Does anyone here use ONLY Puppy?

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Does anyone here use ONLY Puppy?

#1 Post by Windows XP »

I like it a lot, but I don't think I'd use it as my only OS...
Bruce B

#2 Post by Bruce B »

I used Puppy as the primary OS for a long time. Only testing and experiment with other Linux.

I still use Puppy as a primary OS, but not like I used to. This is because Puppy does not fully support my hardware. I guess it never will.

I wouldn't use Windows.

1) they stopped selling XP licenses to the average guy. you can milk the life out of what you have. but the monopoly will be working out how to make the cow run dry. it wants fresh money.

2) notepad isn't that great of a text editor

3) wordpad doesn't even have a spell checker

4) games are, I don't know, about the same as they were in 3.1?

5) the web browser, what version do they do now? did it ever get safe?

6) the media player, is it spyware also? I don't know what vista has

7) i want an operating system to leave lots of resources for applications

8) does the eula actually have a clause allowing the vendor to make changes in the future? if so, am i an utter idiot?


i can see what vista costs in terms of dollars and computer resources, but i don't know what it offers, to make it worth the cost
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#3 Post by DaveS »

I feel much the same as Bruce, plus something in my personality makes me want to be different. It might be just as simple as a healthy disbelief in the hype that seems to control the Human race.
I started with Ubuntu, mainly because it is relatively easy to get productive quickly, though it was still tough coming from windoze where so much is automated. Lately though, I am finding I boot Puppy as a first choice. It has been a little harder to get fully productive using Puppy, and has required some lateral thinking and 'different' approaches to problems, but I am there now.
My PC is Linux only. I have a separate Win machine quietly collecting malware, but I have not used it in months.
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#4 Post by Lobster »

I don't think I'd use it as my only OS...
Then don't. Use another OS also and boot Puppy from DVD :)

When I first came to Linux, it was unusable for the desktop (Slackware)
Years later used Knoppix. Once installed as a Debian distro, Knoppix took major effort and the most I could stick it out was a week.

I heard of people who were using Puppy exclusively and I did not believe it.

Now I do.
I have available a Mac (uses BSD derivative), Eeepc (uses Xandros) and several PC's in various states of obsolescence.

I use Puppy by choice - booting from DVD. I could have XP on the hard drive (used to do this) but after installing xP the last time, I never used it. So I no longer bother. Recently I installed the free codeweavers (commercial Wine) and then realised I had no need for Windows.

Not only do I use Puppy I tend to use the cutting edge 'unstable' versions.

The Puppy approach is pragmatic. Use what works for you. :)
Last edited by Lobster on Sun 02 Nov 2008, 13:44, edited 1 time in total.
Puppy Raspup 8.2Final 8)
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#5 Post by Fossil »

Knoppix was the key to my first real interest in Linux. Running one of the first incarnations on a Pentium 133 with a limited amount of ram was, to say the least, interesting. Then, I discovered one of the early Puppy releases - methinks it was 1.02. With each new release came even more freedom. Version 1.08 was the clincher, from then on, one of my old computers was 'Puppy Only'.
I now have three low-end machines dedicated entirely to Puppy, or one of it's variants - which are used daily. It suits my way of working. After all, what is your primary goal when using a computer? For the most, it's just getting on the Internet and downloading emails, or writing a few letters. If anyone can achieve these aims, then perhaps 90% of the tasks have been fulfilled.
With each new Puppy variant we have seen an expansion of ideas and projects, all have potential. What more is there to be said? If it works, use it.
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#6 Post by 01micko »

Last Saturday my accountant came to my house to do my taxes for the year. I frantically got all my files in order. My accounts are stored in Excel, using an accounting macro which my accountant developped. I hit the "Update profit and loss statement" button and got an error. :x Got the backup file, same error. OMG! No P & L! Will I have to reload the whole years figures?
I had puppy running on my laptop at the time he arrived. I showed him the error. I then transferred the file to my laptop and openned it in Gnumeric. I said to him that this might work, but he said it could never work. I hit the p and l button in Gnumeric and presto! :P Profit and loss statement recovered! I said to him, you can charge what you like for your fees, but you owe it to your clientelle to hand out puppy when their other OS won't work!
Since then I will not use window$!
Last edited by 01micko on Sun 02 Nov 2008, 11:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: window$

#7 Post by DaveS »

01micko wrote:Since then I will not use window$!
I too am happy to trust my mission critical accounts to Puppy.
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#8 Post by 01micko »

The big (not so secret!) secret is to backup. Any OS, and besides, you could have hardware failure.
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#9 Post by hondasid »

Not only do i use only Puppy, so does my wife, who knows Windows and only Windows. But i customized a Puppy OS for her and she hasn't looked back. And her computer is almost 14 years old, runs like it's new. Really fast and nothing we can't do on it. So, yes, you can do it.
Instead of looking out Windows, I'm playing with my Puppy.
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#10 Post by Diggs »

I agree with Lobster 100%. Use what works for you. Although my main desktop computer runs Windoz due to some of the software I run (remote desktop, games and music recording), my old Presario laptop is 100% full install Puppy and probably gets more use than any other computer in the house (including a desktop install of Ubuntu). I even have a copy of WinXP shrink-wrapped on the shelf unused. Puppy with the Skipstone browser and wireless connection is perfect for our needs. I even have to pry it out of my daughters hands as she more often that not is using it instead of her WinXP machine.

