DHCP Timeout with Motorola Canopy antenna

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Word Warrior
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DHCP Timeout with Motorola Canopy antenna

#1 Post by Word Warrior »

I am unable to connect to my wireless internet connection in puppy (4.00). This is especially annoying since most of Puppy's documentation is now online. The connection uses a Motorola Canopy antenna (radio). Running the networking wizard to connect to the antenna (via DHCP) tells me that the connection has been configured correctly, but that is incorrect. (Incidentally, the wizard in my hard drive installation of puppy 1.07 correctly states that the configuration was unsuccessful.) The internet works fine in Windows 98 (installed on the same computer). Here is some information that hopefully will be helpful in solving this problem:

Output of ifconfig:

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:20:E0:90:0B:DC
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:28 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:58
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
Interrupt:11 Base address:0x1000

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

Kernel log (/var/log/messages) messages related to DHCP:

Oct 16 18:38:22 (none) user.debug kernel: 0000:01:0a.0: tulip_stop_rxtx() failed
Oct 16 18:38:23 (none) local0.info dhcpcd[4365]: eth0: dhcpcd 3.1.8 starting
Oct 16 18:38:23 (none) local0.info dhcpcd[4365]: eth0: hardware address = 00:20:e0:90:0b:dc
Oct 16 18:38:23 (none) local0.info dhcpcd[4365]: eth0: broadcasting for a lease
Oct 16 18:38:43 (none) local0.err dhcpcd[4365]: eth0: timed out
Oct 16 18:38:43 (none) local0.info dhcpcd[4365]: eth0: trying to use old lease in `/var/lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-eth0.info'
Oct 16 18:38:44 (none) local0.warn dhcpcd[4365]: eth0: using IPV4LL address
Oct 16 18:38:44 (none) local0.info dhcpcd[4365]: eth0: adding IP address
Oct 16 18:38:44 (none) local0.info dhcpcd[4365]: eth0: exiting
Oct 16 18:39:15 (none) local0.info dhcpcd[5807]: eth0: adding IP address
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#2 Post by Aitch »

Hi word warrior

The Motorola Antenna is a directional rangebooster for increasing signal strength - it must be 'aimed' at a good source to work well

Motorola test procedure

http://motorola.motowi4solutions.com/su ... d=247&c=14

Puppy looks for the actual wifi card/pci/pcmcia/usb whatever

If you don't know what card your setup uses but can get the details from windoze, that will do

but without that info - hard to help

try typing lspci in a console, and post results [highlight then middle click/both buttons at same time, to paste]

Also check out dougal's network wizard update

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... &start=405

Aitch :)
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#3 Post by Word Warrior »

This is the output from lspci:

00:00.0 Class 0600: 8086:7124 (rev 03)
00:01.0 Class 0300: 8086:7125 (rev 03)
00:1e.0 Class 0604: 8086:2418 (rev 02)
00:1f.0 Class 0601: 8086:2410 (rev 02)
00:1f.1 Class 0101: 8086:2411 (rev 02)
00:1f.2 Class 0c03: 8086:2412 (rev 02)
00:1f.3 Class 0c05: 8086:2413 (rev 02)
00:1f.5 Class 0401: 8086:2415 (rev 02)
01:02.0 Class 0c00: 104c:8019
01:0a.0 Class 0200: 14f1:1803 (rev 08)
01:0a.1 Class 0780: 14f1:1813 (rev 05)

I hope this information helps. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you need additional information. (I have not tried the new network wizard yet.) Thanks!
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#4 Post by Aitch »

Here's all I've been able to find with google, from your list

Intel 810E video
Intel 810E video
Xorg monitor
crystal sound
crystal sound
Intel 82801AA USB
Intel device
Avance AC'97 Audio
Texas Instruments IEEE-1394 Controller
Conexant LANfinity' modem/network card
Conexant HSF LAN/Modem combo

No wifi card shown

What does windoze report the wifi card as?

What happens if you use the network wizard in puppy [menu]?

Aitch :)
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#5 Post by Word Warrior »

Apparently we have a bit of a misunderstanding because I was not specific enough. :oops: My ISP provides wireless high speed internet to rural users (such as myself). The antenna (on the roof of the house) is pointed at their tower. I am supposed to connect my computer to the antenna using a standard Ethernet cable, using DHCP to acquire an IP address. (The antenna also gets its power from the Ethernet cable, if that matters.)

