Sparky Bonsai 64bit (not a puppy)

Puppy related raves and general interest that doesn't fit anywhere else
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#41 Post by Argolance »

oui wrote:What are the other Puppy find having for opinion about that?
Little bonsai will grow big?
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#42 Post by mauros »

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Taking the non-Puppy out for a walk

#43 Post by wiak »

I suppose... it doesn't really matter where projects get posted, except that it is disorganised to the extent I didn't even notice Sparky Bonzai until today after I happened to take look at "News" on, which pointed me here. Thank goodness for the DogLinux website or I'd perhaps never have known about Sparky's existence...

Since no-one with the authority to do so is it seems willing to helpfully reorganize murga forum sections, I just resigned myself to thinking of "Puppy Projects" as basically meaning "Projects created on murga puppy forum by members of the forum", which generally means inspired (to a greater or lesser extent) by original Puppy. I wouldn't have thought about looking under "Taking Puppy out for a walk" since DebianDog-based systems are undeniably not Puppies.

Moved to "Taking Puppy out for a walk/Misc" is, I suppose, a case of unhelpful forced disorganisation. I once imagined that the role of forum moderators was to help organise forums but I suppose helping make non-Puppy distributions less visible is an alternative interpretation of some moderators' self-perceived function. But why pick on Sparky Linux when the (discussion threads for the) other Dogs (of various types) remain, for the most part, on Puppy Projects?

I can only hope design decisions (migration or not) of rockedge's new forum gets finalised soon and organised to encourage developers to develop new creations rather than making them appear more than a little unwelcome. I'd happily permanently move everything I've every contributed myself over to a more open-minded location and indeed plan to do so as soon as rockedge makes it clear his forum is open for business.

It should also be remembered that the DebianDogs have been on here since at least 2013 (earlier if including Pussy Linux) and have a well-established following. They are certainly not "Miscellaneous"... The forum moderators appear somewhat blind to the reality of the obviously diverse interests of the other people who actually support/joined this forum. Of course, John Murga doesn't need to instigate any forum reorganisation. It would, however, be a simple matter for him to either welcome all the activities that are already established here (which should involve Section reorganisation for clarity), or to make a pronouncement of 'sorry guys, I have to ask you to move these non-Puppy forums out of here since Puppy only" - better late than never, and a new forum would be excellent anyway if as many of us as possible sign up to support it.

Anyway, I finally noticed SparkyLinux - looks good. Cheers.

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#44 Post by mauros »

The sparkybonsai jwm menumaker script is available for downloading at: ... .1_all.deb
source: ... /menumaker

Usage: Download, install .deb* and include the xml tag:

Code: Select all

<include>exec: menumaker</include>
in your /home/user/.jwmrc file under your menu tag (<Rootmenu onroot="1">).
Restart JWM and check your menu.
If the categories icons doesn't appear, edit /usr/local/bin/menumaker file as root and alter icon names according to your icon theme.
I.e edit:

Code: Select all

# accessories

Code: Select all

# accessories
Note: Sparkybonsai jwm menumaker won't call systemd related commands, it will run on non-systemd systems like BusterDog, StretchDog or any other linux system using bash.
*For non-debian based linux systems, copy the source file "menumaker" ( ... /menumaker) in your /usr/local/bin/ and chmod +x to install it.
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