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#1641 Post by yohani »

Hi jemimah

I managed it. :D
Maybe you want to know what the problem was.

I'm able to connect up to 4 PCs at the same time per wlan to my network.
So one other PC was connected to the network when I tried to create
the new profile with my EeePC and puppeee.
But it seems that was the problem.

I deleted the puppeee save file and started again. But now no other PC
was connected to the network. Created a new profile with pwireless2 and
now I could see also entries in the DNS tab.

Tried to connect and it worked now without any problems.
After the new profile is created it doesnt matter if another PC is online.
It works nevertheless. Don't know why.
So just for creating the profile the first time, no other PC should be

So, I'm happy know :lol:

Just one more question.
How can I safely logout puppeee from my network before I shut down the

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#1642 Post by jemimah »

Dougeeebear, it's kindof a teaser as I'm still working on the icons and scripts to make it work well. I'm so close to releasing, there's no point in making a pet yet.

Yohani, I'm glad you got it working! To disconnect from your network, just click on the pwireless2 tray icon. Click on it again to reconnect.
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#1643 Post by 2lss »


Lxlauncher looks amazing! From what I read over on the lxde wiki, some versions support background images. Will the version your including in the next pupeee be able to?

On another note, I am having a small problem. I had an incident where x crashed and I had to poweroff. Now every time I boot I get the "X seems to have exited uncleanly .........ignore commandline" message. I tried booting pfix=ram and scanning the pupsave with e2fsck but it did not make a difference. Is there something else I need to do? Nothing seems to be broken in my pupsave.
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#1644 Post by jemimah »

Yes it does support background images. I haven't found one I like to be the default yet. Suggestions? It has to not make it hard to see the icons.

Several people are complaining about the unclean exit. I suspect this will go away in the next version as I'm going back to AUFS and the standard scripts.
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#1645 Post by BJF »

Several people are complaining about the unclean exit. I suspect this will go away in the next version as I'm going back to AUFS and the standard scripts.
I shall miss my unclean exits and pages of inode error looping, but that's an EEEHAA from me.
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CPU Frequency scaling on celeron

#1646 Post by zicozico »

Hi All,

I used to be able to overclock and underclock my 701 (Celeron) by
using /usr/local/cpu-freq/cpu_freq and then loading the p4_clockmod module in the UI

followed by (in a shell) cpufreq-set 600Mhz
or cpufreq-set 112500Khz

Especially the last one (underclocking I liked because it saves battery life when I am only donwloading a torrent for instance.

Problem now is that the p4_clockmod won't load anymore (says it is incompatible)

Can anyone help me?


#1647 Post by dawnsboy »

I used to be able to overclock and underclock my 701 (Celeron) by
using /usr/local/cpu-freq/cpu_freq and then loading the p4_clockmod module in the UI
The P4 clockmod has always been incompatible with the Eeepc 701 celeron even in the original Xandros OS. There is extensive documentation of this in the eeeuser wiki, the eeeuser forum and in various threads in this forum.

The various scripts and applications that were made for Puppy on Eeepc 701 & 900 series with Intel Celeron M353 processor do not utilize the P4 clockmod at all. Much testing has been done on these "clocking" scripts. In Puppy Linux the various apps that were put together for cpu control rely on an eee specific driver compiled for Puppy Linux by tempestuous. It is of course incompatible with the P4 clockmod. Similar utility applications for Xandros and Ubuntu relied on eee specific drivers compiled for those platforms. I have used those myself and found that they are incompatible with the P4 clockmod.

When the P4 clockmod is loaded it will report that the cpu is clocking at 900MHz. However it is not clocking at 900MHz since the fsb remains at 70MHz.

A quote from the eeeuser forums (http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?pid=19749#p19749) to demonstrate my point:
My points regarding ODCM are unrelated to the FSB's impact on the actual operating frequency. When I stated that "the processor frequency never changes" it was in regards to ODCM throttle states not being capable of altering the CPU frequency. I was not stating that the processor runs at 900 MHz irregardless of FSB frequency (that statement would not be in line with the 'published' CPU theorem that I worked so hard on big_smile)

Back to ODCM:

When somewhat idle various Linux utilities on the eeePC would report that the processor is running at 112.50 MHz (12.5% throttle), such a reported frequency is incorrect because of the following reasons:

1- The utility incorrectly assumes the FSB is 100 MHz. Since the FSB is running at 70 MHz the CPU is actually running at 630 MHz therefore a 12.5% ODCM throttle should be reported as 78.75 MHz CPU frequency.

BUT more importantly the 78.75 MHz CPU frequency is still incorrect because...

2- ODCM throttling does not alter the CPU's operating frequency.

All in all, due to p4_clockmod and cpufreq modules the CPU frequency reported in linux/Xandros is always FUBAR
This remains true of other linux distros (bios issue not OS problem). The various utilities in Xandros, Ubuntu and Puppy Linux to mention a few work by adjusting the fsb from 70MHz up or down the scale to achieve the desire cpu performance.

