The new LUKS Uni-Tool: LotsaLuks v1.0.0

Antivirus, forensics, intrusion detection, cryptography, etc.
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Joined: Thu 28 Jun 2018, 10:38

#21 Post by memo »

jafadmin wrote:1) What is a "lock" file?
2) For the app to encrypt a partition, that partition must first exist.
3) The app uses the standard Xdialog "file select" (fselect) dialog. I'm not sure from your description what the problem is.
*4) The app doesn't work with mmcblk devices only because I don't have a machine with a flash reader to test with. I manage flash memory with USB adapters due to their simplicity and uniformity. The app will work with flash memory in a USB adapter.
5) Never try to move a LUKS encrypted file, or ANY file opened as a loop device while it is mounted. Once that item is closed, use Roxfiler to move it wherever you wish.

*If I find a machine with a flash reader, I will update the app to accommodate it.
*If you encrypt a MicroSD using a USB adapter, those puppies with LUKS built-in (Bionics, for instance), AND a built-in MicroSD reader will prompt for the password when it's disk icon is clicked, and mount the encrypted partition.
Thanks for the explanation, I am trying with it.
Xanialpup 7.5 32 bit

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