MAJOR BUG: Puppy 4.0 is Burning the CPU

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MAJOR BUG: Puppy 4.0 is Burning the CPU

#1 Post by ARAN »

Hello !

I am using now for more than a few days Puppy LInux 4.0 on my Laptop.

The two first negative imperssions for me were.
The Fan was allways running 100% and my Laptop was also allways amazing hot.

Now i have maked some tests and for my surprise Puppy is consuming less than 1% of the CPU Power but it produce more than 70 Celsius Degree Heatness.

To prove it itself just type the following command here in the terminal !
# cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRC/*
0 - Active; 1 - Passive
<polling disabled>
state: ok
temperature: 79 C
critical (S5): 97 C
passive: 90 C: tc1=2 tc2=5 tsp=300 devices=CPU0
  • Mem: 183348K used, 6584K free, 0K shrd, 23020K buff, 82788K cached
    CPU: 3% usr 1% sys 0% nice 95% idle 0% io 0% irq 0% softirq
    Load average: 0.18 0.15 0.16
    8796 8791 root S 110m 59% 1% /usr/lib/seamonkey-1.1.8/seamonkey-bin
    8517 8516 root S < 88100 46% 1% X :0 -mode 0x0118 -shadow -mouse /dev/
    8679 8568 root S 2772 1% 0% /usr/bin/rxvt
    10326 10316 root S 17872 9% 0% gtkdialog3 --program=PPROCESS --center
    8568 1 root S 16376 9% 0% /usr/local/apps/ROX-Filer/ROX-Filer -p
    8655 8568 root S 15152 8% 0% geany /root/.conkyrc
    8585 1 root S 9972 5% 0% blinky -bg #DCDAD5
    8573 8539 root S 9944 5% 0% absvolume -bg #DCDAD5
    8539 8516 root S 5092 3% 0% jwm
    15498 1 root S 4504 2% 0% /usr/sbin/cupsd
    8576 1 root S 3412 2% 0% xload -nolabel -fg red -hl white -bg #
    8578 1 root S 3388 2% 0% freememapplet -p 12
    8680 8679 root S 2784 1% 0% bash
    10316 1 root S 2736 1% 0% /bin/bash /usr/local/pprocess/pprocess
    8791 8765 root S 2688 1% 0% /bin/sh /usr/lib/seamonkey-1.1.8/run-m
    8765 8568 root S 2664 1% 0% /bin/sh /usr/bin/mozilla
    15919 1 root S 2652 1% 0% /bin/sh /usr/X11R7/bin/xwin
    8581 1 root S 2560 1% 0% asapm -u 4
    13368 8680 root R 2312 1% 0% top
    8516 15919 root S 2224 1% 0% /usr/X11R7/bin/xinit /root/.xinitrc --
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#2 Post by Eyes-Only »

Now that's interesting... I tried that command, pasted directly to the terminal as you've written here Aran and I received "No such file or directory." and yet I'm using Puppy 4.00 installed to hard drive in a full install upon my desktop. How odd.

But not only that, here's another interesting one for you: I've actually switched to 4.00 because my computer runs quieter and cooler than it did with any prior Linux OS---just the opposite results from you!

Don't get me wrong Aran, please. I'm not doubting you, as you've quoted your results here, moreso than others and moreso than I've done (and I can't because of not getting the result re: paragraph #1). And I don't doubt you as just look at all the bug reports for version 4.00 that are coming in as well.

I'm saying that I'm starting to feel a little lonely out here in "left field" as I seem to be the only person without a single bug to report---as if Puppy 4.00 were made to run upon my computer! :oops:

Hopefully you'll find a solution to your problem soon from one of the other regulars to the forum here. Sorry I'm unable to help. :(


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#3 Post by ARAN »

The path differ from BIOS to BIOS.

Look what for folders do you have in this directory

There must be some folders for System Temperature and CPU Temperature

I am having the following Folders in this PATH


If i Understand you right you are using a Installed version of Puppy Linux.
Can you proove this also with a LiveCD Version of Puppy Linux after 3 to 4 Hours Work ?

There are at least some puppy users with cpu heat problems but for me the solutions dont work ... 79&t=28443

Here some people with the same problem (german) ... 79&t=25669
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#4 Post by Dingo »

Hey... I don't have /proc/acpi/ on my Puppy 3.01 why this? :shock:
replace with .info to get access to stuff I posted in forum
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#5 Post by SirDuncan »

Mine is "THM0" not "THRC". My lappy has only been on 15 minutes or so, but I'm not noticing any heat problems. In fact, my fan isn't even on right now.

Code: Select all

# cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM0/*  
<setting not supported>
cooling mode:   passive
<polling disabled>
state:                   ok
temperature:             31 C
critical (S5):           93 C
passive:                 90 C: tc1=5 tc2=4 tsp=600 devices=0xdfe11338 
As you can see, I'm running at 31 degrees Celsius (~88 deg F). The only thing I'm running at the moment is Firefox, so I'm not eating up CPU cycles. CPU usage is bouncing between 1% and 10%.

