Puppy 4.0 Conky 1.5.1 Qiv not needed for transparent BG

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Puppy 4.0 Conky 1.5.1 Qiv not needed for transparent BG

#1 Post by ttuuxxx »

Well I managed to get conky working with a transparent background without any other applications, I wonder if this has been done before?
Anyways this is all you need, I compiled it on puppy 4.0, I did have a trial version on the 3.0 series forum, but I felt like I was starting to Hi-jack the forum so I decided to split/break away. Less confusing for 4&3 users, actually this version might work on 3.0 series, Just let me know please :)

*****Conky***** Has Been Updated

Ok it basically works fine, The only problem is when you move an icon over conky it erases the display, This is due to the fact that its not using extra resources eg. Qiv to build a separate window for it to run in.
Its up to the installer, yes it will run with Qiv if need be, But It also runs fine without it.
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Last edited by ttuuxxx on Wed 11 Jun 2008, 21:41, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by SirDuncan »

Thanks, that will be one less thing I have to install that isn't used by anything else (qiv). Downloading now, I'll tell you if there are any hiccups.
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#3 Post by ttuuxxx »

SirDuncan wrote:Thanks, that will be one less thing I have to install that isn't used by anything else (qiv). Downloading now, I'll tell you if there are any hiccups.
any updates to the code that you think is needed just let me know :)
Always open to suggestions
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#4 Post by wolfwatcher51 »


Thanks for the latest puppy4 pet.

I had tried the first two and used puppy to delete them and rebooted.

I used pfind to find conky and found quite a few instances that the uninstaller did not get rid of, and I did reboot.

I have run your latest puppy4.pet and am having some trouble. First, it opens transparent, good deal.

It tries to open lower left, but the top 60% of the display disappears. If another window is opened and covers part of the rest, it is gone when you close the window.

I looked around and see something odd, to the uninformed at least.
There is a conky.conf file like your first pet and a .conkyrc file. The conky.conf shows bottom left but the display looks like what is in .conkyrc. The .conkyrc file looks to be just the setup text, without the position, default color, etc. The setup in it does not match what is in conky.conf.

Is it posibble that this is why only part of the display shows? I started conky from the console with conky start. I had commented out both conky startup texts in icewm's startup file.

I do not know what was called by the start conky, the conky.conf or the .conkyrc. From the looks of things somehow I think they both are trying to tell conky what to display. But that is just this noob's w.a.g.

Thanks for your help and I hope I have stated what I see in a way you can use to help further. Later, Chris.
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#5 Post by ttuuxxx »

wolfwatcher51 wrote:ttuuxxx,

Thanks for the latest puppy4 pet.

I had tried the first two and used puppy to delete them and rebooted.

I used pfind to find conky and found quite a few instances that the uninstaller did not get rid of, and I did reboot.

I have run your latest puppy4.pet and am having some trouble. First, it opens transparent, good deal.

It tries to open lower left, but the top 60% of the display disappears. If another window is opened and covers part of the rest, it is gone when you close the window.

I looked around and see something odd, to the uninformed at least.
There is a conky.conf file like your first pet and a .conkyrc file. The conky.conf shows bottom left but the display looks like what is in .conkyrc. The .conkyrc file looks to be just the setup text, without the position, default color, etc. The setup in it does not match what is in conky.conf.

Is it posibble that this is why only part of the display shows? I started conky from the console with conky start. I had commented out both conky startup texts in icewm's startup file.

I do not know what was called by the start conky, the conky.conf or the .conkyrc. From the looks of things somehow I think they both are trying to tell conky what to display. But that is just this noob's w.a.g.

Thanks for your help and I hope I have stated what I see in a way you can use to help further. Later, Chris.
Ok If you copy the conkyrc. file to the conky.config directory and then rename it to conky.config it will make it more solid on the desktop and remains transparent, The only time it gets erased is if you move icons across it, not windows anymore.
give it a try and then tell me how you went
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#6 Post by SirDuncan »

I was having the same problem. I managed to tweak my .conkyrc to be top-right and transparent, but transparency dies if I open a window. I hadn't seen this conky.config, I will have to look at it.

EDIT: ttuuxxx posted while I was typing. will try his fix.

