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Get more software with Pupget

#1 Post by Lobster » ... pupget.ogg

Lobster ogg vorbis 5000k pawed cast all about pupget programs in 1.0.4 / 1.0.5

Pawedcast = podcast - basically an informative rant

other pawedcasts (we are just starting out)
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#2 Post by GuestToo »

i could upload this to / if you like ... the pawedcast is not available at the moment ... sql errors
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#3 Post by Lobster »

8) Thanks G2 - I download it to the quick location because it is convenient. :oops: I should have another look at the archive . . . for now I would be grateful if you move it there . . . :D
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#4 Post by GuestToo »

i uploaded the pawedcast a while ago, but sometimes it takes a while to appear ... the other 2 i uploaded appeared within a minute or so ... so here's the link to the webpage:

there will be direct link to the file on that page
just under the plugin window
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#5 Post by Lobster »

Many thanks will try doing a another pawed cast today on 1.0.5
Changed the link on the wiki news page to your archive link.

PS I am in Icewm, when I leave Icewm, JWM and fvwm are available from the menu but to get into icewm I have to go to the dialogue and type startx (or "xwin") icewm. I know you work from the command line but is there a way of retaining icewm on the menu (using the "official" icewm dotpup) and incorporating that into the installation?
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#6 Post by GuestToo »

i'm not sure exactly what you mean

icewm can switch to fvwm95, jwm, and some other window managers, without shutting down X and killing your X apps ... wm's that are installed should appear in the icewm menu automatically

jwm and fvwm95 have menu items to switch to icewm ... but they are commented out so they don't appear in the menus ... you would need to edit .jwmrc and fvwm95rc to uncomment those lines ... i guess they might get uncommented if you installed an icewm unleashed package

the icewm dotpup could uncomment the icewm lines in the menu files, using sed (streaming editor) ... i think twice about doing something like that, because it is very easy to accidently corrupt the files, and for jwm and fvwm95, they are also config files, and you can screw things up quite easily
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#7 Post by Lobster »

OK I understand the corruption thing. In fact I often get tempted by the glitz and then my Puppy gets in a twizzle and I start with a fresh install. I really liked Rarsas JWM floating GNU . . . maybe I will keep away from fluxbox . . . but its so cute . . . thanks for the explantion - normal service is now resumed . . . :roll:
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