I'm running a frugal install from the HD, so my CD drive is not spinning (it wouldn't from a live CD either, because I have enough RAM to load all the way).

I will try this again after I have had the computer on for while.
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#6 Post by ARAN »

Wow SirDuncan !

Thats really a cool Temeprature Amount !
Are you sure that you are posting the right Temperature ?
I can't see something saying about cpu temperature like in mine first post !
passive: 90 C: tc1=2 tc2=5 tsp=300 devices=CPU0
My Temperature amount is getting in less than 5 minutes from 60 Degree
from Start directly to 75-79 Degrees

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#7 Post by SirDuncan »

Let me put ours side by side for you:

state: ok state: ok
temperature: 79 C temperature: 31 C
critical (S5): 97 C critical (S5): 93 C
passive: 90 C: tc1=2 tc2=5 tsp=300 devices=CPU0 passive: 90 C: tc1=5 tc2=4 tsp=600 devices=0xdfe11338

EDIT: Arrgghh . . . I forgot that the forum eats whitespace. Edited so that mine is italic.
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#8 Post by ARAN »


Your Temperature Amount cant be from the CPU.

The device string dont contain the word CPU
Also Think Logical.
Can a CPU really have the temperature of the Room ?

Look here Your Posting
passive: 90 C: tc1=5 tc2=4 tsp=600 devices=0xdfe11338
And look here mine Posting
passive: 90 C: tc1=2 tc2=5 tsp=300 devices=CPU0
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#9 Post by HairyWill »

thinkpad x30 running 4.00

Code: Select all

# cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM0/*  
<setting not supported>
cooling mode:   passive
<polling disabled>
state:                   ok
temperature:             41 C
critical (S5):           96 C
passive:                 91 C: tc1=5 tc2=4 tsp=600 devices=0xdf621338 
I expect that differences are down to various none standard laptop implementations of the ACPI spec.
Does acpi work ok on your laptop with other distros using a similar kernel?
What make/model is it?
Does the temperature behave if you boot with acpi=off and use apm instead. Stats are in /proc/apm
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#10 Post by ARAN »

Sorry but from my side of view your Data for the CPU is also wrong.

Look at the devices description
HairyWill wrote: passive: 91 C: tc1=5 tc2=4 tsp=600 devices=0xdf621338
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#11 Post by SirDuncan »

It's pointing to the memory location of the CPU, not giving its identifier. As for room temperature, it is about 55F(~13C) outside, and I have my window open so it can't be more than 60F(~16C) in here.

I don't know about where you are, but 88F isn't reached until mid-summer here in Ohio.

My CPU temp is now being reported as 38C(~100F), which is roughly twice the ambient temperature. So, I don't see the logic gap you are referring to.

This does show us one reason for your high temps, your ambient temperature is far higher than mine. Still, 79C is very hot. Have you tried raising the back end of the laptop so that there is airflow beneath it? I keep a pair of dice beneath the rear of mine when I'm using it on the desk.

What is the model of your machine? Maybe if we search around we can find if the model is known to overheat and if there is a fix.

EDIT: I am also using a Thinkpad, so I believe it is just the way IBM has the motherboard reporting the CPU.

DOUBLE EDIT: I just looked up the documentation for ACPI and this is the applicable example output:

Code: Select all

critical (S5): 110 C
passive: 105 C: tc1=2 tc2=10 tsp=100 devices=0xdf72e380
active[0]: 48 C: devices=0xc157fec0
Notice that the devices are shown as memory locations.
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#12 Post by ARAN »

Oh man what for a stupid Conversation !

Sir Duncan get it please !





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#13 Post by mark2 »

been booted up on my lappy all day, in windows my temp hovers around 60c, however puppy is reporting it at 75c.

I have noted that in windows various temp monitoring apps have different opinions of the temp.

edit, the fan cuts in less when using puppy than in windows.
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#14 Post by ARAN »

SirDuncan wrote:I am also using a Thinkpad, so I believe it is just the way IBM has the motherboard reporting the CPU.
Most of the People I know that they use linux on a thinkpad have a cpu thermal amount bigger than 95 Celsius Degree !
hinkPad Z60t doesn't manage its temperature very well. It is enough to leave the laptop alone just with inactive Firefox running and the temperature rises soon at dangerous 93°C (200°F). That causes the fan to speed up, however only to keep the temp at the same 93˚C. ... +bug/85894
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#15 Post by HairyWill »

Code: Select all

# ls /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/
# ls /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM0/
cooling_mode  polling_frequency  state  temperature  trip_points
as you can see THM0 is the only thermal device visible, it would make sense to believe that this is the processor. I have been running puppy almost exclusively on this machine for 18 months. During that time I have observed the workload of the machine and the state of THM0. The temperature reported has always varied in sync with the processor load.