(Now, if I can just get remote desktop stable I can ditch my Windoz machine for a big part of what I am doing. Time to revive that old thread.)
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PUppy 3.01 only

#11 Post by ndujoe1 »

I use Puppy Linux only. I removed my windows partition in nov '05. I do have Wine installed for password vault that the non-profit center uses.
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#12 Post by hillside »

I use only Puppy.

I run my (very) small business on it. Even though the business is small, I still need to comply with all the necessary accounting requirements. Luckily, I used to do it all on huge, paper, ledger sheets. I find a good spread sheet is a step up. If there was a good linux alternative to Quickbooks or even Quicken, I might use it, but a spreadsheet gets the job done.

Outside of my business work, my computer needs are minimal. It's mostly a little browsing, music stuff, and some genealogy.

My wife still insists on using Windows on her machine. I occassionally have used Puppy to recover her data when necessary.
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#13 Post by droope »

I am also now using puppy as my main system. I find the whole Open Source thing fascinating, and I still can't fully believe I can do ANY change I want to MY operating system.

I would suggest, unless you have full intentions on becoming a mad angry geek, to at least leave a Windows 98 on HD for a while, or maybe a Mint, that comes heavily recomended for it's ease of use.

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#14 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
I think the key is to get past the "One OS only" mentality M$ has bred for decades..
As Lobster said, use what works for you..but keep an open mind and remember you CAN "Have your cake and eat it too".. My Grub menu looks like a table of contents..I boot according to my needs, and over time, I found I dont need to boot windows at all, So I removed it..
Until a year ago I used only Windows, then I discovered Knoppix followed by PCLOS, and I liked them, but they were missing something.. Personality!!! Sure, Puppy starts out as an Official release, but even a total noob can and will "make it their own" in short time, and end up with an OS that is "a part of them"..
About a month ago, frustration with Doze led my Wife to try Transitions, a 301 Puplet, on her laptop. After a few weeks, she only boots her Doze for 1 thing, and soon wont need it for that either....She has already said she "cant go back" now...

So yes, Puppy can totally replace windows for the average user.. Even my Wife!!!
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#15 Post by DaveS »

puppyluvr wrote: but they were missing something.. Personality!!! !
I kind of feel the same way about Ubuntu. Somehow, Puppy requires more involvement to get the best from it, which in turn leads to greater satisfaction and appreciation. Nice.
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#16 Post by Taavi »

Puppy is only OS in my home computer. As I work for the commune I have to use windows at work. Still the only thig I'm missing from windows is Eve.
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#17 Post by nitehawk »

Mostly Puppy (4.1 and 3.01) probably 80% (to 95%) of the time.
I have win2k Pro Sp4 on my older PIII,...and have to use that right now for my little start-up Ebay business (still figuring out how to get Ebay to upload my pics from Puppy). I think it can be done,............
Anyhow, Linux Mint is on my main partition (though I don't use it all that much). Puppy 4.1 seems to be my REAL main OS,.....with Puppy 3.01 being just-for-the-fun-of-it! I put Ttuuxxx's "FirePup" browser on both of them,.....and they just fly, with my little dial-up ISP.

I tried about a dozen or more linux distros over the last year (of my moving away from windoz),...but Puppy is the only one I really like and use. I'll always have a Puppy around. :wink:
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#18 Post by Pizzasgood »

Puppy is the only thing on my laptop. On my old computer Puppy is the only used OS (it also has an old Win98 install that I haven't bothered deleting). On my main computer, I mostly always use Puppy, but I do have Gentoo, which I mostly only use right now for recording the couple shows I want to watch that are on too late/early for me (those two shows per week amount for 2/5 of my weekly tv!). I could do this in Puppy, but just haven't gotten around to porting it yet. Plus I change my Puppy stuff around so much that it's almost safer to keep Gentoo around for that. Of course, it would be much more efficient to use a dedicated Puppy install for this, which is what I'll probably do whenever I get around to it.

I also have XP on my main computer, but I only use that for a couple classes, and a couple games that I rarely ever play.

So the vast bulk of my time is spent in Puppy.
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#19 Post by brymway »

Yes I only use Puppy. I have two laptops, a mac ppc, and a windows box that my wife insists on keeping xp on. Everyone except me uses the mac. I only use my laptops with Puppy 4 on it. I try every distro that will fit on a live cd that comes out, yes I have tons, but Puppy always works. Yes I have stories about how a live Puppy cd saved data, and saved the day. Puppy is just solid. It's 100% reliable the way I use it.
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mostly puppy

#20 Post by downsouth »

I mostly use Puppy but have tried many others (Zenwalk and the PClinuxOS Mini are probably the other faves). My criteria is small, live, installable and easily remasterable. Have tried Ubuntu - has a lot of options, and is live & installable. I'm doing a Zenwalk 5.2 live remaster as I type. There are lots of broken linuxes out there - the 4 I've mentioned go well.
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