Seamonkey screen "jumps" a few lines as I click in it

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Seamonkey screen "jumps" a few lines as I click in it

#1 Post by Shep »

This bug would have to have been reported by now, surely; but
just to be certain, here is the description:

Frequently, but not every time, as I click on a link or button in
a Seamonkey window the content of that window (but not including
the window borders) jumps upwards (i.e., scrolls) by a cm or so.
The click does not register as a click, and I have to reposition the
mouse now 1 cm higher up the screen and click again.

FWIW, the screen never jumps again for that repeated mouse

Using standard Puppy 4.1.

Very annoying seamonkey. :evil:
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Try smooth scrolling

#2 Post by downsouth »

If you haven't already tried, go to Edit - Prefs - Mouse & set 'smooth scrolling' - might fix problem.
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#3 Post by kethd »

Hmmm... This reminds me of something very similar I experience at least a few times a week, for the last months or years. I suspect in both Firefox and Seamonkey etc. I think it is a combination of two "normal" things that add up to annoyance. One factor is, when you are on the first tab in a browser, which is no-tab. Then you click, spawning an additional tab, and the whole screen re-formats slightly to make space for the tabs.

The second factor is, you click, but the computer takes time to process, and by the time the computer processes your mouse click, the screen has changed, but it thinks you clicked where the pointer is now, instead of remembering properly what you were actually pointing at back when you actually clicked.

So, if you are having this issue when in transition from one to two tabs, I fear it is current "normal" malfunctioning, and the only cure would be to use no tabs or change your browser config to always have the tab showing even with just one tab.

Even if your problem has nothing to do with tabs, it still sounds like what passes for "normal" these days. I fear that developers mostly have souped up computers, and don't test enough on slower computers, so those of us on the trailing edge are left to suffer with weird artifacts.

(We swim in a sea of malfunctions. In my experience, NYTimes articles don't display properly in Firefox -- the top of the article gets cut off. I just assumed it would get fixed. Now I have been living with it for years. Pretty funny. But if you study the mountain of Fx bug reports, you see that they have so many ongoing, long-standing problems that are so serious, and so few resources to deal with the problems, that the wonder is that they are actually able to get out a mostly usable product.)
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Re: Try smooth scrolling

#4 Post by Shep »

downsouth wrote:If you haven't already tried, go to Edit - Prefs - Mouse & set 'smooth scrolling' - might fix problem.
Thanks for the idea. Tried it, got seasick, so changed it back. :(
That wasn't the cause.
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#5 Post by Shep »

kethd wrote:Hmmm... This reminds me of something very similar I experience at least a few times a week, for the last months or years. I suspect in both Firefox and Seamonkey etc. I think it is a combination of two "normal" things that add up to annoyance. One factor is, when you are on the first tab in a browser, which is no-tab. Then you click, spawning an additional tab, and the whole screen re-formats slightly to make space for the tabs.

The second factor is, you click, but the computer takes time to process, and by the time the computer processes your mouse click, the screen has changed, but it thinks you clicked where the pointer is now, instead of remembering properly what you were actually pointing at back when you actually clicked.
Excellent ideas there. However, I already do have even single tabs
displayed so that was not the cause of the jumps..
The cause of most of this behaviour I traced to a nuisance
"personal toolbar" that sometimes pops up above the tabs and pushes
the web page down by two lines. EDIT>Hide>PersonalToolbar allowed
me to get rid of this pesky useless thing.
Most of the "jumps" have now disappeared, but when it does now occur
I have to reposition the mouse down the screen rather than up the screen.
So (as is the way with most software bugs) I think I am going to have to
settle for having the problem merely largely solved. :o

Most grateful for your interest.
Posts: 102
Joined: Sat 04 Apr 2009, 17:40

#6 Post by fyujj »

Just saying...
fecth an Opera 10 .pet ... 10c20cc73e

it's a quite stable browser in Puppy, I find both Seamonkey (more) and FF (less) usually have some glitches (I suppose too that it may have something to do with their porting to Puppy).
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