Fatdog64 beta1

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Fatdog64 beta1

#1 Post by kirk »

This is a complete rebuild with the T2 trunk as of a few weeks ago. My wife got a new laptop, real nice, CoreI5, 4GB of DDR3, Blu-Ray drive $499, but with crappy intel graphics. Anyway, the Xorg 7.3 that was in alpha1 is too old and doesn't support this new Intel graphics chip, so I just rebuilt everything with T2. Some highlights:

Xorg 7.5
GCC 4.4.3
Cups 1.4.2
Gimp 2.6.8
FireFox 3.6
Kino 1.3.3
HandBrake snv 2/2010
Ripperx 2.7.2
openbox / Lxpanel
Blackberry modem support for Verizon.
Xine-UI 0.99.6

Xorg now auto configures itself and the default keyboard is "US" and the default timezone is gmt -5. You can change these in the setup menu. I went this direction because I had problems on intel graphics with the console being blank after the KMS modules would load, before Xorg started. The old xorgwizard is still there if you want a detailed xorg.conf, just hit ctrl - alt - backspace to exit the Xorg server and at the prompt type xorgwizard-old, and the xwin to restart Xorg.

Firefox now runs as user spot, anything you download goes into the Downloads folder on the desktop. At the first shutdown, after making your save file, you'll be asked if you want to move the Downloads folder to the same place as your save file. Most will want to answer yes to that. Lots of other small changes, grabbed Barry's latest scripts out of woof; added options to the right-click menu for the optical disk icon on the desktop so you can eject or explore a disk; fixed some bugs; added new bugs :) .

No lzma compression now, didn't want to use it for the main sfs file anyway, it would have been nice for the devx file though. You can look here for the details on that http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 2&start=90

So this is using squashfs 4.0, any old squashfs 3.1 sfs files won't work with it..

Changes since alpha2:

* Grub fixed
* Full hd install fixed
* PDF printer fixed
* Gimp crashing (hopefully) fixed
* recompiled GTK for Gimp problem.
* upgrade libxine and Xine-UI
* add Xine-UI plug-in for Firefox
* Various other small bug fixes

Changes since Alpha3:

* Firewall fixed
* Petget fixed
* DVDs play when clicked on.
* Removed the "Do you want to unmount" message when you click on a mounted partition.
* Xine now runs as user spot.

Changes since Alpha 4:

* USB printing hopefully fixed (Thanks Jamesbond).
* Firefox upgraded to 3.6.2.
* Kernel
* AUFS enabled for NFS.
* Save file switched from ext2 to ext3.
* NFS file sharing app added.
* Many other small bugs fixes.

I've uploaded the iso, devx, sources and all extra packages built with T2 here:

http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dis ... ns/fatdog/


ftp://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dist ... ns/fatdog/

4dd93b8a0d0037b83f0244354f46a6c8 Fatdog64-500b1.iso
23afccda38ef2779e17996363ba5625f fd64-devx_500.sfs

The T2-packs folder contains all kinds of stuff I haven't test yet, like qt3, qt4, mysql, openldap. Everything the T2 build produced.

I did try to put in Barry's fsck-ram disk for full hard drive install, but it would fail trying to chroot. It's a wrapper script for Busybox's init that I got from Woof, but in woof it was named init-new instead of init, so maybe it wasn't working at the time. If the ext3 save file presents any problems I'll switch back to ext2, but in the past ext3 has worked well for me.

If you want to try the NFS file sharing thing here's some info:


* In the File Sharing folder click the green Start File-Sharing button on both computers connected to the network, the button should change to a red Stop File-Sharing.
* Wait a bit for things to settle and then click the blue Scan Network button. After about 20 seconds a new Icon should appear named Shared-on-x. If it doesn't try again.
* If you click on the new icon the remote computer's shared folder will be mounted on a folder in the mnt directory you'll see in the File Sharing folder.
* Make sure you unmount the shared folder by right clicking on the mount point that's in the mnt folder before you disconnect from the network or turn off the other computer. If you don't I/O will probably hang and you'll have to reboot.
* The default shared folder is My-Shared-Folder, you can change this and other things by clicking on the Configure button.
* This is intended for trusted internal networks with addresses of 192.x.x.x or 10.x.x.x.

