Ripple Releases (Puppy with Compiz-fusion, more)

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Ripple Releases (Puppy with Compiz-fusion, more)

#1 Post by dinky »

G'day folks, welcome to Project Ripple's official release thread. This is where you can find stable release updates for Project Ripple. Currently we're in beta with version .06-2, stable for Intel graphics cards, including the eeepc family, and ati-radeon graphics cards.* We also have a test bed version with support for other cards. See our development thread below for more info, and to try it.

Ripple Linux aims to have hardware acceleration compatible with Compiz-fusion automatically configured in a distro under 200mb. Ripple Linux fits on a usb, and like all projects within Puppy Linux can boot entirely into the system ram.

What's so cool about it? Compiz-fusion! Check out this video, and scroll down for a list of other features:

Post here for help installing and running Ripple. For development, ideas, and cutting edge, see here

Current iso:
Ripple Packages:

Release Notes:

- fits on a usb or sd flash card
- compiz-fusion automatically configured*
- similar feel to Mac OSX, but better
- dockbar (cairo dock)
- hidden widget layer
- firefox 3, flash, and mplayer plugin
- mplayer with basic codecs, full codecs available as an easy addon
- various add-ons specific to Ripple**
- based on puppy 4.1.1, and compatible with all puppy's packages
- various system tools, including virus scanner, music player, cd-ripper, burner, universal installer, etc.

*Currently Ripple supports Intel graphics cards, which means eeepc's and various similar hardware. Ripple may work on other machines, but is as of yet unsupported. Future releases of Ripple will support a much wider graphics card range. For more info, see our development thread:

**Under continual development. Current packages specific to ripple are Openoffice3, thunderbird, kompozer, & gimp, all of which install to the dockbar.


Version 0.6-2
- Init patched from unleashed rebuild, fully functional. Now supports ataflash in pupmode 13 (internal sd cards on earlier eeepc models)
- Petget fixed
- Cairo dock smaller, with Ripple theme loaded by default, and other themes available via internet (must run theme manager while connected to internet)
- Smaller iso (139mb)

User Docs:

See our Wiki on the web, and feel free to add to it! ... n/HomePage
Last edited by dinky on Sat 29 Nov 2008, 23:13, edited 9 times in total.
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#2 Post by Caneri »

Hi Dinky,

Here's a mirror for ripple.

Hope it helps.

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Ripple congratulations!

#3 Post by jtouso »

I try to run Ripple on my ati 9550 (as it runs pefect with TigerPup) but during the start process when it arrives to xorg configuration I choose manual option and clic over fglrx driver. It begins to use the 7.11 driver and...stops. Black screen...and so on. If I try xorgwizard and try to use the vesa driver..don´t work. I try again xorgwizard to use the ati driver and again don´t work.
I know is a beta iso.
Is it possible to include the newest ati driver (I think the 8.11)?
Why my ati 9550 works ok with Tigerpup or Wnop and it is not possible with Ripple?
Other think, Dinky...Do you know Comfusion? A linux distro (bigger and bigger) but it has Cairo-Dock, Wbar, Compiz and also the other dock as AWM...possible you can ask to Pollolinux and try to get help.
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#4 Post by dinky »

*Currently Ripple supports Intel graphics cards, which means eeepc's and various similar hardware. Ripple may work on other machines, but is as of yet unsupported. Future releases of Ripple will support a much wider graphics card range. For more info, see our development thread:
Se above post my friend! Flglrx drivers are on the way, I haven't had time to integrate them yet. I'll have a look soon, after I've spent some time with my family Thanks for the tip about comfusion! In the meantime, if you are able to download the most current fglrx driver and install it yourself, Ripple should work. Cheers.

edit: comfusion=1.4Gb! Ripple=152mb and Will look into more features without Compiz fusion available for future releases. How on earth can they claim Comfusion can run in Ram? Cheers.
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#5 Post by LaneLester »

I posted some of this in the devel thread, but it belongs here, I guess:

I booted Puppy 4.1.1 on my main machine and used its UI to create the flash drive for the Eee PC. The nice thing is that I could send it to the directory where the Ripple files were and make the boot drive directly.

