Puppy Linux Foundation Webpage Template

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Puppy Linux Foundation Webpage Template

#1 Post by raffy »

In this section, indexing of pages has been brought up, and Pizzasgood has suggestedsome guidelines:
Simple guidelines:

No frames
Keep formatting and content separate (may be possible through xml, I've never tried it. Definitely possible through creative php use)
Keep styling separate from content (using CSS)
Keep a single navbar file and include it in all pages (PHP or JavaScript. PHP preferred, as JavaScript can be turned off)
Try to rely on JavaScript as little as possible.
Keep a simple, nice look. Think Google. Nice, clean, and fast.
No ugly tables. If you have to have a table, make it decent looking.
We now have a template that hopefuly lives up to these guidelines. We can now tweak this template (just right-click on the page to view the source/template). Note that you can add {MENU} to the template as it is not there yet (this is "navbar" as described by Pizzasgood).

The actual page using this template can be seen here.

Please post your suggested template as an attachment or point to a URL that uses your suggested template. Thanks.

See this for a discussion of colors. Puppian has already started a few threads about documentation, the most recent of which is here.
Posts: 4798
Joined: Wed 25 May 2005, 12:20
Location: Manila

Template Working

#2 Post by raffy »

A revised template is already working here:

Posts: 4798
Joined: Wed 25 May 2005, 12:20
Location: Manila


#3 Post by raffy »

Okay, guys, i guess this thread can be closed. The template together with its CMS is now online and able to invite user participation at puppylinux.org. For example, see this very interesting post dated 2005-11-11:

http://www.puppylinux.org/home/index.ph ... s#feedback