Last edited by kirk on Sat 27 Mar 2010, 20:33, edited 2 times in total.
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#2 Post by Eyes-Only »

Hi Kirk,

First of all, congrats in getting to the beta phase! You sure have worked your tail off to produce a Puppy that will be fit and ready for the next generation of computers. I applaud you and all who have assisted you with the bug testing, etc. Way to go - and long live Puppy 64k!

Seeing that I have a 64k computer myself upon which I've been running the Pup upon since version 1.0.4, I think it's time for me to branch out and give this 64k Puppy a whirl as a frugal install on the drive ( along with the other 10 that I have? LOL! ).

However, I do have just one question before downloading which I'd like answered mate if you may? The software which you have tarred up in your Ibiblio directory from the T2 Project? - are all those programmes/files likewise 64k as well? Or are they 32k and one must need to download your devx.sfs to recompile them over into 64k for use in FatDog?

Reason for why I ask Kirk is because I need the SeaMonkey-2.0.2 which you have in that directory if I'm going to try FatDog so that I can hook-in SeaMail into my global email directory on the HDD.

( Sidenote: I have one default email directory for around 12 distros, ditto for bookmarks, cache, d/load directory, etc., all tied in via Firefox/SeaMonkey/SeaMail/TBird/Opera... and I think you get the picture? The email programme in FatDog won't work with my setup unfortunately. )

Thank you so much Kirk for any light you can shed re: this matter! :D And once again a hearty congrats to you mate! I wish you continued success with this project!


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#3 Post by 8-bit »

I learned really quick that my Compaq with an AMD Athalon X2 4800 Dual-Core Processor was built as a 32 bit machine.
It will NOT run Fatdog64.
The salesperson that sold me the computer stated the PC would not run 64bit operating systems.
But I had to try!
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#4 Post by kirk »


Everything in t2-packs folder was built for 64 bit. Again, I have not tested these packages, at least the ones that aren't used in the iso. T2 is is a build chain that uses bash scripts. Sometimes things can get broken because they get built before a needed dependency. That dependency may actually be optional, but the application doesn't work as expected without it. With the devx file installed you could compile the latest Seamonkey too. For Firefox I use this for configure:

./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 --disable-dbus --disable-hal --disable-crashreporter --enable-strip --enable-application=browser --disable-libnotify

I'm sure there's some different options of Seamonkey, probably --enable-application= is different, but it probably pretty close.
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#5 Post by Eyes-Only »

Thanks for the heads-up Kirk! :D

This is great - and even better than I had anticipated! 8) Now I'm going to get all of this downloaded and over the next few days - hopefully as soon as tomorrow where I'll be having the day to myself - I'll be tearing apart the .iso extracting everything I need for my frugal install, yada, yada...

*Eyes-Only is excitedly looking forward to his new toy with the anticipation of a child in a candy shop with a $50 bill!*

LOL! Once again Kirk: Thanks so much and congrats to you and all on your achievements!

@ 8-Bit: Sorry to have read of your discouragement there. :( Mine was sort of the opposite you could say I think? I'd bought this machine from Mad-Tux several years back - I had problems with the first machine so they rushed me a second one ( from whence I type this message ). I ran it for years never even realising that they'd sent me a 64k computer! There was no info enclosed, nothing special on boot-up indicating such from the BIOS read-out - nada! It even had 32b "Freespire" pre-installed upon it at the time ( which lasted all of 5 minutes if that! LOL! ).

Anyway 8-Bit, to make a very long story short: I'd always wondered what this "E64T" meant down in the corner of the screen upon boot-up and upon checking the processor type. It never did come back specifically stating whether it was a 32 or 64k - just that "E64T". ( Hey! It's a cheap 'Celery' so what can we expect?! LOL! )

One day when I finally had a spare moment I decided to google that code, and the rest is history.* ;) I've found no difference though in running either platform on this, no speed increase, no anything for that matter. Makes me wonder if anyone else ever notices a difference on their 64k machines, you know?

*( Sidenote: I'm not 100% sure that the code number IS "E64T" so please don't anyone quote me on that, okie? )


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#6 Post by Aung »

Kirk, I cant boot the beta 1 FD 64 cd. It gets as far as 'recognising media device - optical input' then reboots and reboots. Is this the cdrom not showing up or is it looking for an optical mouse. , I have a SATA 133x dvd writer. ME $20 is burning holes in me pocket! Aung
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#7 Post by Flash »

Sorry if this seems blunt - I don't have much time. :)

I downloaded Fatdog64-500b1 and burned it to a DVD-RW using Burniso2cd in Puppy 4.3.1. It booted fine, and everything I tried seemed to work fine. I got online with the connect wizard and Firefox, configured, etc. Then I opened rxvt and discovered that it has a small, thin font against a fuscia or pink background. Yuck. My old eyes can't read that at all. I know there's a way to change the font and background, but I forgot how. Could you change that to a larger bold font and white or yellow background? I like the font in Firefox.