As far as what happens when I use the wizard (as I said earlier):
Running the networking wizard to connect to the antenna (via DHCP) tells me that the connection has been configured correctly, but that is incorrect.
Windows reports my Ethernet card as "Conexant ActionTec RS7112 HLAN/V.90/10/100 Adapter" (under "Network adapters").
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#6 Post by Béèm »

So this is your setup:
antenna-modem/router---eth cable------eth port-PC
The modem/router gives you: inet addr:
Normally I would say this is a APIPA, but it could that your ISP is using this range.
Ask you ISP if that address is a valid one.
If not ask them what IP you should configure.
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#7 Post by Word Warrior »

I tried the newest version of the network wizard (today's version), but nothing changed. The Puppy Network Wizard sees my Conexant Ethernet card and reports success, but there is no connection. I tried this on a pristine (no previously saved files) session. Here is the pertinent part of the /var/log/messages file:

Oct 26 15:43:02 (none) local0.info dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: dhcpcd 3.1.8 starting
Oct 26 15:43:02 (none) local0.info dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: hardware address = 00:20:e0:90:0b:dc
Oct 26 15:43:02 (none) local0.info dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: broadcasting for a lease
Oct 26 15:43:02 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: sending DHCP_DISCOVER with xid 0x534e7673
Oct 26 15:43:02 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: waiting on select for 20 seconds
Oct 26 15:43:04 (none) user.debug kernel: unionfs: unhashed dentry being revalidated: locale-archive
Oct 26 15:43:05 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: sending DHCP_DISCOVER with xid 0x534e7673
Oct 26 15:43:08 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: sending DHCP_DISCOVER with xid 0x534e7673
Oct 26 15:43:11 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: sending DHCP_DISCOVER with xid 0x534e7673
Oct 26 15:43:14 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: sending DHCP_DISCOVER with xid 0x534e7673
Oct 26 15:43:17 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: sending DHCP_DISCOVER with xid 0x534e7673
Oct 26 15:43:20 (none) user.debug kernel: unionfs: unhashed dentry being revalidated: ld.so.preload
Oct 26 15:43:20 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: sending DHCP_DISCOVER with xid 0x534e7673
Oct 26 15:43:22 (none) local0.err dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: timed out
Oct 26 15:43:22 (none) local0.info dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: trying to use old lease in `/var/lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-eth0.info'
Oct 26 15:43:22 (none) local0.err dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: lease information file `/var/lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-eth0.info' does not exist
Oct 26 15:43:22 (none) local0.info dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: probing for an IPV4LL address
Oct 26 15:43:22 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: sending ARP probe #1
Oct 26 15:43:22 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: sending ARP probe #2
Oct 26 15:43:22 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: sending ARP probe #3
Oct 26 15:43:23 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: sending ARP claim #1
Oct 26 15:43:23 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: sending ARP claim #2
Oct 26 15:43:23 (none) local0.warn dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: using IPV4LL address
Oct 26 15:43:23 (none) local0.info dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: adding IP address
Oct 26 15:43:23 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: no dns information to write
Oct 26 15:43:23 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: writing /var/lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-eth0.info
Oct 26 15:43:23 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: exec "/etc/dhcpcd.sh" "/var/lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-eth0.info" "new"
Oct 26 15:43:23 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: forking to background
Oct 26 15:43:23 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[12073]: eth0: waiting on select for 10 seconds
Oct 26 15:43:23 (none) local0.info dhcpcd[11968]: eth0: exiting
Oct 26 15:43:33 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[12073]: eth0: sending DHCP_DISCOVER with xid 0x69637642
Oct 26 15:43:33 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[12073]: eth0: waiting on select for 20 seconds
Oct 26 15:43:36 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[12073]: eth0: sending DHCP_DISCOVER with xid 0x69637642
Oct 26 15:43:39 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[12073]: eth0: sending DHCP_DISCOVER with xid 0x69637642
Oct 26 15:43:42 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[12073]: eth0: sending DHCP_DISCOVER with xid 0x69637642
Oct 26 15:43:45 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[12073]: eth0: sending DHCP_DISCOVER with xid 0x69637642
Oct 26 15:43:48 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[12073]: eth0: sending DHCP_DISCOVER with xid 0x69637642
Oct 26 15:43:51 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[12073]: eth0: sending DHCP_DISCOVER with xid 0x69637642
Oct 26 15:43:53 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[12073]: eth0: sending ARP probe #1
Oct 26 15:43:53 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[12073]: eth0: sending ARP probe #2
Oct 26 15:43:54 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[12073]: eth0: sending ARP probe #3
Oct 26 15:43:54 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[12073]: eth0: sending ARP claim #1
Oct 26 15:43:54 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[12073]: eth0: sending ARP claim #2
Oct 26 15:43:54 (none) local0.info dhcpcd[12073]: eth0: adding IP address
Oct 26 15:43:54 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[12073]: eth0: no dns information to write
Oct 26 15:43:54 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[12073]: eth0: exec "/etc/dhcpcd.sh" "/var/lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-eth0.info" "up"
Oct 26 15:43:54 (none) local0.debug dhcpcd[12073]: eth0: waiting on select for 10 seconds

I launched the network wizard from a shell, but there were no errors shown in the shell, either.

