Unnamed pupplet (puppy411 kernel- Xorg-7.4 LXDE)

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#121 Post by wow »

double post . . .
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#122 Post by wow »

Can the xorg from this puppy work on other puppies? If so what must be done to get it to work?
Yes, it should work (I compiled it in Puppy-4.10) as long as you have these dependencies already installed: dbus-1.2.6, dbus-glib-0.78, hal-0.5.11, hal-info (any recent package) and udev-130. If you want 3D acceleration: Mesa-7.2, drm-2.3.1(libs and kernel modules)

But there are some problems:
- Dougal's "Xkb Config Manager" wont work properly.
- (Xinput hotplug) Keyboard layout is set to "us" by default by HAL
- Some options (InputDevice, Monitor and Device options) in xorg.conf will be ignored if X auto configuration is enabled (enabled by default)
But you could try to pack the whole /usr/X11R7/
You must also pack /etc/X11/*

Kirk reported that he has a working Xorg 7.4 without HAL. This could be the best way to install Xorg on other puppies Try to contact him

EDIT: This is my xorg-7.4 binary package.

[xorg-7.4-i686.wow.tar.bz2] [11.31 MB]

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#123 Post by wow »

Fuse is broken in this puplet, please install this package to fix it:

[fuse-2.7.4-i686.pet] [68.44 KB]

It is needed for some tools like acetoneiso and furiousmount (mount Nero, CloneCD, Alcohol120&% , CDRwin, etc disk images)
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#124 Post by Kazm »

Big thanks you wow and MU for your pupplets!
I hope we will support this puplet with i18n 8)

But I have one problem with my netcard. In our PuppyRus (puppyrus.org) and in Dingo4.1.2 netcard working. Loading sis900 module. But here network interface become eth0_reno :?: Why?
So network don't work...
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Opera Unexpected Shutdown

#125 Post by Fishy »

I am running Mu's New years version and have problems with Opera shutting down after leaving the machine to download torrents using Opera's builtin torrent manager. When I come back a couple hours later Opera has shutdown but the rest of the pup seems to be running flawlessly, curious. :?

One other question, how does one replace the dillo brower icon on the openbox panel with opera? I have looked high and low for a change menu item.

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Pcman Dual Window

#126 Post by techtype »


Could you make a dual window pcmanfm for "Ultrapup" like the one you did here: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=25699
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#127 Post by MU »


about Opera, I'm not certain.
You could try to use "xkill" typed in a console to force to close it.

To customize the Icon in Lxpanel (the bar at top, you mean that?), right-click an icon. This opens a menu to customize the icons. Add there the opera.desktop file from /usr/share/applications/.

this would require changes in the sources of Pcmanfm.

I am not certain, if wow patched lxdesktop. If yes, I would need his patched source.
If it is not patched, I must search the source for the same version of pcmanfm, and try to reproduce, what I modified in the older one somewhen this week.

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Problems with network and shutdown

#128 Post by gw »

Hello all,

Many thanks to Wow for UP, which seems to be a very nice product.
I have only two problems with it :
- shutdown or reboot give me directly a black screen with no possibility to restart.
- same problem as Kazm with the network. Impossible to connect to Internet. Normally I can connect with other Puppy derivates with the module e100.

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#129 Post by Fishy »

MU, sorry about the confused posting. Opera shuts down on it's own volition. When I come back to the machine there is the standard desktop with no programs running, Double click opera and away to the races. I have never had a program shut down on it's own before, usually the problem is how to get the damn things to stop running. :lol:

I have left ptorrent and transmissiion running for hours and they haven't shutdown. Normally i would have posted the question in the Users section of the forum but thought that it might be puplet related. :?

Thanks, John

ps. thinking that this might be my replacement for Dingo 4.12 :D
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Re: Problems with network and shutdown

#130 Post by MU »

gw wrote:I have only two problems with it :
- shutdown or reboot give me directly a black screen with no possibility to restart.
Please try the NewyearspupMU.iso.
It contains fixes to allow a proper shutdown.
I'm curious, if that also fixes your problems.
Alternatively, use my icewm_411.sfs with wows Iso, it updates some systemfiles (so backup your savefile first!).