The reason I opened rxvt in the first place was to run "free" to see if 64 bit kernel finds all of the 4 GB of RAM in my computer. Free said it saw 3.9 GB and a little more, so that's good.

Finally, when I shut down I couldn't find any way to save to the DVD. All my settings were lost. :(
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#8 Post by kirk »

It gets as far as 'recognising media device - optical input' then reboots and reboots.
That's a problem that appeared after upgrading the kernel to and changing the save file to ext3. I thought it was fixed, guess not. When you say "reboots and reboots" do you mean that it gets stuck at "recognizing media device - optical input" and you force it to reboot, or that it gets to "recognizing media device - optical input" and reboots on it's own? Does that happen after creating a save file or before? Does it happen every time?

EDIT: Aung, try booting with edd=off boot parameter. Let me know what happens.


I'll fix the terminal colors, guess they do kind of suck. I haven't ever tried using Puppy's multi-session cd/dvd feature. Seems like I might have removed it in alpha1 for some reason, I'll have a look.
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#9 Post by Flash »

Thanks, Kirk. Here, here and here are some posts that might help you with configuring rxvt. I forgot I had them bookmarked. :oops:

I don't know anything about the inner workings of how Puppy saves to the CD, but I can tell you that it has worked perfectly for many versions of Puppy. Perhaps the script (if that's the right term) in Puppy 4.3.1 that does the saving could simply be copied full retail plus shipping.
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#10 Post by DC »

Hi Kirk,
First the good news

Got my DVB-T (freeview) running on xine. Found some really good features not in other players.
1. when a stream is playing mouse over picture and scrolling mouse wheel puts up the play list. Scroll to channel required and single left click selects and plays channel.
2. mouse over picture - double left click = full screen and same return action
3. This is the best one - I have a wide screen monitor plugged in to my laptop. All other puppies when a video goes to full screen I get a picture top right the size of the laptop screen and the rest of the monitor freezes. Not with fatdog :D full screen is full screen - applied magic :shock:

Now the unfortunate bad news.
No audio - bringing up the alsamixer shows the pc-chip selected, select Hda intel but it always reverts back again.
running the sound wizard seems to complete but no sound.
When sound wizard finishes task bar disappears.

I am running the xorgwizard-old to get resolution of 1680x1050


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#11 Post by kirk »


Some times the default sound card ends up being the pc-speaker. Try running the Multiple Sound Card Wizard. Then after rebooting use Alsamixer to make sure nothing is muted.


You can just delete /root/.Xdefaults to fix the terminal color.
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#12 Post by Aung »

Firstly, for your yesterday post.
full HD install, it keeps rebooting by its self. will try your fix, am at a internet cafe now.

Kirk, I have changed my mind, not sending $20, I'll send $25 if you show me how to make Openshot 'find' python, pygtk, and gtk2 in fatdog. For the first time ever in Linux a developer has gathered all the depends 'outside' of the OS into a package, be it a tar.gz file, but there all Debian .deb packages that load like pets. O'shot is built for Ubongo and python and gtkpy are 'inside' built in apps. and no problems. As for gtk2, I have over written Puppy's gtk2 with a .deb from Ubongo, Puppy still works but O'shot still cant see it eventhough everything is in the same place, I would say, as in Ubongo. This is in FD A4.
An experiment in Beta1 I opened up the sfs and 'cp -ax +FD----sfs/* to a CF card in a SATA 2 adaptor. Made a 'boot' folder, copied vmlinuz into it, setup Grub in 'boot' from the live CD, found rc.update in etc, opened a terminal there and ran rc.update, there was no activity inthe LED for the drive, dont know what it did, got the prompt back. Beta 1 boots from the CF disk and after a wait the bird in flight appears but the mouse dies in the arse along the way. Whats the way to give a laid out Puppy a bang from a defibulator. Aung
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#13 Post by DC »

Hi kirk,

"no sound"
using the "Multiple Sound Card Wizard" fixed the selection problem,
but upon reboot the aslamixer is back to muted.
the task bar volume control shows unmuted and full volume.

