Ogle dvd player

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Ogle dvd player

#1 Post by GrumpyWolfe »

thanks to ttuuxx and his post on goggles dvd player I started looking at it and found that is was a little program call ogle with a front end names goggles you can view his post here

I did not build this one but it is ogle 0.9.2-2.5 with the front end ogle-gui 0.9.2-4.2, from one of my favorite sites to get lib and files I need Debian downloads. All I really did was add a launcher and convert the Dir to a pet.


You can get the pet from here

And it does full screen just fine on my little laptop.
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Acer Aspire One N450 1.66GHz

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#2 Post by ttuuxxx »

Yes goggles is a front end to ogle, but goggles has more options, like continue from when you were viewing last time you viewed the movie.
Both are excellent for low resource pc's that only want to play dvd's.
good additional find
http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/A-codecs/ <-- Codec Test Files
http://html5games.com/ <-- excellent HTML5 games :)

Used with Puppy Jessie to replace Gnome-Mplayer,

#3 Post by Pelo »

Used with Puppy Jessie to replace Gnome-Mplayer, which does not play DVD with this Puppy Linux, named Jessie, for Debian packages)
2016 Gnome-Mplayer last versions seem to do less, DVD fails in several Puppies (Slacko, Debian)
PPM Tahrpup 6.0.2
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