The Eee PC boot hung at this point:
Performing a 'switch root' to the layered filesystem...
A day later I tried using the above technique to create a Puppy 4.11 on the same USB flash drive. When I stuck it in the Eee PC, it hung at the same point. So the problem is not with Ripple.
So I tried burning a CD and booting with my main machine. It didn't get as far as the Eee PC. No text at all was displayed, just a blinking text cursor.

Maybe a later release... :cry:

Last edited by LaneLester on Sat 15 Nov 2008, 22:27, edited 1 time in total.
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#6 Post by Caneri »

Hi Dinky,

Well the Florida server is partially back online. I have a mirror for you here

Hope the uptime gets better.

Last edited by Caneri on Wed 19 Nov 2008, 21:29, edited 1 time in total.
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#7 Post by rhadon »

Hi dinky,

the md5sum of ripple_05 on seems to be wrong.

I downloaded it 2 times, then i looked for the md5sum on and there is the right one.

Now I try it to install.



Edit: I checked it again and it was OK. I don't know, what I made wrong, but it seems to be my fault :oops: sorry.
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#8 Post by 37fleetwood »

I too am having trouble with the ripple_05.ISO, it checks out fine with the md5sum.txt provided and after burning it 3 times and getting non bootable cds, I checked the burned cd against the md5sum and it passed according to Brassero which lets you check it after burning, against the md5sum.txt if you have it. as it stands now I have downloaded the iso twice just in case and burned it 3 times and checked it twice different ways, and none of the cd's will boot at all. I get to the point in my bios screen where it says it is checking for bootable cd's and then it stalls. is anyone else getting this?
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#9 Post by dinky »

Hi Scott, thanks for your persistence matey, it's appreciated. After looking more closely at the ripple_05.iso image, I'm not surprised you were having trouble. I think it got corrupted when I tried to rip out, then put back in, a patched init. Have now updated my server, and taken the old isos down. The latest release is working beautifully on my equipment; eeepc701, both internal flash drive, external usb, and external flash card. Give this one a go. Currently Ripple supports ati radeon cards as well as Intel. What are you running it on?

I haven't actually tried it as a cd, though I assume it will boot with it. I use Ripple from flash devices, or from grub. Let me know if you need help trying one of these options. Otherwise, good luck with the latest iso, ripple_06-2.iso. See main post. Cheers!

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#10 Post by rhadon »

Hi dinky,

I tried booting ripple_06-2 from CD on EeePc 900 and Gericom `Cinema` with ATI radeon card. Booting starts fine, till the small arrow in the middle of the screen appears. I can move it for some seconds then the system freezes. Ctrl-Alt-Backspace and Ctrl-Alt-Del don't work and I must shut off. On both computers the same. (md5sum OK).

On a bootable USB-Stick with Puppy 4.11, I replaced the .sfs-file, same result.

If you think it's too early to test it on EeePc 900, please tell me.
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#11 Post by Jim1911 »

hi dinky

You fellows have created a fantastic application which may become a favorite desktop for many of us.

Ripple runs fine as a frugal installation, booted with grub, on my Dell Demension 8250, Pent 4 at 2.40 GHz, 1.5GB ram, 128 MB ATI Radeon 9700 Pro graphics car, Soundblaster Live audio.

I've also installed your OO3, gimp, and Thunderbird for ripple which all worked great. (OO3 install instructions should list Code: ./

Several problems: CUPS will not install a printer, opening screen comes up, but browser is never activated. Also, I've had an occasional application that will freeze and the only way out is ctrl-alt-backspace. However, I've had this problem before with other distributions using compriz so I don't think it's a ripple problem.

Suggested changes:
Add calendar widget.
A way to easily add applications to the pop-up menu which would eliminate the necessity to distribute specialized pets.
Right click to get Main Menu and widgets to show in addition to F9.

I'm amazed that you all have gotten this working this well so quickly. Thanks again for your contributions to the puppy community.

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#12 Post by LaneLester »

I downloaded 06-2 and replaced the files on my flash drive. The Eee PC boot hung at this point, as it did with the earlier file:
Performing a 'switch root' to the layered filesystem...

