uPupBB32 + installing + noPAE

Booting, installing, newbie
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uPupBB32 + installing + noPAE

#1 Post by LNSmith »

The problem: I need to edit the config file on an ISO drive, but the drive "believes" it is read-only. How can I edit/save the config (boot) file?
Reason: I must add -- forcepae to grub.cfg
Additional: The thumb drive is deluded. This 16GiB SanDisk believes it is an ISO9660 CD.

Detail of installation: see below.
Any help appreciated.

Detail follows:
Context to problem: I installed uPupBB32 (the Bionic Pup) on a Dell 8600 laptop.
I did this using Tahr-Pup 6.0.5 (32 bit Tahr w/out PAE). This Dell does not have PAE and I have other laptops that lack PAE function. These laptops are all functionally fine; the avail max memory is 2GiB. I want to say that the bionic pup runs nicely on this hardware.

Installation note: Date: Sat 2020-Jun-06. Installing uPupBB32 to 16GiB SanDisk CRUZER.
Attempt #1 failed. (method #2 - below - is diff't)
Method #2: success.
Tool/operation action
Application/setup/bootflash installer invoke.
Select drive to make bootable sdX (chosen)
Method: Write iso file to USB drive (second item on menu, NOT 1st) icon => burning CD drive.
Selected ISO file: BionicPup32-8.0-uefi.iso
size: 286.3MiB <ok>
Click "Write ISO to USB" <ok>
See msg: Please wait - writing ISO file to USB
See msg: Making extra space (on USB).

Result: uPupBB32 installed on flash-disk. Bootable, but note this:
I MUST MANUALLY INVOKE -- forcepae during the boot process; <tab> -- forcepae <enter>

Result: see screen-shot.
Can supply detail from grub.cfg if required, but the essential lines are (I think):

menuentry "Start upupbb 19.03" {
linux /vmlinuz pmedia=cd
initrd /initrd.gz

menuentry "Start upupbb 19.03 - RAM only" {
linux /vmlinuz pfix=ram pmedia=cd
initrd /initrd.gz

etc ...
I need to add -- forcepae to the line "linux /vm/linux pmedia=cd.
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#2 Post by foxpup »

Do you not have some little pause during boot where you can type "puppy --forcepae" ?
Maybe not.

I think 'old' Dell 8600 has legacy boot, not UEFI.
The grub.cfg is probably for UEFI boot and legacy boot by isolinux.

I think it is normal that you pendrive says it is ISO9660 CD because you wrote the .iso as is to the pendrive.
And ISO9660 CD is read only.

Since you do these installs from a running Puppy, you could change to a more flexible method.
Do a frugal install and run grub4dos. First time you let grub4dos install to mbr.
You can add Puppys later if you do it this way. Run grub4dos again after new install just to make a new menu.lst.
This way your pendrive stays rw, so you can still write a pupsave or anything else (documents) to the free space.

Instruction here: Puppy Linux legacy boot EASY
At least read the second post as well.

Just wondering: why do you need --forcepae?
I've forgotten.
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#3 Post by bigpup »

bootflash installer for some reason made the install to USB work like a iso burn to a CD.
The ISO9660 is the format a CD uses, and it is read only.

Try this:
Boot with Tahrpup 6.0.5

Do this to the USB drive to get it back to normal.

To do this the USB flash drive can not be in use. Only accessed. Not booted from. Not being used to run Puppy.
In a console type this code and hit enter.
(The code of=/dev/sdb sdb is the flash drive, yours could be sdc, sdd, etc.... adjust to match yours)


Code: Select all

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M count=1

This will remove all partitions, format, and data from USB flash drive.

Use Gparted to get back to normal setup.
1. Make a partition table:
GParted > Device > Create Partition Table > MS-DOS default.
2. Partition and format as you like.
One partition formatted fat32 or ext 2, 3, or 4 and flag boot.