Tried various things found in the forum for this same problem in other puppies but no success.

Carrying on
Sopcast works fine
xine dvb viewing, recording and playback working fine

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#14 Post by davids45 »

G'day kirk,

Thanks to your wife for her new lap-top.

For my newer desktop's upcoming 5th birthday, I thought I'd give it Puppy's 64-bit beta OS.

Fat Dog 64 beta booted well, and as with your earlier 64-bit effort, this is clearly faster than any 32-bit Puppy. The Benchmark tests back up my visual feeling of how it runs.

But like Eyes-only, I have and use a common mail and bookmarks source for all my OSs (XP included) based on Seamonkey. Firefox is just a browser and Sylpheed is an incompatible mail handler. [So Eyes-only, if you do get a 64-bit Seamonkey going, I'd get in the queue for a Pet.]

And like DC, I have problems with the ALSA wizard seeming to set up sound but when almost done gives a pink dialog box with a set of problems and no sound.

A couple of general queries:
Is there anywhere to look for 64-bit programs suitable for Fat Dog that don't need compiling or similar magic to get them to work?

If not, is there any likelihood of something (simple) that would allow a 32-bit package to be run by a 64-bit Fat Dog?

Thanks, kirk, for sharing your 64-bit expertise with us,

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#15 Post by kirk »


Did you try the Multiple Sound Card Wizard?

I compiled Seamonkey 2.0.4 and uploaded it to the pets folder in the download link on the first post. I didn't test it much.

Edit: re-uploaded to run as user spot.


You use Xine to record from a TV card? I'd be interested in more info on that, I've got a TV card. I'm in Florida, so it's ATSC.


Have you tried Kino? I used it a few months ago, seemed easy enough for simple video editing. I just read the description for Openshot, seems to be similar to Kino.
Last edited by kirk on Wed 31 Mar 2010, 12:15, edited 1 time in total.
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#16 Post by DC »

Hi Kirk,
here's the scripts I wrote for vlc changed for xine
from these posts

I've included channels.conf to show how dvb lists things
I'm sure if you can watch ATSC then you can record as well

for dvb channels.conf has to be in /root/.xine

recording path in xine_rec.sh is line 98
xine switch -H switches viewing on and off whilst recording

playing path in xine_play.sh is line 8

viewing string - xine dvb://BBC ONE
recording string - xine dvb://'BBC ONE'#save:/test.mpg

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#17 Post by Aung »

Kirk, 'puppy edd=off' still the same, reboots by its self. (full HD install) Dont waste any time with it. Must be something with my hardware. I am as happy as a kid in a sand pit with A-4.
A fix for rxvt, resolution 1024x768
In /root +AT .Xdefaults on this line
!URxvt.font: xft:mono:pixelsize=14
change to this
URxvt.font: xft:mono:pixelsize=18
change the buttom line to this
URxvt.background: "white smoke"
If I did something in that pink box for 5 minutes and looked away I had spots in front of my eyes!!! Aung
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#18 Post by Aung »

Yes kirk, I use Kino all the time, its stable, a good front end for dvgrab but after cutting my teeth on Ulead that came free with my firewire card nit format is a little weird. I think we have had a little ding dong about this a while ago, remember 'I used Kino and found, ect' Kdenlive is great, but needs KDE Aung
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#19 Post by DC »


xine viewing, recording and playback

simplified script
minor changes

xine_rec.sh record path at line 90
xine_play.sh play path at line 9

does anybody know why I can not mute xine from the command line?

TIP - if recording a sports match don't forget half-time I missed the end of a game because I only put in playing time! :(

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#20 Post by jamesbond »

Quick test - will be back for more. All done through frugal install.
- Boot on laptop with (rather new) Intel graphics - good.
- Boot on laptop with ATI graphics - good
- Boot on desktop with Nvidia graphics - blank screen. Can't do anything (ctrl-alt-del, ctrl-alt-f1/f2 don't work), but it was obvious that the system is still alive (caps lock still responded). I rebooted via hardware "reset"-switch, put "nomodeset" to grub "kernel" line, and it boots fine.

Fatdog64 forum links: [url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=117546]Latest version[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/ke8sn5H]Contributed packages[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/se8scrb]ISO builder[/url]
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