EDIT2: I got it to work, but I had to change "own_window_type" to "override" and had to add this line "own_window_transparent yes"
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#7 Post by ttuuxxx »

ok guys its been updated, It only erases when an Icon is moved over it. Thats because icons and conky are sharing the same workspace. And not running an image viewer constantly in the background like when running with Qiv.
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#8 Post by wolfwatcher51 »


Uninstalled the old pet then installed the new pet.

Display came up for a few seconds then mostly went away.

I would like to try SirDuncan's text. I have found that we have both a .conkyrc and a conky.conf files.

If we want to make a change, like SirDuncan did, which one do we put it in, or do we have to always remember to change both of them. Not a big deal, just need to know.

Besides the icons, would right clicking the desktop in or near the display also make it disappear, partially?

Since no job is too tough for somebody else to do :D , could you get this back to working with qiv again?

Thanks, Chris.
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#9 Post by ttuuxxx »

wolfwatcher51 wrote:ttuuxxx,

Uninstalled the old pet then installed the new pet.

Display came up for a few seconds then mostly went away.

I would like to try SirDuncan's text. I have found that we have both a .conkyrc and a conky.conf files.

If we want to make a change, like SirDuncan did, which one do we put it in, or do we have to always remember to change both of them. Not a big deal, just need to know.

Besides the icons, would right clicking the desktop in or near the display also make it disappear, partially?

Since no job is too tough for somebody else to do :D , could you get this back to working with qiv again?

Thanks, Chris.
To answer your question no and yes

Besides the icons, would right clicking the desktop in or near the display also make it disappear, partially? No nothing else has any effect on it. you can right click, left click and it stays perfect

Since no job is too tough for somebody else to do :D , could you get this back to working with qiv again? Yes I can no problem either.


Oh ya remember the last forum, just copy this over your config file and save it, then you get all the defaults back.

this is what the original untouched conky.config looks like

# Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo
# Any original torsmo code is licensed under the BSD license
# All code written since the fork of torsmo is licensed under the GPL
# Please see COPYING for details
# Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen
# Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. (see AUTHORS)
# All rights reserved.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# $Id: conky.conf 990 2007-11-22 19:38:17Z pkovacs $

alignment bottom_left
background no
border_width 1
cpu_avg_samples 2
default_color white
default_outline_color white
default_shade_color white
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
draw_outline no
draw_shades no
font 6x10
gap_x 5
gap_y 60
minimum_size 5 5
net_avg_samples 2
no_buffers yes
out_to_console no
own_window yes
own_window_class Conky
own_window_type normal
stippled_borders 0
update_interval 3.0
uppercase no
use_spacer no

$nodename - $sysname $kernel on $machine
${color grey}Uptime:$color $uptime
${color grey}Frequency (in MHz):$color $freq
${color grey}Frequency (in GHz):$color $freq_g
${color grey}RAM Usage:$color $mem/$memmax - $memperc% ${membar 4}
${color grey}Swap Usage:$color $swap/$swapmax - $swapperc% ${swapbar 4}
${color grey}CPU Usage:$color $cpu% ${cpubar 4}
${color grey}Processes:$color $processes ${color grey}Running:$color $running_processes
${color grey}File systems:
/ $color${fs_free /}/${fs_size /} ${fs_bar 6 /}
${color grey}Networking:
Up:$color ${upspeed eth0} k/s${color grey} - Down:$color ${downspeed eth0} k/s
${color grey}Name PID CPU% MEM%
${color lightgrey} ${top name 1} ${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1} ${top mem 1}
${color lightgrey} ${top name 2} ${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2}
${color lightgrey} ${top name 3} ${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3}
${color lightgrey} ${top name 4} ${top pid 4} ${top cpu 4} ${top mem 4}
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#10 Post by wolfwatcher51 »


Sorry to be such a bother, but still no go.

I made sure both .conkyrc and conky.conf were the same.

I entered conky start in a terminal, conky opened completely, but vanished 8-10 seconds later. If using own_window yes, it had a black background and stayed a few seconds longer.

I discovered that if I type conky stop in a terminal it comes back with the same information as conky start. Maybe conky stop is not a command, I do not know.

It did not happen so I could see it each time, so I had to do it a lot to get the text, but when closing the terminal, I could see an additional line come up in the terminal. As best I could see, it said conky: received sigusr1 reloading the config file.

