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Re: EPDFViewer does odd thing on File Open.

#1241 Post by jemimah »

BJF wrote:Jemimah: When I open a file with EPDFViewer it is truncated on the right side, and everything east of the zoom-out on the toolbar is cut off. That margin cannot be moved by click-and-drag or any other reasonable activity but if I F11 to full screen then F11 back, there is a full window (sorry) including the minimise and stop controls and the proper movable right margin just as nature intended.
This seems to be some sort of JWM bug. Double click on the title bar to maximize it, and it will go back to normal.
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#1242 Post by gerry »

Thought I'd try pupeee on my Acer Aspire One. Using live usb, I get an Xdialog message at boot up that says it can't find my wireless card- please reboot and enable it in the bios. Huh? XP, dpup, browserpup.....all find it.
EDIT: not first boot, but subsequent boots.

What's wrong?

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#1243 Post by jemimah »

You may have forgotten the zdrv with the kernel modules in it. Its name is ze431436.sfs.
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#1244 Post by jemimah »

I'm compiling the 2.6.33 kernel right now. Many new drivers and upgrades. Atom-specific compilation is now an option so I will have to make two kernels, one for atom and one for celeron. I think I might try a low latency kernel this time and see how it performs.

I went over the whole config again. I think I figured out why samba doesn't work so test it again when I release this kernel.

I also broke down and ebayed a 701SD. I was thinking about getting a 1201N as well but I think I'll wait until the price comes down. There's hasn't been a lot of clamoring around here for support for the 11 and 12inch eees. Perhaps they perform fast enough that there's little demand for ultralight OSes for them.
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#1245 Post by gerry »

@Jemima- zdrv is present.

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#1246 Post by dougeeebear »

I just now realised un-checking "Enable Bluetooth" in eee-control doesn't survive a reboot.
"Disable Bluetooth at Startup" is checked.

Puppeee beta 3.6 on 1000H.
Previous versions worked ok.

When I reboot into Windows, bluetooth is still enabled, so I don't think it actually gets disabled at all.

Disabling in Windows then booting into Puppeee it remains disabled (according to the tickbox).
Enable then disable via tickbox, then reboot back into Windows, it is enabled.

Very strange.
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#1247 Post by jemimah »

Puppeee enables bluetooth and wifi before shutdown because on some models, if you shut it down with them off, they will not come back on when you restart.

I'll go over the bluetooth startup scripts again. I wanted to add the same feature for wifi anyway.
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#1248 Post by dougeeebear »

Since I don't use bluetooth, I don't want it enabled automatically without my intervention.
What can I change to personalize it to my liking and keep my settings?
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installing firefox

#1249 Post by kjp »

I installed Firefox using Puppy Package Manager. Installation went fine except when it informed me of dependencies, the window was too short for the list and could not be scrolled. I tried minimize/maximize and then all the text was gone.

Well, since it apparently just wanted to inform that all dependencies were fulfilled, I simply hit return, and it ended fine, with Firefox installed.

When I tried to start Firefox from the menu, it started Chrome. When I started terminal, wrote Firefox and hit return, it started Chrome. Only when I typed the whole path, did Firefox start.

I changed /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser from Chrome to Firefox and now it works correctly. From menu when Firefox is clicked, Firefox gets to run and when Chrome is clicked, Chrome runs. Also desktop Browse button starts Firefox.

Should I have changed something else? FF as default browser is fine for me, but does it affect something else?

