Puppy can't see LS-120 hard drive

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Puppy can't see LS-120 hard drive

#1 Post by Sage »

This item:
http://www.murga.org/%7Epuppy/viewtopic ... ight=ls120
never did get a response, back in October.
These drives are popping up occasionally as old Compaqs begin to be scrapped. In many ways they seem to be ideal for Puppy but MUT refuses to detect properly. It correctly assigns hdc, but splits this into an infinite number of listings and never completes the operation. I did succeed in running a script some years ago to handle these, but forget what it was because the major distro now do it successfully, automatically.
No booting issues - modern BIOSes all include it.
It would be nice if one of the gurus could favour us with his wisdom.
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#2 Post by BarryK »

You are not forgotten!
The LS-120 is formatted with the "superfloppy" format, see my Developer News page for 9th Jan.
In other words, Puppy2 is designed to work with this format, so will be able to boot off an LS-120.

The internal LS-120 connects to an IDE cable, right? So will appear similar to a internal Zip drive.
The current pre-pre-alpha release of Puppy2 can't handle it, but I intend to add a "idezip" boot option, which should also handle a LS-120 drive.

#3 Post by Guest »

What can I say? Barry, you're the MAN!
Thanks a bundle.

PS. Yes, it's an IDE device.
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#4 Post by Sage »

What's going on, John? I was logged on for the above post! And my 'EDIT' doesn't seem to have appeared. Please knock out that alien 'd' to make that read '...an IDE...'

You are doing us all a wonderful and much appreciated service by hosting this community, but (isn't there always one?!) this crazy log-in system is driving us all, err..... , crazy! Or is the world really full of Guests?

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#5 Post by Sage »

Well, Mr Moderator, you've done it again! The title is now incorrect!
Puppy does 'see' my LS-120, as stated, but can't handle it properly.
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#6 Post by BarryK »

Personally, I don't have any problems with the forum.
The thing to remember is, when you login, don't go away for too long -- I think the timeout is set to 1 hour, then you get logged out.
I login, do all the reading and posting, then logout, don't wander off in between, and it works fine.
The only difficulty sometimes is the forum seems to get too busy, and when I try to reply or post, it doesn't work. But, I just wait awhile and it comes good.

Sometimes also, I forget to login, which is a nuisance when I realise that I have posted as "guest".
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#7 Post by Sage »

Lucky, Barry.
I guess it takes me about five minutes to think, compose and roughly check over my offerings - longer if I have to look something up in the dictionary, rather than a spellchecker. This period of inactivity is sometimes sufficient for my ISP to cut me off. Upon reconnecting, I have to re-log-in delete all tabs and restart them all from the index menu. A real pain! [But it's worth it for the quality!].
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