Puppy Power Forum

Promote Puppy !
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Puppy Power Forum

#1 Post by Lobster »


This is a new forum to Promote Puppy, called "Puppy Power"

If you have Ideas. If everyone else has helped you. Would you like to be part of the Advance team of Puppy scouts. Perhaps you would like to say woof woof to new people arriving on this forum?

Or offer a helping paw to new users of our IRC chat.

Join in and suggest your promotions Now

We did create a Private Puppy forum with Michaels help - but that seems a little elitist - and Puppy is open and free.

Some of the things we wish to explore is increasing our user and developer base and creating more co-operation and partnering with similar projects. For example we are now using Vector Linux to compile with.

You lucky Puppy People 8)
Last edited by Lobster on Wed 01 Jun 2005, 08:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Puppy Power

#2 Post by Lobster »

As stated the forum Puppy Power - open to everyone is here

The A team (which Loves it when a plan comes together) will be kept focussed on ways to develop and promote the wider acceptance and take up of Puppy.

Our initial goals are the adoption of Puppy, using something like the Firefox promotion to get our little dog out there.

Even though we are an elite forum of crack Puppys (or in my case a cracked Puppy), we welcome all suggestions and all offers of help.

Leads will not be required (bring your own bones)

Puppy Power - you know it makes sense
Last edited by Lobster on Fri 03 Jun 2005, 05:19, edited 2 times in total.
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Open source is eh . . . like open

#3 Post by Lobster »

I have decided I am just not happy being part of a private group that is focussed people only . . .

However I want to fully support and develop Michaels ideas and expertise . . .

Is there such a thing as open source marketing?
this is more me . . .


and this . . .

Am I just being idealistic? (hope so)

Would welcome some ideas - Do we need to promote the Puppy? Should this be done in open court?
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#4 Post by Rich »

"Never hide your light under a Bushel "

firstly I apologise for quoting scripture on the internet. Science and Religion aren't usually best friends. But in this case I think it's appropriate.

Barry has created something very special here. Not just a 'use by appointment' piece of software, but a lightning fast ,fully functional alternative to bulkier Linux distros - or Windows for that matter. As puppy continues to evolve, surely anything that raises it's profile and attracts other users ( hence more evolution ) is a good thing. World Domination??? maybe not. But it shouldn't end up as one of the best kept secrets , only known by a lucky handful .

There are many suggestions put forward about what apps should be included in the future, but I thought that the DotPups were for that sort of thing mainly.

with that in mind, any sort of promotional ideas or discussion is welcome. Personally, I think that keeping this sort of thing on a separate forum is a superb idea. It's a more 'behind the scenes' thing and if I needed help with an application or bug etc, then I'd rather not have to sift through a forum full of everything to find an answer. This forum is for users, for growth and improvement ( and Help )........ the other forum adresses Spreading the Word.

We recently had a General Election in England. Every tv and radio station marketed voting to the hilt.........although it's something we already knew about, not a commercial venture, and something we already had a right to do anyway.

Marketing can ( and does ) exist without commercialism.

just a guess here......but there are plenty of different skill sets from Puppy Users. We're not all programmer geniuses, but that doesn't mean we can't be of any use. The fact that Michael has expressed an interest in promotion/marketing/awareness suggests that he has a skill that can be utilised to benefit all of us.
I could wait until puppy needs a pick and place machine engineer ( although this is highly unlikely ), or try to involve myself a bit more - helping on the forum in the unlikely event that i know the answer etc.

Marketing/Awareness/Promotion/Profile is a broad definition, and encompasses a lot of different things - some of which are more useful and practical than others. defining it as Marketing doesn't necessarily mean commercialisation. It's a canopy to work under, rather than getting bogged down in semantics.


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#5 Post by JaDy »

If you build it, they will come.
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Wot say U?

#6 Post by Lobster »

Thanks guys . . .

After recently trying to watch a movie with an mplayer dotpup that insisted that Spanish was a good default language (maybe so) I downloaded the "popcorn" version of SLAX Linux (I am trying to ease myself into Vector Linux) The merchandising is just not Puppy IMO.

The idea of Barry offering signed postcards for $500 is a little (Just not Puppy . . .)

SLAX did not like my mouse - so I am sulking BUT (you knew I would get to it eventually) two nice things in Slax for Power Puppy

1. The clean web design - delightful.
2. Webconfigure and webrestore

Clean web design is based on fonts. Simple graphics. So that is something we might consider investing into the wiki - a makeover . . .

The second option is nothing too complex and dependent on secure web space. Which directory would have to be tarballed and sent - is it that easy? (in theory)

I can understand making Puppy more presentable. I can understand offering features or services that MAY (but up to now have not) require finances. I can understand promotion and I feel the most credible idea so far (which I think DSL offers) is a Puppy on a key drive . . .

Wot say U? 8)
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#7 Post by BarryK »

hmm, yes, a possibility that has occurred to me, as I have a cheap source here, 128M for A$19, single units, quantity discounts. A$19 is about US$15.
That price includes our 10% sales tax, which would be removed if they are sold overseas.
So, yes, I have considered it!
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#8 Post by GuestToo »

i think Slax i built using MySLAX Creator
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#9 Post by mjg »

Thanks Rich for those comments. My views exactly.

Given the other stated opinions though, and the lack of enthusiasm for a private forum, I'll shut it down shortly and join the discussion here. That way I'll save some storage and bandwidth. :)

There's some discussion on the other forum about a logo competition, which I'll save and copy here if requested.

Can the moderator please remove the link at the start of this thread?
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Smile :) Puppy

#10 Post by Lobster »

Hey what happened to the A-team?
well we started as an elite team of frisky pups but suddenly ended up a closed cabbal

Then we went public. 8)
So now we are all the A-team - there now that feels a lot more Open :)

I am very uncomfortable with non-gift promotion

Read this and see what you think . . .
http://mako.cc/writing/funding_voluntee ... teers.html

Our idea with this forum is finding ways to introduce potential Puppys to Puppy Linux.

Is that a good plan? Eh . . . what is the rest of the plan again?
Ideas required :idea:
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#11 Post by BarryK »

...umm, Lobster, I only scanned through that article ...something about paying volunteers?

Okay, I'm selling some CDs, but as it is only about two CDs per week, it is hardly big bucks (Puppy is just too easy to download!).
Donations? ...well, hardly anything, with the exception of Ian who has been embarassingly generous.

So, I don't know where we get money from anyway.
We don't want to get into the mugs and T-shirts thing do we?
...or maybe we do?
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#12 Post by Ian »

I agree with the conclusions of the article to a fair extent.

I feel that people who contribute to a project such as Puppy get much satisfaction and a great sense of pride when they see the results knowing that they have helped to produce those results.

Even a small thing like a suggestion helps the cause and ideas are more fruitful when they come from someone who is not under pressure to produce.

As for donations, I do what I can when I can and will continue to do so.
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#13 Post by Rich »

Surely paying volunteers would, by definition, be paying non-volunteers.

As Ian said , the satisfaction and pride of contributing to something is payment enough for most. If it wasn't then I reckon Linux in general wouldn't have got anywhere near the level it's up to now.

I want my computer to work, to do everything I want to do, and Puppy does this, and provides a friendly community of people who help each other - not for reward, just for growth and enhancement of our chosen Distro.

If I tweak the engine and remap the ECU on my car to get more performance, then I benefit from it . I wouldn't expect anyone to pay me to tinker with my own car though.
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