puppy shares WinXP files but not win98's nor the reverse

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#21 Post by HairyWill »

rcrsn51 wrote:Try this command:

Code: Select all

nbtscan -t 20000
should be

Code: Select all

nbtscan -t 20000
be aware that you need to wait 20 seconds for it to complete
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#22 Post by rcrsn51 »

Going back to the first page of this thread, are you able to successfully ping the Win98 machine?

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#23 Post by eastler_dart »

Hello all,

first, sorry for my poor english.

There is another aspect, why XP and W98 go different ways - the password-transmitting.
There are differences in encryption of the passwords.

W98SE is able, to send encrypted passwords, but this didn't work really (my Tests).
XP with no change sends encrypted passwords, somewhere in services/security/local there is the possibility, "enable plain Text Passwords".

After a lot of tests, my result is:
My Old Samba-Server (Version is something like 1.9) acts by default with plain passwords.

The W98-Clients got a Registry-Hack with EnablePlainTextPassword=yes
and all are working fine with the Server.

The new Clients, with XP, I had enabled "Plain Text Passwords" in the services. From then on, they also act with the Old Server.
But in the logs of the XP-Clients on the Server, there are sometimes some lines, that XP wants something, which Samba 1.9 does not know.

So, I tried to build a second, newer Server=newer Samba.
With: "encrypt passwords = no" in the smb.conf,
it is possible, to act with plain passwords.
With additionaly "netbios name = Server2",
W98SE find this second, newer Server and act with him.
But the XPprof Clients, do not find them.

With "encrypt passwords = yes"
And re-disable "Plain passwords" on the XP-Clients, they are happy and act with the new Samba, but, the W98-Clients do not find something.

Thats why, I now try something like this:
Build a second server, share alle Diskspace via NFS to the first server, and this first server send these shares via (old) Samba on the Lan.
First tests are successful.
The End-Result should be, that in addition, the Old Server also shares all via NFS to the new one, so that the new one is also able, to give all stored files via smb to clients.
And in this situation, the XP-Clients could work with the new one (without errors in the logs), the W98-Clients keep working with the old Server.

And when the last W98-Client is death, the old server could go away.

Hope, you can understand, what I'm writing,
with newer Sambas seems there is no way,
to get W98 AND XP clients on a single Lan.
Or, I don't know all, and there are other ways, too.

hope it helps,

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Old Samba anyone?

#24 Post by canbyte »

Hi eastler_dart, hairyWill, rcrsn51,
I'll post the data from rxvt's response below but first eastler, welcome aboard! If i understand you correctly, you may have found a solution to a problem which is plaguing many folks around various fora - and that is to get hold of an old samba and throw out the new samba! The old samba shares with both Win98 and XP once all passwords are plain. Not being very familiar with messing with these things, i may need some coaching for such a changeover but firstly, ....

does anybody have an old samba (1.9) that can be inserted into puppy 412???

Or is such a thing even possible?

If it is, then wouldn't you be better off with the old one ie why are you pursuing trying to get the new samba to work?

I don't suppose that a simple solution - having no username or password at all - would be a solution?? ie- nothing to encrypt?

I shouldn't forget to mention that neither XP nor Win98 can share with puppy other than being able to ping the machine, although this is of less concern as i would like to make Puppy the 'master'! I hope 2 yr old Dakota, (our real puppy), won't get jealous!

A few times i've seen in this forum, folks suggesting that older machines/ systems should use an older puppy version. Your approach lends weight to that notion. If so, i hope puppy developers can somehow keep the old versions alive/supported/ updated as something older computers can/should be using (or make changing samba version easier through package manager.)

