug pppd[3241]: rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns3>]
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) daemon.debug pppd[3241]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 <compress VJ 0f 01> <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns3>]
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) daemon.debug pppd[3241]: rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x2 <compress VJ 0f 01> <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns3>]
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) daemon.notice pppd[3241]: local  IP address
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) daemon.notice pppd[3241]: remote IP address
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) daemon.notice pppd[3241]: primary   DNS address
Mar 12 22:58:40 (none) daemon.notice pppd[3241]: secondary DNS address
I also know of /etc/ppp/

This is all I know of however there may be others. I'm not that up on linux. 8)
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Ed from Houston, Please clarify.

#11 Post by purple_ghost »

This login you are showing represents a successful, useful, continuing connection? If so then it would be of interest if you are using the exact same Modem which Jason B. C. is using.

Well. It is not entirely uninteresting. Just I am not sure how it solves Jason B. C. s' problem.
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Re: Ed from Houston, Please clarify.

#12 Post by EdFromHouston »

purple_ghost wrote:This login you are showing represents a successful, useful, continuing connection? If so then it would be of interest if you are using the exact same Modem which Jason B. C. is using.

Well. It is not entirely uninteresting. Just I am not sure how it solves Jason B. C. s' problem.
I posted it to help Jason know what to look for in /var/log/messages because the log file is much much longer in full for each log on (boot to shutdown) session.

If he still has problems he can use it as a guide to find info on his computer to post here.

It is a log of the good connection I used to post here and doesn't include the stuff after disconnecting last night because that is not of concern to him and would only confuse matters.
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Ed, I was unsure whether you have a successful login.

#13 Post by purple_ghost »

It is good you are around to help. I just wanted to make sure I understood the type of reply you were looking for. Please. I meant no offense.

I do not know very much about this either. As you can probably tell from what I have struggled with in my posts. Several months ago. As I sat in front of my computer and struggled with the issue of dial up connections, I guessed that a knowledgable person would figure out what was wrong and get it configured in like five minutes. I have spent hours,partially because searching for information with a dial up connection takes a lot of time. I would also guess that as of now, I do not have the connection configured to run as fast as the connection could run.

I have found a Dot Pet of "Cutecom serial port terminal." I hypthesis I could use this program to accomplish line by line, what the instructions are to log in. I do not see in this thing how to set up PAP CHAP, and those things.
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#14 Post by EdFromHouston »

I really don't know a lot about linux. I know just enough to know I want linux to grow up maybe 5 years down the road to beat up Bill Gates' Windows.

When I post here it's just to help the beginners mostly because I just dont know enough to help with advanced problems like the one Jason seemed to be having other than to help post basic info. I am good at Windows but linux is still new to me but IMO far better because it is open software. The way I figure it, we all start life unable to talk and with dirty diapers and lean as time goes by.

BTW, I quit getting offended when half my hair turned gray and the other half fell out. :lol:
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Re: Puppy 2.14: Unable to connect with dialup.

#15 Post by twodees »

jason.b.c wrote:Is there any kind of step-by-step instructions that someone here could give me on how to get puppy 2.14 on the internet..??

My internet is dial-up....

My external serial modem - ttys1

i still can't get puppy on the internet...!
I'm totally new to Linux and to Puppy, but here's what I learned while trying to get connected to the internet for the first time using my serial modem w/ Linux:

My username and password were entirely different from what I thought they were. I was trying to use the email username and password with no success until I called the ISP's support line and asked why I couldn't connect using the GK Dialler.

The tech asked what I was using for my login ID and password, then after asking me a few security control questions, read me the proper login username and passwords. After entering those two pieces of data, my connection went though immediately. I had never seen that username and password before because they are hidden when the network connection screen opens in Windows.
Hope that helps.
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I had similar problems using Wvdial ---PPP Daemon has died!

#16 Post by Shawnmao »

Hello, I had similar problems in connection to Internet.

I think I had problem with the PPP file.

Here was what happened. First I tried GKdial, it didn't workout. Then

I used Wvdialconf and got the right /etc/wvdial.conf. Then I use command line to run the Wvdial to connect PeoplePC. After trying several times, I kept getting an error and couldn't establish the connection.

The modem worked fine. I looks like I had problem with the "PPP". There is one line really worths attention:

"--->PPP Daemon has died! (exit code =2)"

"died", what a scary word!

So I check the log file. After carefully read the log file, I noticed this error message:

"Can't open options file /etc/ppp/peers/wvdial: No such file or directory"

It this the problem that I coundn't establish the connection?

If it is, how can I set up this file?

best regards,

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