Maybe it is this sigusr1 that is causing the display to disappear, and sometimes briefly appear before disappearing again, etc, etc.

What is sigusr1 ?

I know it is beginning to sound like a broken record, but your help and patience is greatly appreciated, Chris.
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#11 Post by ttuuxxx »

wolfwatcher51 wrote:ttuuxxx

Sorry to be such a bother, but still no go.

I made sure both .conkyrc and conky.conf were the same.

I entered conky start in a terminal, conky opened completely, but vanished 8-10 seconds later. If using own_window yes, it had a black background and stayed a few seconds longer.
No problem I'll just recompile it and post the results
this is the untouched version, But I don't have any problems with the main version. Well I hope this works for you better.
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#12 Post by ttuuxxx »

heres 2 wireless ones you might have to configure them, but Its compiled with wireless support
please post your updates or any missing libs on puppy 4.0 :? Since I don't use wireless.
Black default brackground
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Transparent background but shares the same desktop place as icons, so move them away :)
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#13 Post by code_m »

Hey? how did you compile?

I tried but was very unsuccessful. I could only get as far as "Xdamage not found" or whatever.

I do have your PET, but would like to compile it myself, mostly for the learning experience.

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#14 Post by ttuuxxx »

code_m wrote:Hey? how did you compile?

I tried but was very unsuccessful. I could only get as far as "Xdamage not found" or whatever.

I do have your PET, but would like to compile it myself, mostly for the learning experience.

I did it by installing my Gslapt pet, And searched for Xdamage and installed it. Basically I used the slackware Xdamage, you could search www.linuxpackages.net for xdamage also.
You can get Gslapt for series 3&4 at http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 96&t=28994
then after that compile Conky.
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#15 Post by xbj9000 »

I installed the wireless-clear package in Dingo with no problems, but found that it flickers with every refresh, and besides that blinks out for up to 8 seconds sometimes..

using "double_buffer yes" fixes this totally, but then all desktop icons vanish.. and if I use any combination of own_window yes options to fix that, the background for the conky area is black.. (yes I used own_window_transparent yes)

ideas please?
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#16 Post by ttuuxxx »

on your package manager you should have 3 series packages, install qiv-2.0. then enable it . That will fix all those problems.
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#17 Post by xbj9000 »

thanks I'll try that.. double buffer can't be used with yout packages then?.

I was hoping not to add another app, as my system is minimal, but I'll see how it does..
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#18 Post by ttuuxxx »

xbj9000 wrote:thanks I'll try that.. double buffer can't be used with yout packages then?.

I was hoping not to add another app, as my system is minimal, but I'll see how it does..
well if your system is a minimal system then you could always remove mtpaint and use qiv as your default image viewer.

Also I made a minimal 75MB puppy 3.0 retro you might want to try out that should have qiv built in http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=31049
it comes with 2 really small browsers but I suggest to install a main like firefox or opera.

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#19 Post by xbj9000 »

well I meant I didn't want to have another app running.. I have room to install it..

anyway, some of the (many) dependencies failed to be found, and I was left with some packages listed as installed that wouldn't uninstall (or rather wouldn't remove themselves from the installed list, since they never actually installed to begin with).. I solved that, I guess, by deleting their list files from ~/.packages (none of the files shown in that list existed on my system).. and now I noticed qiv is no longer in the Puppy3 list, but is in the Puppy2 list.. :?

puppy is pretty great out of the box but I don't think I like it's package management.. I'm a big fan of apt-get install packagename :p
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#20 Post by ttuuxxx »

xbj9000 wrote:well I meant I didn't want to have another app running.. I have room to install it..

anyway, some of the (many) dependencies failed to be found, and I was left with some packages listed as installed that wouldn't uninstall (or rather wouldn't remove themselves from the installed list, since they never actually installed to begin with).. I solved that, I guess, by deleting their list files from ~/.packages (none of the files shown in that list existed on my system).. and now I noticed qiv is no longer in the Puppy3 list, but is in the Puppy2 list.. :?

puppy is pretty great out of the box but I don't think I like it's package management.. I'm a big fan of apt-get install packagename :p
sometimes when I'm lazy I use my gslapt 4.0 :)
I can see qiv in puppy 3.0 on the package manager in 4.0
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