As I mentioned before Puppy 4.1.1 hung at the same point on the Eee PC, so maybe my hardware is bad.

I burned a CD with Ripple 06-2 and booted my main machine. The boot proceeded to where it found some other Puppy files on my HD and wanted to know which one I wanted to use. I tried to key in 0 for the live CD, but no keyboard input was accepted.

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#13 Post by Jim1911 »


Have you tried booting a live CD with "puppy pfix=ram"? If that doesn't work, I'd suspect a corrupt CD, maybe burn it at a slower speed, or download the iso again.

Good luck,
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#14 Post by 37fleetwood »

I'm running an Nvidia 7600GS. I have all the stuff I used to get compiz going in Puppy 4 with Tombh's help, will I be able to get enough going so I can install the Nvidia driver?
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#15 Post by dinky »

@ rhadon
Firstly its definitely not too early to test on the eeepc 900, I want that hardware working with Ripple. Secondly, If you're replacing files on a usb fash, you'll need to replace all of them: the sfs, vmlinuz, & initrd.gz.
Ripple is a rebuild from unleashed of Puppy 4.1.1, which menas there are changes to all these files.

I haven't tested Ripple on any eeepc with a cd drive.... could be that the cd drive is fine for booting, could be that there's a problem with it. Also, to rule out any problems with Puppy 4.1.1 itself, try booting into that with the pfix=ram option. If puppy 4.1.1 doesn't work, chances are Ripple won't either. Lasty, it's still possible you have a corrupted iso. Make sure you've downloaded the most recent one (currently ripple_06-2.iso), and the md5sum checks out. If that's fine, try replacing ALL the files on your flash drive (making sure there's no zdrv file present), or slowly burning the iso to disk. Good luck, let us know how you go.

You should be able to get Ripple going then. I haven't fiddled with tombh's CFwizard enough to get Nvidia's working, but if you're able to configure everything without it, you shouldn't need it. JWM is currently included with Ripple as a backup. To get it working boot up, then when you're dropped to the command line, edit /root/.xinitrc like this:

Code: Select all

e3 /root/.xinitrc
In the first couple lines you'll see where I've the command for starting Compiz-Fusions, simple comment out this line by placing a

Code: Select all

in front of it. (instruction are included there)
Save and exit by pressing ctrl+k+x.
Then type

Code: Select all

xwin jwm
and jwm should start. You can make all your changes in there, then reverse the process, typing

Code: Select all

xwin ripple
to start ripple again. Good luck! The next development version of Ripple will include the drivers for Nvidia cards, I'll be putting them up within the next couple weeks. If yoou can't get it working, chances are this support will be included shortly.

Glad you like it, and thans for your suggestions. Having the widget layer come up by right clicking the desktop is a good idea, I'll look into it at some point and see how easy it would be to implement. Re you cups problem... just tried it and working fine for me. Firefox is the default browser, and it's a bit slow to start on my machine.... I'll look into using netsurf for this in later releases. For now, when you launch Cups wizard from the menu, cups_shell is executed. Try this:
Run cups_shell in a terminal, and see what happens. Try it first with Firefox closed, and after 10 seconds (max on slow hardware) it should open. Otherwise, launch the same command with firefox open, and another tab should start with cups. If all else fails, tyoe this into your browser:

I agree the slow cups start isn't ideal, but for now it should work.
Re the dockbar, it's very easy to add applications to it, anything in the menu, actually. Open /usr/share/appliations, and drag programs to the dockbar. It's not idiot proof though, and you'l have to edit settings (easy to do) once they are there. I'll still keep making pet packages for people who want something ridiculously easy to install (most people, I think). For the more adventurous, it's really easy to link programs with Cairo dock.

A calendar widget already exists. Hit F9 and click on the clock. Odd about the freezing. It could be your hardware working (or not happily wokring) with Compiz-fusion. Notice the next time it happens and post it here. What exactly were you doing?

What Jim said. You may have a bad iso. However, if Puppy 4.1.1 won't boot, I doubt Ripple will. keep trying, Hopefully it's the iso, not your hardware.

