WAG-0.2.2.pup Wireless Access Gadget

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#21 Post by keenerd »

Peppyy, thank you for that info. I will add support for Nicknames and some other details of your hardware.

But first, could you please properly configure WAG? You have plugged all your cards into socket 1. WAG defaults to socket zero, and it isn't smart enough to auto detect the socket. I'll work on that. Until then, could you open /root/my-roxapps/WAG/AppRun in a text editor. Near the top there is a line which says
Change this to say
Or just start using your cards in the other socket, which is empty. (Of course, don't do both or you're right back to where you started)

If you don't do either of these, it will always say card not active/responding, and half of WAG's functions will not work properly.
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#22 Post by peppyy »

I am so sorry. I stayed up way too late and must have missed that somehow. Amazing, I can actually connect like I should with the card in the top socket.
Here is the linksys in cardsoc0


# this script is user specific and may be optional
# it is called as the final step of the Reseat and scan process
# if you have extra steps to activate a wireless connection,
# append them here


# If the autowifi script isn't sufficient,
# or you need to run random commands at random times
# then place those commands here
# they will be run whenever you press the custom button

iwconfig wlan0 key *** essid *** mode managed channel **

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:0 (0.0 iB) TX bytes:0 (0.0 iB)

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:13:10:66:B7:4D
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:280 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:312 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:183195 (178.9 kiB) TX bytes:48750 (47.6 kiB)

wlan0 IEEE 802.11b ESSID:"home"
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.447GHz Access Point: 00:E0:98:DE:D3:33
Bit Rate:11Mb/s Tx-Power:20 dBm Sensitivity=0/3
RTS thr:2432 B Fragment thr:2432 B
Encryption key:off
Power Management:off
Link Quality:100/100 Signal level:-51 dBm Noise level:-256 dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0

Puppy Linux...
It just works!
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#23 Post by keenerd »

I really like this forum. I think its a very nice place. Case in point, for weeks I have been posting on this board. I've uploaded files. All without an account. Its an amazing feature that more places should allow. Sure, you run the risk of being spammed, but its nice that a newbie who will only ever post one question doesn't have to go an register a unique username and password.

But the unregistered "non-citizens" don't have any rights. Free speech certainly, but they can be edited at a whim. Sometimes, this is a good thing. One of my first posts was had a horribly nondescript title. A moderator fixed it. Good use of power. But now someone has gone and changed the name of my program. And while I am not the most creative person, I will take suggestions. Polite suggestions from sources I can see. Not strong armed manipulation that happens without warning. Moderators (and the like) should always be curteous and say why they change someone's post, even for legitimate reasons. At least mention it when someone's program is renamed from Wireless Access Gadget to Wireless Access Grabber. I appreciate the more descriptive subject line, but I prefer a truthful one.

I'm not mad, just annoyed. But now you've gone and made me register. So, now that I'm a registered "citizen", can someone fix it?

Onto the serious portion:

Peppy, thank you for all the data. I'll look for an alternative to "iwlist scan". That one command is the underpinning of the whole program. Support varies, even between drivers. My card supports scanning under Madwifi but not under Ndiswrapper. Linked man pages suggest more options, but not all of the commands are included with Puppy.
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#24 Post by Flash »

keenerd wrote:"...someone has gone and changed the name of my program. And while I am not the most creative person, I will take suggestions. Polite suggestions from sources I can see. Not strong armed manipulation that happens without warning. Moderators (and the like) should always be curteous and say why they change someone's post, even for legitimate reasons. At least mention it when someone's program is renamed from Wireless Access Gadget to Wireless Access Grabber. I appreciate the more descriptive subject line, but I prefer a truthful one.
I'm afraid it was me who did that, and it was a mistake. I didn't mean to change the name you gave it, only expand the "wag" in the subject line so it would catch the eye. I wasn't paying attention, apparently. I'm terribly sorry. :oops:

Now that you've registered, I find that I can't correct my mistake. As the registered originator of that post, so you should be able to change it yourself.
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WAG-0.2.4.pup Wireless Access Gadget

#25 Post by keenerd »

Flash, no hard feelings.

Testers of WAG-0.2.4: I have found a very small bug. I messed up* some quotes, so you'll have trouble connecting to access points with spaces in the name. Here's how to fix:
Open the WAG AppRun in a text editor.
Do find a find and replace.
and replace it with:
essid "$SCANESSID"
Click replace all, and save the change.

There is exactly one occurance, so its easy.

*It looks like I forgot them, but I think the iwconfig docs are incorrect. They show the essid option working without quotes and with spaces in the name. Yesterday I tested on an AP with spaces, and iwconfig clipped the essid at the first space.
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WAG-0.2.4.pup Wireless Access Gadget

#26 Post by keenerd »

Flash, it seems I'm stuck. You change the subject by changing the subject of the post which started the thread, right? Well, I can only edit my own messages. After registering. Registering gives me no retroactive powers over previous anonymous posts which just happen to have the same name as me. So, I can't change the subject it.

I've tried a bunch of other stuff, too.
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#27 Post by Flash »

I can't change it either, although I obviously could before you registered. I'll ask JohnM to intervene.
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