Wanted a PUPPY with a MAC OS X look

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Wanted a PUPPY with a MAC OS X look

#1 Post by earlytv »

I have a MAC SE all in one system that is now a ITX MB running PUPPY.
There are XP looking puppies how about a MAC OS X look to a PUPPY?
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#2 Post by dvw86 »

Do you have IceWM installed?
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#3 Post by SirDuncan »

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 046#166046

Made with:
wNOP (XFCE, Compiz-Fusion) as base Puppy version
Kiba-Dock as the OSX like dock
Mac icons and wallpaper collected from the net
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#4 Post by earlytv »

I am a hardware person, a retired ETECH from GM auto electronics.
What version PUPPY did you start with? How was all that changed? How could I do that? I dont think I could do that? How do I get a ISO image of all that?
Last because the monitor in this Mac SE is a very old SVGA that has special needs to run at all with puppy it needs to be a version of PUPPY that the XORG when it cant talk to the monitor takes me to a list of LCD and CRT old monitors to pick from, I pick " cheap old 14 inch monitor"
which works great. Xorg lets me fine tune the settings and if I edit the XORG.CONF file I can even get the 1024x768 interlace mode monitor can do. Vert = 87hz and Horiz = 35.5khz on that interlace mode. Interlace done fast enough I dont see flicker on screen. TV interlace VERT = 60hz

The MAC SE was striped and all different MB, CRT, CRT driver board, ect, ect were put in. Its now like avatar I use.
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#5 Post by disciple »

The Puppy version was wNOP.
I'm not sure that you'd want to run Kiba Dock on really limited hardware.
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#6 Post by MU »

what Puppy?
You can use Icewm as window-manager.
Look for "ezpup" here, it includes it: http://wellminded.com/puppy/pupsearch.html
Note that it depends on your Puppyversion, which ezpup you must use.
Some packages of it include a Mac-like windowdecoration.
Then use tablaunch to get a dock-like program-launcher:

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#7 Post by SirDuncan »

Like I said, I used wNOP as the base (wobbily Nearly Office Pup). It is available here http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 49&t=24871

Kiba-Dock is available here http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 749#154937

As mentioned already, I probably wouldn't try running Kiba on a system with limited resources. In fact, I wouldn't try running Compiz-Fusion (a 3D effects program included in wNOP and required for Kiba to run properly) at all.

You should be able to make something similar with just the XFCE window manager, but you won't have an actual dock, just a quick launcher.

You can also do as MU suggests and see if that is good enough for you.

As for changing the icons, that will depend on what WM you go with.

I would just post a remaster for you, but the last time I tried to create a remaster from that system I wound up with a disc that wouldn't get past the CLI.
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#8 Post by earlytv »

The ITX motherboard in this runs at 1.3 gig and has 1 gig of ram. The slot load DVD/CD is r/w and even reads dual layer dvd. The floppy is a slim USB floppy because MB has no floppy plug. The hard drive is a 100 gig laptop drive. The only thing old and limited is the 9 inch monitor but just because the 1024x768 runs interlaced will any program care?
All this is at bread board stage setting on a old rack mount server metal bottom plate because if I cant get it to run like I like why put all the work into installing into case? The avatar picture is from a older article showing how to build this, sorry its not my pic.
Point, Is the system limited or could it run what you have, SirDuncan???
How could I get the iso image if you can make it?
Can that version of puppy run this strange monitor where I have to edit the XORG.CONF file to get it to do 1024x768 interlaced?

Thanks for any and all help!!!

SIDE note, this MB is written up in this fourm by me as having NOISE on the screen when used above 800x600. I see same on other fourms with other linux on this MB. It seems like the problem per the experts is the faster you access the video ram the more noise you get. Normal 1024x768 with way faster HORIZ and VERT rates cause noise, my way slower 1024x768 interlace has not caused noise yet that I can see??

2.17 and 3.01 on Intel D201GLY mobo: video problem

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#9 Post by disciple »

Since no one else has replied:
No, that isn't what I would call really limited hardware, but I really don't know what you'd want/need for compiz fusion.

Maybe check out http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Hardware

Looking at the old system requirements for Beryl (on wikipedia) it looks like your system should be up to it.

BTW it would be pretty cool if someone produced a good Mac look-alike Puppy :)
Or even a dotpup or squashfile... What would it need? WM + theme, GTK theme, tray, icons...?
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#10 Post by earlytv »

Went to site for wNop that SirDuncan talked about and got the iso.
Burned it to DVD and tried it on 2 of my systems. On the SIS graphics system no 3D effects at all. On the intel i810 graphics system it tried for 3D but had many problems.
Went to page disciple talked about and on 1st page there picked intel hardware. It talked about terms that I dont know what they mean like AIGLX and Xgl rendering, but under AIGLX Downsides were all the problems my intel graphics system has when running wNOP, like blue regions, flickering, and others that dont work at all. It talks about workarounds?

I also got the Kiba-Dock items and saved them out.

Last edited by earlytv on Sun 16 Mar 2008, 15:09, edited 1 time in total.
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#11 Post by MU »

Only few SIS-chips are supported in Linux with 3D.
The often used 630 not.

