Puppy Advanced

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Puppy Advanced

#1 Post by Lobster »

I was very pleased to hear that Ian the Foundation Treasurer, just got broadband - Hooray!

To celebrate I am introducing a new initiative:

Puppy Advance

We are not looking at Puppy Tardis or Puppy 1.0.8 but further
. . . roundabout Puppy 3.0

Here are the Puppy 3.0 specs:
  • Puppy modules - follow the Pup, GPS Puppy "find your way" hardware for your sunglasses.
    3D Desktop - stackable, rotatable desktops (remember when you thought 4 screens were cool!)
    Touch screen now co-ordinated with voice recognition
    Puppy on demand - Puppy on phone, game console or embedded devices
    Transmogrify - 1 click Puppy changes between windowing managers
    Puppy Whine - Run your legacy MS programs
    Puppy Basic - now voice activated (with STIcell processor)
    Puppy Drive - Puppy can now legally drive your car
    Puppy Speak - 3 more regional Chinese dialects added to Puppy real time translation
    Puppy 007 - Gaim Video Communication with Quantum entanglement
    Rescue Puppy available as an ID credit card
    Puppy Game - play your old Revolution and Ps4 games (anyone remember the Betamax/Xbox360?)
Oh OK some may be Puppy 4 :)
Puppy Raspup 8.2Final 8)
Puppy Links Page http://www.smokey01.com/bruceb/puppy.html :D
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#2 Post by Pizzasgood »

What I'm hoping for is a Puppy-Shades deal that can be a HUD and even fully opaque screen (depending on situation). The arms could have neural sensors, so you could control it with your mind. It could also have built-in earphones (ala Oakly Thumps). In fact, if you added some mics (stereo), you could use it as hearing aids too, in adition to being able to function as a portable recording studio.

It would of course tie in to a wireless internet service (by then Antartica would even be getting service. Forget about deadzones in the rest of the world, though. Except at sea, maybe). Voip would come standard. Not just any voip either. Free voip. Not that I'd use it. I'm not a phone person. Other people would, though.

These things would have the whole set of everthing gauges. Odometer, spedometer, thermometer, altometer, geiger counter, radar, gps, barometer, decibalmeter (with sound-canceling technology to lessen the future need to use the hearing aid function), and even optional mood-color frames. :wink:

Actually, the frames could be variabley colored, so you could choose colors, set it to change with your music, or use the thermometer for the mood-sensing. Or it could analyse your brainwaves for the mood.

It would have light sensing built in due to the inclusion of stereo video recorders. That also means night vision, heat vision, magnification (both binocular style and microscope style), with the option of overlaying and even using a single lens and seeing normally through the other.

Oh, and it could function as sunglasses and perscription glasses (but it would be able to change the perscription just like transistion lenses change the darkness.)

Built-in flashlight and laserpointers (both with all colors of visible light, uv, and ir frequencies). For an added fee, a more powerful laser can be included. If purchessed from the right places, you might even be able to hook up with an industrial strength laser, but that wouldn't be officially supported exept for military or industrial applications. The lights and lasers can be targeted without moving your head, and can lock on, so that moving your head won't affect aim.

Finally, the speakers can also function as dog wistles, mouse repellers, and wall-crumblers (warning: remove from head before using wall-crumbler features).

That thing would be excellent for gaming, movies, and basically anything. Since it has stereo screens, it's 3d. A sports-goggle type deal would also be neccessary. It would be much more secure and durable. That would be good for sports (call for help in an avalanch with a mere thought) and police/firefighter/anything (silent communication, sensors up the wazzu, google access, etc).

They'd be powered by a small turbine engine or a mini fusion reactor, depending on what is available at the time. And they would have an optional bark on bootup. (Needs to be optional for stealth situations.)

Oh, I almost forgot: There would be an optional mouthpiece addon that has a three hour airsupply (solid oxygen 8) ), water (non-crystalized solid, aka not ice), pez dispensor, mouthwash, and additional microphone.

A possible accessory could be a backpack with more fuel, pez, air, and water storage. Plus room for your books, board, and tent, with the ability to connect attachments such as a jet pack, parachute, flamethrower, or proton pack (for when you need a positron beam to take care of those pesky ghosts. BUT DON'T CROSS THE STREAMS!!!!).
[size=75]Between depriving a man of one hour from his life and depriving him of his life there exists only a difference of degree. --Muad'Dib[/size]
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#3 Post by rarsa »

(anyone remember the Betamax/Xbox360?)
Beta was actually better than VHS while Xbox360... I'll reserve my judgement when I play with the Revolution and PS3.

Hey, what about RFID puppy?, an implanted chip with your 1 TB pup001 file. The heck... with the whole puppy plus the data.
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#4 Post by puppian »

Lobster wrote:Puppy Speak - 3 more regional Chinese dialects added to Puppy real time translation
sccat has already made a few dotpups that allow people to input Chinese in Puppy 8). We're getting closer and closer.

Hey where's my Tablet Puppy?
I'm going to travel to the future with my Tmxxine to see what Puppy we'll have by that time :lol:
[url=http://puppylinux.org]Puppylinux.org - Community home page of Puppy Linux[/url] hosted by Barry (creator of Puppy), created and maintained by the [url=http://puppylinux.org/user/readarticle.php?article_id=8]Puppy Linux Foundation[/url] since 2005
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#5 Post by Pizzasgood »

Carry your whole operating system and all your files implanted benieth your skin, eh? Just waltz up to the nearest wireless monitor, connect, and BOOM! InstaOS. Next thing you know and you'll have a projector within your eyeball, or even have it set up to interface directly with your nerves like a second brain. Got Puppy on your mind? You'd have to really watch out for viruses, though. Good thing puppies and penguins have good immune systems. :wink:

If I ever build some kind of mech or tricked out car, I'll find a way to use Puppy (though maybe not as the operating operating system. Don't know if I'd want a dog driving my car or giant robot.... I think I'd be better off with a system solely focused on it. But Puppy's fine for the secondary computer with all the other stuff like gps, solitair, communications, etc., and would interface with the other.)

Also, when I have kids of my own, if I build them a tree house, I'm going to build them a computer too, and give it Puppy. (Don't worry about it getting wrecked in the tree house either. Computers aren't my only skill. 8) )

In all seriousness, though, I think Puppy on a pair of Oakly Thumps would be the dog diggity.

Otherwise, take the next best route and attach some of those hud things to your generic shades, hook a touchpad to a wristband, stuff a laptop in your backpack, and plug your earphones into the laptop. Thow in one of those wireless internet deals and you're good to go. Maybe even swap the backpack for one of those recharging-backpacks that they're developing. And instead of just earphones, use a headset with a mic too. And a solar-charging jacket.
[size=75]Between depriving a man of one hour from his life and depriving him of his life there exists only a difference of degree. --Muad'Dib[/size]
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#6 Post by aahhaaa »

game designers write for Puppy, later adapt it to other OSs...
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