You could continue to shout but MY laptop appears to be working fine. How about giving us a bit more info about yours, you never know we might be able to help.
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#16 Post by SirDuncan »

I'm sorry Aran, but you are the one who is not getting it. I am not referring to RAM. I am referring to the memory location where the computer stores the information about the CPU. If you have ever programmed in a higher end language with pointers you would understand this concept. This is my fault for assuming that you would understand the difference between between the memory address and physical RAM. Think of it this way:
the memory address (the hexadecimal number shown as device) is like an IP address and the identifier (CPU0 for you) is the http address. The latter is just a human friendly pointer the other.

As for THM0 not being the CPU, you are incorrect. It is the CPU on this computer. Trust me, I know my PC well enough to know RAM from the CPU.

Also, I'm not using a Z60. Most Thinkpads do not have Linux specific power/heat issues.

You have been extremely rude to two experienced Puppy users who were trying to help you. I doubt that you even read my posts beyond the first few lines. I explained that even the ACPI documentation showed the CPU being identified by a memory location, but because my results indicate that the problem is specific to you and not a universal Puppy problem, you chose to ignore and slander me. This is not a good way to get help.
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#17 Post by trapster »

# cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/*
cooling mode: active
<polling disabled>
state: ok
temperature: 51 C
critical (S5): 100 C
passive: 92 C: tc1=2 tc2=5 tsp=300 devices=0xc1236338
active[0]: 100 C: devices=0xc12366e4
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#18 Post by BarryK »

THRM is the only one I have too. This is what it reports right now:

Code: Select all

# cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/*
<setting not supported>
cooling mode:   passive
<polling disabled>
state:                   ok
temperature:             48 C
critical (S5):           105 C
passive:                 99 C: tc1=2 tc2=3 tsp=40 devices=0xde347a54
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#19 Post by ARAN »

SirDuncan wrote: As for THM0 not being the CPU, you are incorrect. It is the CPU on this computer. Trust me, I know my PC well enough to know RAM from the CPU.
I dont need to trust you. Its just a logical result that your temperature Amounts for the CPU are false.
Your Temperature Amounts have nothing to do with the CPU itself. ... ng-202973/

cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM0/temperature >> ~/logs/celsius

but i's only for acpi enabled kernel and only the temperature of motherboard. Search through /proc/apm ??? or /proc/acpi to find if your kernel reports relevant info. Otherwise, search for kernel drivers for your machine. For instance, kernel 2.6 have some drivers for ibm laptops (acpi) with temperatures for cpu and hd.
On my PC System Puppy Linux is burning the CPU down.

The possibility is really big that Puppy 4.0 is burning the CPU of other Puppy Users also down.

Such low Teperature amounts like you have posted i have on the Mashine too if i run Puppy but once again they dont have nothing to do with the Temperature of the CPU.

I have a inbuild CPU Temperature Sensor and a Motherboard or better a System Temperature Sensor like the most of you.

Inbuild Temperature Sensors are rare however.
The System or better Motherboard Sensor (THRS) report like your Temp. Amounts only 41 Celsius Degree after the start.

The Processor Temperature however is getting in less than 5 Minutes to the Top (80 Celsius Degree) !
cd thermal_zone
administrator@administrator:/proc/acpi/thermal_zone$ ls
administrator@administrator:/proc/acpi/thermal_zone$ cd THRS
administrator@administrator:/proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRS$ ls
cooling_mode polling_frequency state temperature trip_points
administrator@administrator:/proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRS$ cat *
0 - Active; 1 - Passive
<polling disabled>
state: ok
temperature: 41 C
critical (S5): 80 C
passive: 75 C: tc1=2 tc2=5 tsp=300 devices=MTH0
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#20 Post by ARAN »

BarryK wrote:THRM is the only one I have too. This is what it reports right now:

Code: Select all

# cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/*
<setting not supported>
cooling mode:   passive
<polling disabled>
state:                   ok
temperature:             48 C
critical (S5):           105 C
passive:                 99 C: tc1=2 tc2=3 tsp=40 devices=0xde347a54
What i would like to know is if Puppy Linux is running your CPU in full Speed or do you have CPU Scalling running.

On the same laptop i have ubuntu installed i am getting a really hot CPU only when ubuntu is running my CPU in full Speed.

For me it looks like that Puppy dont support CPU scalling thats why i am getting after some minutes Temperature Amount bigger than 79 Celsius Degree !

dministrator@administrator:/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq$ ls
  • affected_cpus
    cpuinfo_max_freq scaling_available_governors
    cpuinfo_min_freq scaling_cur_freq
administrator@administrator:/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq$ sudo cat *
cat: ondemand: Is a directory
1600000 800000
ondemand powersave userspace conservative performance
cat: stats: Is a directory

acpi -V
Battery 1: charged, 98%, rate information unavailable.
Thermal 1: ok, 45.0 degrees C
Thermal 2: ok, 55.0 degrees C
AC Adapter 1: on-line
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