Try using this installer to do the install.
Link in my signature.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
YaPI(any iso installer)
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uPupBB32 + installing + noPAE

#4 Post by LNSmith »

Hi FoxPup:
Hi BigPup (see further down)

Do you not have some little pause during boot where you can type "puppy --forcepae" ?
Maybe not
Yes, when I boot uPupBB32 I see a menu. When I key 'tab' I edit the menu line, adding -- forcepae. The puppy bootstrap understands that the CPU lacks PAE, and boots accordingly. Without -- forcePAE - booting stalls. When I <tab> the boot continues. So - as I said - the problem is minor. I have this work-around.

However I use every 'problem' as a means of improving my knowledge and so I would like to solve this problem. Also, an elegant booting process will allow me to 'make puppy great again'. I can't pretend to do that when I have to intervene - manually - during the booting process.


Hello Bigpup:
Thank you for your suggestion. I will try YaPi, as you suggest.
I'm confident about using gParted. ditto for the dd instruction. I am aware of the power (and danger) inherent in dd (and dd-rescue).

I CAN boot uPupBB32 (on the Dell 8600. See above.) My need to edit the config file is a matter of inconvenience, It does not prevent me from booting the laptop.
However, I want Puppy to be elegant - without manual intervention during booting.

Yes, the booting process assumes the storage device is a CD (as you say) - that is suggested in the boot-flash application. I see an image of flames around a CD. Plus, I get other indications that the end product is a 'CD'. Actually, I think I have a trans-gender thumb-drive. Starts life one way but ends up as a different entity!

Also! I want to develop an elegant method to install uPupBB32 on a laptop W/O pae hardware. There are a zillion laptops (w/out PAE) lying around and (with the Bionic Pup) they are quite functional. In terms of 'puppies' the Bionic Pup has advantages over the other puppies. Even the shell is better in the bionic pup. Specifically a more recent shell and geany.
I use the shell many hours every week. (Thanks BK!)
When I have a reliable method of installation I want to post the procedure on the Puppy-Wiki pages.

All the best from Australia.

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uPupBB32 + installing + noPAE

#5 Post by LNSmith »

G'day Bigpup:

I followed your advice and down-loaded and installed YaPI.
But YaPI failed to install uPupBB32. Any help/observations gratefully accepted.

Additional info.
(1) I downloaded & installed YaPI. Success (I believe) When done (see (2) below) YaPI was in /usr/sbin. Then:
(2) Yapi was the seen as last item in Menu-Applications/Setup. (correct!)
When I ran YaPI I got the screen below: ie Yapi believes there is no upupBB on my mounted drives. (See screen-shot).

(3) I believe the file BionicPup32-8.0-uefi.iso is in the directory:
I tried to attach the screenshot of the directory - but made some mistake. It ended up as a down-loadable file. If you download the file you can see the listing of the Puppy OS files. Plus (see below)

(4) Using the shell I list the directory content of sda1:
# pwd
# ls
BionicPup32-8.0-uefi.iso "Dell+'pae'+uPupBB.txt"
bionicpup64-8.0-uefi.iso pae-notes_abt.txt

The files seem to exist. I don't understand why YaPI does not find them.

Additional info: I neglected to say that YaPI DID find other 'pups' - but not uPupBB32 - the one I mentioned. (this info added one day after orig. posting).
snapshot shows directory listing of a MOUNTED drive (sda1)
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YaPI reports: *.iso file is not found (but see snapshot below)
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uPupBB32 + installing + noPAE

#6 Post by LNSmith »

Additional Info: In the down-load you can see all the Puppy OS files located by YaPI.
Conclusion: YaPI is searching the system, but fails to locate the Puppy of interest.

Puppy Operating Systems Found by YaPI.
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#7 Post by bigpup »

I am not sure.
Never seen YaPI spit out a list that looks like that one.
Maybe something to do with how far into directories the iso's are.

Uninstall that older version of YaPI.
Install this version:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... &id=120000

With it.
You can right click on an iso.
Select YaPI from the right click menu.
YaPI will start at the point of selecting what drive to install on.

I tried a search for iso's.
The first search it only found one iso.
I pressed refresh button on the search window.
It then found a bunch of the ones I have.

I hate software, when it does what it wants to, not what it is suppose to do! :roll:
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The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
YaPI(any iso installer)
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