My previous log posting was from puppy loaded with my general-purpose save file. Should I try future suggestions with the old wizard, general-purpose save file or my pristine, new-wizard save file?
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#8 Post by Béèm »

I stand by my previous advice.
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#9 Post by Word Warrior »

I realize that, Béèm. You posted before I could submit my second post. I checked the notes I made from when the guy came out to install the internet. According to the notes, the IP address should be '66.whatever'.
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#10 Post by 01micko »

From what I can see the gateway is not giving you an IP address. The IP address should look something like 192.168.x.xx (it may not). Go in to windows and connect, Go to control panel, network connections, right click your network adapter, click properties. Click (highlight) Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) then click properties. (Btw, this is for XP but I'm sure '98 is similar.) Better still, because if windows finds Ip automatically it won't be there, open a dos window and type ipconfig, the IP numbers should be there. Write down Your IP address, the subnet mask, and the default gateway IP.
Now go to the network wizard.

If dhcpcd doesn't work try to force an IP adress using a static IP using the numbers you wrote down from windows.
Good luck! Let me know if this helps. :wink:

Update. From my experience puppy looks to connect to a gateway IP address. I don't know this for sure but I suspect it. I have a software router (Synet Windy31) on my wife's XP box (soon to be puppy with wine!) that distributes my wireless broadband. It's IP is, subnet Subsequently all machines on my network must have an IP of 192.168.33.xx. Once I connect once forcing an IP later on dhcpcd seems to work, (maybe it find's the old IP lease in `/var/lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-eth0.info' )
Last edited by 01micko on Mon 27 Oct 2008, 11:47, edited 1 time in total.
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#11 Post by Béèm »

Word Warrior,

You last answer reassured me.
That 169.xx.xx.xx is a APIPA, as the technician spoke of 66.xx.xx.xx

OK so far.

Does your antenna-router-gateway connect automatically to the ISP?
If yes so far your connection is ok, but the antenna-router-gateway doesn't seem to give an IP to the eth device.

Now try to find the IP of that antenna-router-gateway. f.e. something like 192.168.xx.1

You could set manually the eth device at f.e. 192.168.xx.2

If there is no automatic connection to the ISP then you should use the roaring pinguin to configure. (menu network)
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#12 Post by raffy »

I get that address, too, if my autoDHCP fails. So there must be no valid connection to the ISP.

This is the difficult area of using drivers for rare devices. One way out for you is to try popularly used LAN card, like one of the Realtek (RTL) cards (sometimes, the older it is, the better your chances). If you do, you will see another LAN, like eth1, and you can autoDHCP (connect) with that device.
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#13 Post by Aitch »

Word warrior

The Conexant network card is a combo network & modem card

I believe the Tulip driver will work with this card, as its the same chipset as a Zoom 5001

You will have to load it manually in the network wizard, if it doesn't recognise it
You should see a new interface, like eth0, or eth1, if it is successful, then try dhcp to auto-configure an IP address

Alternately, as has been suggested, try a different network card

I concur with Raffy that RTL are easy to setup

Aitch :)
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#14 Post by Béèm »

From the first post I understand that the network device is eth0, so the correct driver for the card is loaded probably.
The problem is to get an IP from dhcp.
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#15 Post by Word Warrior »

The antenna must connect automatically, as I have never seen anything on the screen indicating that I need to initiate the connection in any way. (The only way I know of to turn the connection off is to pull the Ethernet cord out of the jack)

I believe that I may have the IP address for the antenna in my notes. (Entering this IP into my web browser brings up the browser-based configuration interface for the antenna.) Or maybe its the IP listed as "Default Gateway" in the output of ipconfig in Windows.
You could set manually the eth device at f.e. 192.168.xx.2
Would doing this mean the ISP would see me using a static IP address rather than a dynamic one? I do not want to incur extra charges for a static IP address.
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#16 Post by Word Warrior »

I used ifconfig to change the IP and netmask of eth0, but that did not help any. This is what happened when I tried to configure the default gateway:

# route add default gw
route: SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable

From the network wizard when trying to connect using a static IP (two error dialog boxes):

1)WARNING: Your netmask does not correspond to your network address class.

2)Your gateway is not on the network. Please try again.

I ran the network wizard again to re-configure DHCP, and I got this output from the shell I ran the wizard in:

Error, eth0: timed out
Error, eth0: lease information file `/var/lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-eth0.info' does not exist
Warning, eth0: using IPV4LL address

Is it possible that my network card has a different MAC address in Windows than in Linux? Another interesting thing I noticed is that ipconfig (in Windows) lists two Ethernet connections and randomly lists one or the other as connected (my card does have two Ethernet ports).
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#17 Post by 01micko »

Sorry, I gave you some misinformation about obtaining your IP in windows. You are running win98, right? If you are click start, run, then type "winipcfg" (without the " " ) hit enter. Should bring up the IP of your adapter. Now, if all goes well, try these numbers in puppy.
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#18 Post by Word Warrior »

I tried the winipcfg command, but it just gave the same numbers as the ipconfig command.

One other thing I forgot to mention: After I changed the IP and netmask with ifconfig, the command's output has changed. Running "ifconfig" after I re-enable DHCP does not give either the IP or the netmask anymore. (If I remember correctly, the whole second line of information for eth0 is omitted.)
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