Puplet with non-English Language support

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Puplet with non-English Language support

#1 Post by YoN »

Japanese forum member shinobar is working on the internationalization of Puppy aggressively.

Shinobar's internationalization files are taken to 4.3.1JP.

Moreover, the following files have been taken from JP version to Barry's Quirky-006 and Woof. For example, Grub4DosConfig, remasterpup2, pmount, drive_all...

Also, he is creating an automatic-setup Puppy named 'Quickset Puppy' using his new program 'Firstsetup'. There are some features;
# Desktop and the initialization screen appear by the screen size of 800x600 only starting from a Quickset Puppy liveCD.
# Detected network interface (eth0) when booting.
# If it is a situation in which DHCP can be acquired, the network is connected automatically.
# Changeable if necessary the keyboard layout, language and local time.
Latest version is pup-431JPqs2.iso(2010-02-19). But Firstsetup program in Quickset Puppy still has various problems(e.g. switching locales, UTF-8, ja_JP and en_US, on/off SFS files etc...). He struggles to the solution now.

I collected up topics related to non-English Language (chiefly Japanese).

* Released 4.3.1 Japanese Edition

* Multilingal support on Puppy Linux 4.3.1JP

* upup CJK is open for testing

* i18n'ed jwm - jwm internationalization with gettext

* Localiz font

Other Links...

* Puppy Linux Japanese Forum(Japanese)

* Quickset_Puppy

* shinobar's site(Mainly Japanese)

* Puppy Linux Japanese Edition site
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#2 Post by himajin »

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#3 Post by YoN »

shinobar updated pup-431JPqs3 on 21st Feb. 2010. - Bug fix of qs2.

This is an Easy-Startup-Multi Lingual Puppy.

Details; ... README.HTM

Please try qs3 now !
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How does someone change from the Text in Japanese?

#4 Post by mikeslr »

Dear YoN, Shinobar and the rest of the Japanese Team:

Congratulations and best wishes on the new Puplet, and especially to Shinobar in his efforts to smooth out any remaining rough edges. While I have not yet had the pleasure of working with the new Puplet, I am familiar with 4.3.1JP upon which, I understand, it was based. When 4.3.1JP booted up for the first time the menu and desktop icon labels used Japanese script, but it provided an easily apparent way to switch to English. I have read both the "read-me" files referenced in your post and understand that a GUI will now appear on first boot making it even easier.

It might be helpful, however, if you could confirm that: perhaps include a screenshot.

As I under it, language support for those whose native language is neither Japanese nor English is provided via SFSes which can, after the first boot, be loaded immediately at startup. There are many potential Puppy users who speak neither Japanese nor English. Some of them may know enough Japanese to take the necessary steps to make the modifications to run the Puplet in a language with which they are more familiar. And some may only know enough English to do that. Consequently, potential new Puppyites should not be deterred from trying the Puplet just because they are not fluent in one language or the other.

If, before loading an SFS, it is possible to change the script used in the menus and icon labels to characters other than Japanese or English, it might be helpful if you could identify such other scripts.

One of the great strengths of Puppy is the ease with which it can be remastered. All it will take to create a Hindi Puplet, or a Korean Puplet or a Puplet in some other language is for one person to start with your Puplet as a base, load an appropriate SFS and remaster. Then give a copy to his or her friends and we have a new branch of Puppy. Well, I may be an optimist, but to quote Robert Kennedy:"There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why... I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?"


#5 Post by teena22 »

Well congratulations for this work. I'd like to ask if you guys are paid for this? And can you translate Chinese (Madarin) to English? And how much would be the fee.
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translate Chinese to English?

#6 Post by shinobar »


We are just providing Puppy's which support multiple languages.
They can read and type chinsese and english as well if the user can manage the languages.
You an find such a pupplets like LupQ.
They can be used by whom working on translation.
But not a translator itself.
Downloads for Puppy Linux [url]http://shino.pos.to/linux/downloads.html[/url]
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