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#131 Post by wow »

(requested)Xorg-7.4 binary package here:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 200#264200
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#132 Post by wow »

www.virtualbox.org wrote:VirtualBox is a family of powerful x86 virtualization products for enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it is also the only professional solution that is freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). See "About VirtualBox" for an introduction.
VitualBox 2.1.0 sfs module (lzma): Requires: EDIT: links fixed
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#133 Post by wow »

Kazm wrote:But I have one problem with my netcard. In our PuppyRus (puppyrus.org) and in Dingo4.1.2 netcard working. Loading sis900 module. But here network interface become eth0_reno :?: Why?
So network don't work...
gw wrote:same problem as Kazm with the network. Impossible to connect to Internet.
It could be a problem with udev, please read these pages to learn how to create a new udev rule to automatically rename your network interface:
http://www.reactivated.net/writing_udev ... mple-netif
http://debianclusters.cs.uni.edu/index. ... Interfaces
http://www.science.uva.nl/research/air/ ... rfaceNames

MU wrote:I am not certain, if wow patched lxdesktop. If yes, I would need his patched source.
I removed the "open as root" item in Tools (pcmanfm's menubar), added the rgba patch(useless?) and configured it with --disable-superuser-check or something like that.
MU wrote:If it is not patched, I must search the source for the same version of pcmanfm, and try to reproduce, what I modified in the older one somewhen this week.
Source code: pcmanfm-0.5.tar.gz
Fishy wrote:how does one replace the dillo brower icon on the openbox panel with opera?
Edit the config file with a text editor, example:

Code: Select all

leafpad ~/.config/lxpanel/LXDE/panels/top
Replace "id=leafpad.desktop" (line 55) with "id=opera.desktop" and restart lxpanel or X
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Compiz Fusion

#134 Post by logimax »

Hey, Im having problems with compiz.

I have installed:
NewYearsPuP Frugal Install, NVIDIA (latest driver from nvidia.com), Fusion31Dec08.sfs, linux-, Firefox.sfs,blender.sfs,songbird.sfs,gimp.sfs, AND pycairo-1.4.12.pet, pygobject-2.14.1.pet, libwnck-2.24.1.pet, pygtk-2.12.pet... the same way I did with the Unnamed PuP, which works there...

But in NewYearsPuP (which looks great BTW) no matter how I try to start compiz, (ALT+F2, RXVT, in xinit.rc) it shuts down Pcman desktop (at least that is what I think is desktop default, maybe it is LXDE?) anyhow it throws me to the desktopchooser, but with compiz running (throwing the cursor to topleft starts expose) ony way to get out of the chooser is to choose LXDE MU, and then get the desktop back by pressing pcmanfm on taskbar, then it starts the desktop, but scrambles the screen a bit, and compiz is running, any thoughts? im blank...
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#135 Post by MU »

please install this pet:
http://puppyisos.org/isos/2008-07-to-12 ... compiz.pet

It is very small, and just adds a new button to the desktopchooser.
You don't need to read the following text, it is just a general instruction for interested people, to add customized desktops.

Hm.. with my Ati 4850 using Catalyst 8.12, I had to patch

Code: Select all

	verbose "No whitelisted driver found\n"
	return 1

Code: Select all

return 0
	verbose "No whitelisted driver found\n"
	return 1
Then it worked.

Short Instruction , how is a new desktop added to the desktopchooser:

A new desktop is added like this:

First, you must decide for a name. I use "mydesktop" here.
You need 3 files.




So how must they look like?
1.) /root/.desktopchooser/desktops/mydesktop

It has two lines.
The first is the text displayed on the button.
My very own, unique desktop

The second line can be a program, that will be looked for.
If the program does not exist, the button will not be shown.
E.g. if your desktop is based on kicker, you would add here:
(fixme: this should be extended by me to check for several programs)
Do NOT use an absolute path like /usr/bin/kicker , as the check is done with "which"!