Think that's everything, for now. I'll post a development iso on the Project Ripple development thread next that includes drivers for ATI and Nvidia cards. It will be quite big initially, but keep your eyes out for it. Cheers,
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#16 Post by Jim1911 »


The calendar is really neat and dragging icons from /usr/share/applications worked great, although I couldn't drag them onto an existing menu item.

CUPS failed to install. running from a terminal the error msg was:
cups: started scheduler.
bareview: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Entering http://localhost:631 also gave an error. Error: server-error-internal-error
Probably some needed codes that were deleted when Seamonkey was removed as default.

I agree with you that my hardware or the video driver is probably having a problem with Compiz-fusion because this has happened before with Muppy and others.

Thank you for a great distribution.
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#17 Post by LaneLester »

Have you tried booting a live CD with "puppy pfix=ram"? If that doesn't work, I'd suspect a corrupt CD, maybe burn it at a slower speed, or download the iso again.
Yesssss! That did the trick for my big box. Thank you very much. Ripple is running, and it looks terrific. I'm going to have to see if I can install my special programs, such as WeatherDisplay, so that I can spend some real time with this beauty.

Still no joy with the Eee PC, although things got further this time, I guess because I used Ripple to create the flash drive. I had to use the first MBR alternative to get it to start the boot. The first time I booted it, it started X with a cursor and black screen before it stopped progressing. Subsequent boots went to "Loading kernel modules" and then the power shut off (low battery? I'll check).

Please point me to some info on how to deal with this window manager. There are no title bars on the windows, and I can't figure how how to move the windows or enlarge them from the default size.

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#18 Post by dinky »

I'll have a look at that cups error later on, thanks for turning me onto that. Re draggining items into existing menus, you need to right click on them (once on the dockbar), select 'modify this launcher', then select the container you want it in. Let me know how you go.

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#19 Post by dinky »

Hi Lane, you're only half way there I'm afraid. Ripple works with Compiz-fusion as the window manager, and if it ain't working, you'll get Ripple with nothing to manage the windows.... I'm also guessing you have lots of widgets with black boxes around them on the desktop, and a dockbar also with black boxes. The boxes can be fixed by turning on false transparency, but that's not the point. Currently Ripple doesn't support hardware that can't run compiz fusion, that will happen in future releases.

What graphics card are you running? It needs to support compiz-fusion. The eeepc's do, so my thoughts are to keep trying to boot on that. I'd go for getting your flash drive to boot. In Puppy 4.1.1 (Ripple or whatever else), use the Puppy universal installer to configure the flash drive properly... I've had best luck choosing syslinux. I'll post some more detailed instructions later. Keep at it, and you'll get there.
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#20 Post by mysticmarks »

Looks great! First impressions are the dock seems to get unresponsive if another app is still loading or closing. I would also highly suggest leaving IN jwm or swapping with IceWM as a permanent backup to compiz. This would at least allow us to use our files and system reguardless of video support for compiz.
Maybe we could use scripting to test for compiz support by default and use a else statment to pull users into the alternate WM if compiz won't fly. Noobs shouldnt have to figure out commands to get this pup into GUI. It would be a major down. Plus it would keep the old hardware support that make all the puppies so robust as desktop replacements. I understand the initial ripple desire of ONLY compiz, but if its going to comprimise the number of systems it can be used on it would be a waste. I also think that if the backup WM is kept, this is THEE current pup of choice Dinky.

Let me know if you need some help or suggestions on what else to put in. (I already would love to see TOR, or some other anon protection in. Also undeb, unrpm, etc. I think it would be great to include one of the newer sfs editing programs we have in house. We really should have had one in all the pups anyway.)

I've spent weeks reading EVERYTHING on softpedia for linux and am now working through sourceforge for other interesting things. I've found a bunch of small neat stuff.(Home automation, etc.) Most are very small too. Perhaps it will be time for another sfs creation once you've finished with the included package list.

On a side note. Did you use the devx, or unleashed through another distro?

EDIT: Also, you should keep the puppy connection wizard in the internet dock. It is completely unobvious how to setup the internet without that addition to the dock(or desktop).
Last edited by mysticmarks on Wed 19 Nov 2008, 05:35, edited 1 time in total.
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