UPUP mice problem?

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UPUP mice problem?

#1 Post by ChiJoan »

Hello Barry,

I tried this UPUP on an old ASUS VX97 motherboard with Intel 82430VX Triton 2 chipset, Award BIOS dated 4/9/97, and the CPU was a Pentium MMX 200 MHz with 64MB RAM. UPUP booted up live, but it was missing the select your mouse question and both the PS/2, serial, and after adding a USB 2 PCI card...I gave up, since the USB mice were not lighting up either.

I also tried the latest 4.2 Puppy with less luck. It is good to know that there is some hope for others, but I retired this AT computer.

Keep up the improvements,
Joan in Reno
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