2.) /usr/local/Desktopstarters/startmydesktop
This is the script, that runs your desktop. It must be executable.
The easiest one is the "startjwm", you also could add more commands here:

Code: Select all


#run pcmanfm as daemon to avoid it starts with desktop
pcmanfm -d --no-desktop &

rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin &
desktoprootwallpaper &

#desktoptrayapps -start &

desktopapplications -start &
desktoprunwm jwm jwm
So what happens here?
First, pcmanfm is started in daemon-mode.
This avoids, that it displays an own desktop covering the Rox-Pinboard (Puppys default desktopicons), in case it is launched by click or from another script.
Then the Rox-Pinboard is displayed.
Then a wallpaper is set for the ROOT window. This is the "real" background of X.
It is the background, that conky uses. It is set from the current rox or pcmanfm wallpaper, depending on which one was chosen before to display the desktopicons.

Next, the applications for the tray are run.
These are selected with the "desktopoptions" utility.
As JWM is not compatible with a standard systray, this is commented here with a "#".

Then, widgets and similar stuff like xcompmgr (windowshadows) are started.
Also these are selected with the "desktopoptions" utility.

Finally, the windowmanager itself is executed.
You may pass 2 values to "desktoprunwm".
The first is the program to start the WM.
The second is the one to kill it.
If they are identical, the second also may be ommitted.
This is required, because some WMs are started by wrapperscripts.

For compiz fusion, this Line looks like this:
desktoprunwm compiz-manager compiz

3.) /usr/local/Desktopstarters/stopmydesktop

This simply exits all services started before. It must be executable.
Look at the existing scripts, this is very short.

Code: Select all


killall pcmanfm

killall ROX-Filer
killall freememapplet
desktopapplications -stop
Howto add trayapps or widgets to the "desktop-options" utility

You will find there for example "blinky.txt".
It has 3 lines:

Code: Select all

killall blinky
Networktraffic monitor (Tray)
1.) the command to run it
2.) the command to stop it
3.) the text displayed in desktop-options beside the checkboxes.
Thats's all already!
If you add such a file on your own, the desktop-chooser now lets you check/unckeck your own application, and it is run with every desktop!

Last edited by MU on Tue 13 Jan 2009, 06:51, edited 3 times in total.
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#136 Post by fabr1zio »

Hi MU. Could you tell mewhere could i download youur newyearspupMU.iso from, please ?
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#137 Post by MU »

wow has listed the most interesting addons and isos in his first message.

Newyearspup is here:
http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 003#263003

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about compiz...

#138 Post by logimax »

Nope, it didn't help, me at least... Didn't add any button to desktopchooser...
though, I found my problem, a simple "kill xcompmgr" solved it... just need to find where it autostarts... Thanks anyway, this pup (NewYearsPuP) RoCkS.
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#139 Post by MU »

run "desktopoptions" from the menu, it also has an icon on the desktop.
There choose "widgets and shadows".
There you can deactivate the start of xcompmgr.
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#140 Post by MU »

I uploaded to addons-2:
- GoogleEarth-4.3_411.sfs
- Ati-Catalyst-8.12-xorg7.4-k2.6.27.5.pet
Both work in a "pure" unnamed puplet, you do not need other extensions or Newyearspup.
Only Google Earth needs OpenGL, so you need the xorg-input.sfs and mesa.sfs (included in Newyearspup already) or the Ati or Nvidia pet.

The Ati pet has the "fglrx" closed source drivers for Ati cards newer than the 9250.
It overwrites xorg.conf.
Note, "xorgwizard" can no longer be used to select xorg, after this pet was installed. Only to select xvesa.
To fix that, you'd had to move /usr/X11R7/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.so to somewhere else.

The pet includes the catalyst center to manage more than one monitor (did not test that myself), colours and more, a small 3D demo "antinspect" to check accelleration, and a script to display the GPU temperature.
All 3 tools can be run from the menu.

The pet tells you to reboot after installation, and you really should do that.
It is 27 MB, and 57 MB extracted (I gained 10 MB by compressing files with upx). So you need around 80 MB free diskspace for installation.

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