Here's the data for any clues it may provide.
# nbtscan -t 20000
Doing NBT name scan for addresses from
IP address NetBIOS Name Server User MAC address
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sendto failed: Permission denied WIN98 <server> WIN98 00-14-2a-ad-70-40 SARAH <server> <unknown> 00-01-02-69-11-68
# smbclient -NL WIN98
params.c:Parameter() - Ignoring badly formed line in configuration file: SMBCLIENT //win98/c -U -W
params.c:Parameter() - Ignoring badly formed line in configuration file: smbmount //win98/C /mnt/network
init_iconv: Conversion from UTF-16LE to CP850 not supported
init_iconv: Attempting to replace with conversion from UTF-16BE to ASCII
Connection to WIN98 failed (Error NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME)
# nbtscan -t 20000
Doing NBT name scan for addresses from
IP address NetBIOS Name Server User MAC address
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sendto failed: Permission denied SARAH <server> <unknown> 00-01-02-69-11-68 WIN98 <server> WIN98 00-14-2a-ad-70-40 Sendto failed: Permission denied
# ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=128 time=4.397 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=128 time=0.377 ms
[2]+ Stopped ping

Thanks for all your suggestions.
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#25 Post by eastler_dart »

hello all, hello canbyte,

i try to answer some of your questions:

1) Old Samba: I had a look of my old Install-CDs of Suse 6.00,
the packages are called:
samba-2.0.0-0.i386.rpm Date 16 jan 1999 Size: 2475 K
samba-2.0.0-0.src.rpm Date 16 jan 1999 Size: 2075 K
it seems, that should work. If the i386 pre-compiled rpm dosn't do, what we want, there are also the sources ;-).
But I'm not familar with compiling something in Linux !
That should not be a problem, here are enough specialists.

Is here anyone, who can explain me, what happens to me, if I put this both files on my www.space for downloading?
Got I hanged up?

2) Why I try to use the new Samba:
The old server writes log-files with infos of every contact from Clients to the server. In this log-files I can read, that the XP-Clients are asking Samba something, and Samba 2 doesn't know, what they want.
Additionally, the XP-Clients got sometimes wired, do mystical things (greetings from Bill?).
I think now, this could be, because Samba2 dosn't answer all questions. That's why, I want to test with newer Samba, if the XP-Machines then don't get a little wired.
But, all in all, I can start Word, Excel, Access and co. on the XP-Clients, load files from the Samba2-Server, edit them, and save them back to the Server. I am able, to play on XP-Clients music, stored on the old server, or take a look on pictures, stored on the server.
No file errors ore something else, only the Logs, that some questions from the XP-Clients coultn't be understand.
So its only my Sherlock Holmes-thinking, to test a newer Samba, what is about the unrecognized Questions, allthough all goes well.

3) usernames - groupnames.
you write something like "without usernames".
If I understand it right, you think, there are no posibilities of creating additional usernames or groupnames in Puppy? There are !
In a terminal there are commands, called adduser and addgroup !. And you need this both, if you want to give Samba-Shares only to group-members or to an specially user.
(Shure, thats not enough, to login on the Servers Keyboard with such an additional username, but that is not what we want or need)

4) ...as i would like to make Puppy the 'master'!
My Server isn't a Master of anything! And, if I remember right, Samba2 as a Master(Local or/and Domain) dosn't understand a W98-Machine!

your Datas in Quotes didn't say enough at the moment, but first, we shoulb be able, to get Samba2 to run on Puppy. After that (successful), it make sense, of checking all of the other things.

OK, first I have to know, if I got hanged up ;-)
then I can post the files
then someone here can try, to build an sfs-file with Samba2
to add this old samba to Puppy

see you later

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#26 Post by Aitch »


I hope its not an obvious oversight, like not having enabled windoze file sharing as per:-

http://www.wellesley.edu/Computing/File ... n98me.html

As I recall any settings changes on a Win98 box need a reboot, too

sharing always was a bit tricky, IIRC

I found using Slampp live CD works everytime, including W98, so maybe some tips there?

http://slampp.abangadek.com/wiki/wikka. ... a=HomePage

Aitch :)
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