Please Report wifi cards or USB Devices THAT WORK with Puppy

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Posts: 56
Joined: Sun 24 May 2009, 06:08

Please Report wifi cards or USB Devices THAT WORK with Puppy

#1 Post by Fishback »

After installation questions, wireless connectivity problems seem to be the biggest obstacle for new Puppy users. But, you can help!

If you have a wireless card or USB device that you've confirmed works in Puppy, please post the relevant information in this thread, or in the sticky thread at the top of this forum. I will continue to compile the list of devices in my post in the sticky thread.

Bear in mind that simply stating a particular wifi device 'works' is not very helpful. Others wanting to try that device will want to know:
- what version of the device are you using? (The first place to look is the device label or the box it came in.)
- which version of Puppy are you using?
- what driver are you using and where did you find it?
- how did you install the driver and configure the device?
- which wifi protocols have you confirmed to work, or are you using? (A, B, G, N?)
- which security protocols have you confirmed to work, or are you using? (WEP, WPA, WPA?)
- any notes or comments that will assist the next person in getting this device to work?

- People have had lots of trouble getting Puppy wireless to work on some of the netbooks. If you've successfully configured a netbook for wireless with Puppy, that info is welcome and will be added to the list mentioned above. Please include as many details as possible, just as you would for a third party wireless device.

You may not have all this info, but please include as much as you can - it could be VERY helpful to someone else.

Keep 'em coming - Please Help Us to Expand the List of Puppy-confirmed wifi devices.
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