# Once again: There is no DRI/OpenGL/3D support for the SiS 6326, 5597/5598, 530/620, 315, 550, 650, 651, 740, 330, 661, 741, 760, 761 including all model variations with letters in the model number.
# About XGI: Although there is a binary XGI DRI driver for the Volari Vx chips available from XGI, this DRI driver is not supported in connection with the X driver available here or in X.org/XFree86. Hence there is no DRI/OpenGL/3D support for the XGI Volari V3XT, V5, V8 chips yet, unless you dare to use XGI's "own" X driver which comes with the said binari DRI driver. (The Volari Z7 has no 3D engine, so thinking about DRI is moot.)

I think people had success in NOP with some Intel Chips.
Please check the corresponding thread if yes, and how.
Then if things remain unclear, you certainly will get help by Intel-chip users :)
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#12 Post by ttuuxxx »

Should I? Shouldn't I?

Hmmmmm This is a project that I would like to try, The only thing holding me back is basically Would it be legal to make a mac OS looking clone?
And also which version of puppy to base it on 2.17.1 or 3.0.1 they both have their good/problem sides.
Thanks for your time
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#13 Post by klu9 »

well gray doesn't seem to have got in trouble for making a puplet (NOP) that looks like MS Windows XP.

admittedly Apple did once sue people for things like having a "trashcan" on their "desktop", saying those were Apple ideas... but that was 20 years ago AFAIK.
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#14 Post by ttuuxxx »

klu9 wrote:@ttuuxxx
well gray doesn't seem to have got in trouble for making a puplet (NOP) that looks like MS Windows XP.

admittedly Apple did once sue people for things like having a "trashcan" on their "desktop", saying those were Apple ideas... but that was 20 years ago AFAIK.
Ok I'll do it, what the hell,lol
I've been researching it already and Have found a wealth of useful tools, Ideas, etc

Man this going quick, now for the hard question should it have grrrrrr KDE, since KDE is more apple oriented? and I'm at a crossroads with the 2.17.1 or 3.0.1
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#15 Post by ttuuxxx »

I've been really thinking about it now, hows " OS P" sound for the derivative?

Next I think it should be released in different stages, stage 1 will be alpha stage start "looks"
stage 2 will be "feel" <-- custom applications to improve the feeling.
stage 3 will be bug fixes <-------- Need Bug Swatters to help out. (alpha ends)
stage 4 will be beta pre release
stage 5 will be beta everyday use
sound confusing I agree, but really its not just skinning puppy, Its changing the way puppy works somewhat visually.
I'll quickly put together some sort of base and work from that.
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#16 Post by klu9 »

ttuuxxx wrote:Ok I'll do it, what the hell,lol
I've been researching it already and Have found a wealth of useful tools, Ideas, etc
Go for it!
Man this going quick, now for the hard question should it have grrrrrr KDE, since KDE is more apple oriented? and I'm at a crossroads with the 2.17.1 or 3.0.1
I thought Gnome was the Apple-alike DE; don't they follow the same interface guidelines etc?

BTW here's an article I read recently on making Xfce look like OSX:
http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2008/0 ... 44-part-2/

EDIT: Maybe you could use Wobbly NOP as a starting point, as it already has Xfce and Compiz-Fusion.
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#17 Post by Lobster »

use Wobbly NOP as a starting point
good plan
MAXpup as a name?

Puppy Raspup 8.2Final 8)
Puppy Links Page http://www.smokey01.com/bruceb/puppy.html :D
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#18 Post by iscraigh »

If I might suggest using sim dock instead of or as an option to awn for those of us that lack 3d support for our video cards.

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#19 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi Guys

What I'm planning on doing is basically trying to do it with the puppy way, Heart included!
Meaning that it works on older hardware, and that its universal and take low system resources, With that in mind. I'll have to try my best at performance.

When I was trying a name out, and said "OS P" well the "P" could stand for puppy or pear, Like having a pear shaped fruit enstead of a apple shaped fruit. Really I don't want to get sued for this.
Plus really who in there right mind would let someone copyright an apple in the USA from a Canadian first found fruit. Well here's what i've found out about the real mac. But thats not what i've heard, It was first found around 50 km east from there. Theres even a plaque, etc And I'm from the area:) So we are taught this in schoolt.
Anyways a little histroy thats is 90%true,LOL.
Dundela, Iroquois, Ontario - The Apple Macintosh logo, one of the most recognizable symbols in the world, has its roots in a chance discovery on small farm in Dundela, Ontario in 1811. While clearing his land near Prescott, John McIntosh stumbled across several apple seedlings, which he transplanted. One flourished and produced what we know today as the McIntosh Red Apple – or the simply, the ‘Mac’ (Apple changed the spelling for its computer systems). John’s son Allen reproduced the tree through grafting and spread it throughout the region. Although damaged by a fire, the original tree produced fruit until 1906. The more than 300,000 McIntosh apple trees now growing in North America, and all the others in the world, are decedents of this single tree. Two monuments commemorating John McIntosh and his apple, now stand in Dundela. At the nearby Smyth’s Apple Orchard, which has 30,000 trees, visitors can taste a Mac grown in its birthplace.

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#20 Post by Boo2themoon »

Sorry if this has already been mentioned ( I'm one a quick break) but I recently found this Xfce theme and icons.
http://www.xfce-look.org/content/show.p ... tent=13548
The icon bar looks like Engage which has already been used by someone with Xfce n the forum thread "my puppy is more gorgeous...etc......."
Must fly
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