connect wirelessly with Averatec 3250 HX laptop? RESOLVED

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connect wirelessly with Averatec 3250 HX laptop? RESOLVED

#1 Post by scrapcan »

I am a NOOB with Puppy. It does everything I need for an older Averatec 3250 HX laptop, except wireless. Puppy even configured the xorg and it works, that is something no other distro since ubuntu 5.0 has done well.

It finds the Raylink 2500 adapter and the second zydas usb adapter. I run through the network setup and I am unable to get the wirelsee to come up.

I see the adapter MAC addresses in the router.dsl modem. it appears to connect but internet is not functional. I changed the name servers in 4.1 and 4.2. Now in 4.1.1 and 4.2.1 the resolv.conf is empty.

Puppy is installed to HD and dual/triple booted using grub. It works and boots fine. Just no wireless.

I will keep this to the single topic of wireless and hope for the best help. I read alot and have not come to a solution on my own.
Last edited by scrapcan on Mon 21 Sep 2009, 02:35, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by Fishback »

I can't follow your entire post, but for others to assist you, more information is needed. There are some very knowledgeable people who offer assistance in this forum, but they get tired of asking for full details. Generally, the following information should be posted, if known:

- Which version of Puppy are you using?
- You need to address problems with one adapter at a time. What is the name and version of the adapter you want to resolve issues with? Is it USB, PCI, or mini-PCI?
- Which driver have you loaded for the adapter? Are you using Ndiswrapper?
- What steps have you taken so far to get the adapter to work? Be clear in your explanation.
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#3 Post by scrapcan »

Sorry I have been away for a few days and have not gotten back to respond with more info.

The laptop is an averatec 3250. it has an internal Wireless RaLink RT2500 802.11g miniPCI internal network interface.

I tried all ofthe versions available for download. I have had real issues with linux on this laptop because of the video card being Via/S3G and the wireless on board adapter.

Version 4.2 was installed to hard drive first (as were the other distributions) and I used both the wizard under the install icon and the link through the main menu.

I set up with both no encryption with and open system for testing after trying with 128bit WEP encryption.

Drivers were those provided by Puppy as it recognized both adapters when tried.

When the onboard adapter failed to work as hoped I tried a backup USB Zydas adapter that is known good with linux on other systems (actually running right now on a desktop with ubuntu 9,04).

Everything else with Puppy works except the wireless so I am hopeful that it will soon be a usable system and untethered from the LAN.
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more details

#4 Post by scrapcan »

I have now loaded version 4.30

Same issue is occuring.

All setup seems to work and test of wlan shows that i was successful. then both static and dhcp fail.

In each case it appears that the ip address is not being set and is returning a default 169.X.X.X address.

Once the setup returns a failure it is a no go until I wipe and do a reinstall.

Everything will work great with a wired connection, but what use is a laptop without wireless working.

More info to come. I would like to figure out how to copy the text out of rxvt to post here. I am searching for that info also.
Last edited by scrapcan on Sat 19 Sep 2009, 03:42, edited 1 time in total.
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#5 Post by Fishback »

Since you didn't provide the name of the driver, I'll have to assume the wizard was loading the wrong one. A quick web search shows that your internal Ralink adapter needs the rt2500pci driver, found in the Puppy wizard.

Turn off all encryption on your router to eliminate a major source of troubles. Then, try loading the driver just mentioned. (Once you get your wireless connection established, turn encryption back on.)

I also suggest you view the following short video posted on Youtube by Aussie 'sneekylinux'. The video shows the proper way to set up a wireless connection using Puppy's Wireless Wizardin 4.2. I'm assuming the Wireless Wizard in 4.3 is similar.
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more followup

#6 Post by scrapcan »

Ok if I set up the wireless using iwconfig I can get the wireless working. It works well with WEP enabled, both static and DHCP.

I was using the puppy supplied driver for rt2500pci prior. It does not appear that settings will actually be set or remembered using the wireless setup wizard. I worked the wizard all through my efforts so far based on the video posted above with no luck.

here is what I did to get it working, all from terminal of course

ifconfig to see if adapter is recognized

iwconfig to see if recognized
-yes it showed wlan0 and the correct adapter

iwconfig wlan0 essid myessid
-this sets the essid for my router

iwconfig wlan0 mode managed
-set managed mode instead of open

iwconfig wlan0 ap xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
-for the access point to use the device with the given MAC address
-I think using any in place of the MAC will also work but will have to try

iwconfig wlan0 key restricted s:XXXXXXXXXXXXX
-set key in restricted mode using a 128bit encrypted password (13 letters)

- check to see what is returned for wlan0 it should show all of the above info

The above works as I am using the adapter to post this. now I just need to either build a script or figure out how to use one of the wireless setup utilities.
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issue with wep key in wizard solved

#7 Post by scrapcan »

I finally found out I need to include the s: in the field where the 13 character ascii key is entered. Once this was done the auto connect appears to work.
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asci key for WEP was the issue

#8 Post by scrapcan »

This installation of puppy 4.30 is running well on the averatec 3250hx as a hard drive install. All items are being detected and the wireless is automatically connecting. The issue with the wireless connection was the way in which I was entering the ASCII KEY.

By going through the manual setup in iwconfig and needing to set the key using the s: command was the key for me to try it in the wizard.

Is there a way to change the thread topic to indicate this issue has been solved?
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#9 Post by Fishback »

Nice work. Glad to hear you got everything worked out. Wireless issues are the most common problems for Puppy users.

While logged in to the forum, bring up your first post. At the top right of that post you'll see a button that allows you to edit your post. Click on that and add (Resolved) to the end of the subject line.
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#10 Post by scrapcan »


thanks for giving the instructions. This is the first forum that I have visited that I have been able to edit the title. I like that a lot.
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