Forgot to say that I am using Puppeee 4.35 beta 3.6 on eeePc 900.
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#1250 Post by jemimah »

dougeeebear wrote:Since I don't use bluetooth, I don't want it enabled automatically without my intervention.
What can I change to personalize it to my liking and keep my settings?
Wait for the next version and I'll fix it. :) Probably by early next week.
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Re: installing firefox

#1251 Post by jemimah »

kjp wrote: Should I have changed something else? FF as default browser is fine for me, but does it affect something else?
There's a symlink in /usr/local/bin/, firefox->defaultbrowser. This is a workaround because Abiword assumes firefox is installed. Just delete the symlink and everything should start to make sense.
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#1252 Post by dougeeebear »

jemimah wrote:
dougeeebear wrote:Since I don't use bluetooth, I don't want it enabled automatically without my intervention.
What can I change to personalize it to my liking and keep my settings?
Wait for the next version and I'll fix it. :) Probably by early next week.
Thanks :)
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#1253 Post by gerry »

Re- couldn't get on line with AA1. Everything working beautifully now. Made a new USB stick from original download, and it works.

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#1254 Post by kjp »

jemimah wrote:
There's a symlink in /usr/local/bin/, firefox->defaultbrowser. This is a workaround because Abiword assumes firefox is installed. Just delete the symlink and everything should start to make sense.
Thanks! Makes much more sense :) . I deleted that symlink and restored defaultbrowser and then Chrome worked. Unfortunately, FF didn't start from the menu anymore :( . I added a symlink to /opt/mozilla.org/bin/firefox<-firefox, and it started to work again. Strange, since /opt/mozilla.org/bin is in the path.

But I'll probably change default browser into Firefox again and see if it causes problems. This system is going to a friend for few months and she's used Firefox. So now I can point to Browse button and tell her to push that to get into net. Hmm, need to check the Flash too...
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#1255 Post by gerry »

OH DEAR! Spoke too soon about everything being fine on the AA1. Having been using wlan0, I powered down. When I rebooted, no internet connection. Go to SetUp again, and get told that wlan0 does not exist.

Where did it go?

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#1256 Post by mfalls »

I set up modules with r8192se_pci having preference over rtl8187se, then connected to wireless and wifi-driver indicated rtl8187se.
Next I rmmod rtl8187se and no wireless connection. So if I did things correctly the rtl8192se may not support the 701SD. I see you bought a 701SD wish I knew more, am reading up a little on bash scripting.
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#1257 Post by jemimah »

gerry, that's very odd. I really don't know what the problem might be.

mfalls - yeah I don't think the rtl8192 driver would work. But it was worth a shot. I took a look at the source code for the new version of rtl8187se, but no mention of rfkill in the source, so I think it's not fixed, but I could be wrong.

The good news is the new kernel is faster, and I figured out how to make the init script run faster without sacrificing reliablity. It really flies after it boots too (at least the atom version I'm testing now).

The new rt2800pci driver doesn't seem to work well, so I'm going to stick with rt2860sta, which now supposedly supports the rt3090 card too.

The bug where the wifi won't come back on after rebooting if it's off when you shutdown is still there (ath9k/ath5k). :(
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#1258 Post by jemimah »

So the new kernel cowardly refuses to attempt to overclock the 701 and 702, because this crashes some machines. Should I patch it to bring that functionality back? Would anyone here miss overclocking on their 701(4g) or 702(8g)?
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Post ubject

#1259 Post by BJF »

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#1260 Post by hokal »

ref. BT headset / speaker.


unfortunately no success with your BT instructions. I can hear the speaker producing klicking sound, so it is controlled, but when I play a song I get this:

aqualung --device bluetooth

and when I start the mp3 song I get this:
ALSA lib audio/pcm_bluetooth.c:1607:(audioservice_expect) BT_START_STREAM failed
ALSA lib audio/pcm_bluetooth.c:1566:(audioservice:recv) Too short (1byte) IPC

And I get this message in a loop again and again!!
I was so excited when you announced that it works :D

With Beta6 I found a small bug with the sd card reader of my 901. When I boot the 901 with inserted sd card it will mount the card
with that green mark on the icon. If I mouseclick the card icon, the pmount puppy drive mounter shows up and my sd card icon disappears. After reinserting the sd card everything works fine.

I'm already curious on the Beta7 :wink:
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