Quote from an eeuser forum thread (http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?id=65557&p=2) I started discussing a very simple gtk dialogue gui script that I had written to give user control over various cpu controls including fan speed and cpu over/under clocking. This is from one of several user tests regarding battery life.

900MHz: 2h37m
630MHz: 3h17M
360MHz: 3h06m

Testing done by Wegan Warrior and Jakfish with respect to battery life showed result inconsistent with expectations.
900MHz: 2h37m
630MHz: 3h17M
540MHz: 2h49m
450MHz: 2h52m
360MHz: 3h06m
Here is a quote from that same eeeuser thread regarding testing of battery life at various speeds.
Many, many thanks for doing this. Your results are so startling, but I got pretty much the same numbers with 360MHz vs. 630MHz.

Below 360MHz can run a user into instability issues, I think, though when I used CPU scaling_frequency, I set the range between 100MHz and 70MHz without ever crashing.

The trouble w/ scaling_frequency, I didn't see any positive effect to battery life and the lag (when it's idling at low speed and must regroup itself to launch an app) was vexing.

Your tests show that underclocking, at least in Linux, is unnecessary. I wonder if you could get the same results in XP//eeectl.

There are a couple of other threads on the Puppy Linux forums where these same issues were discussed and worked out resulting in an application originally written by tempestuous that was far more advanced than the little script I wrote. That work was picked up on and advanced by 01micko (I believe, correct me if I am wrong). It resulted in an application that worked on Eeepc models with Celeron and Atom processors.

The cpu control utility in Puppeee as developed by Jemimah function by adjusting the fsb to achieve the desired results as well. It would seem fruitless and possibly harmful to the eeepc to load the P4 clockmod module in an attempt to control cpu speeds.
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#1648 Post by jemimah »

I used to include p4-clockmod in case anyone wanted to play with it, but in recent versions I removed frequency scaling support from the celeron kernel - so there's no way to scale now. It probably improves performance a little bit to not have the unnecessary code in the kernel.

I did patch the kernel to allow FSB scaling on the 700/701/702 even though it sometimes crashes. The old eee module allowed you to change the frequency at a slower rate and was less likely to cause a crash, but that module is no longer maintained and does not build on the latest kernels.
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#1649 Post by dougeeebear »

Here's a menu icon I whipped up for the Puppeee icewm themes.
It's taken from the puppy icon, but with the puppeee touch.
I made it because I like a wider menu icon.
Just extract it and copy it to the /icewm/themes/theme-of-your-choice/taskbar folder.
Make sure to save a copy of the original icon in advance.

Hmm... I just realized this icon is the same as the jwm icon... oh well :)
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#1650 Post by jemimah »

I'm trying to keep the taskbar doodads minimal in size so that there's enough room for tasks on the 7inch screens. However I do think I will use that for the "Celeron" theme which is meant to have larger widgets and to be easier to click on.
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#1651 Post by dougeeebear »

I did reduce the height from 28px to twenty px.
(for some reason I can't type a "zero" anywhere without the icewm window list menu appearing as I noted previously... I need to do some more experimenting).
Anyway, I also made 22px and 24px high icons.

The twenty px height goes well with the Puppeee theme, as well as the Silver theme in icepak.
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#1652 Post by magerlab »

i really like the look of lxlauncher
and Icewm is not a bad choice

will you make a pet of lxlauncher also ?
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#1653 Post by dougeeebear »

Here's the situation with the problem of typing a "0" .
I had entered a value of "0" in KeySysWinListMenu.
Since that gave me the "0" problem, I changed the value to "1".
Then typing a "1" would bring up the menu.
Now I realized that whatever value was entered would bring up the menu.
I have now changed the value back to "" where it was originally.
Back to the drawing board.
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#1654 Post by jemimah »

Dougeeebear, I set it to Ctrl-Alt-M.

Magerlab, I can, but it crashes Jwm in the current configuration I'm using, plus the Jwm panel tries to cover the bottom button. So it's going to take some work to get it to work right. The worst problem is the icons though. I've updated every single icon in Puppeee to be big enough for Lxlauncher. It looks really ridiculous with the tiny default icons. So it'd probably be best to wait until I release Fluppy (which will just be Puppeee rebranded with the EeePc stuff removed and modified to work with the standard kernel).
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#1655 Post by dougeeebear »

I've tried several key combos including Ctrl-Alt-M, both with and without quotes, and I still get the popup menu when I hit Fn+ an Fkey when there are no programs open on the desktop.
When a program is running and showing on the desktop the menu does not appear.

This seems to be the behavior with a multiple key entry, or no entry.
A single key entry uses that key to open the menu when that key is entered in an input field.
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#1656 Post by hokal »


great that you want to help. :D I would love to get into business again. Puppeee does not see my runcore 64GB RCP-I-S7064-C sd card. :oops:

Stardust works fine. Here my dmesg from Stardust 9. It is a .txt - file. Thanks a lot! "And all the best with your new job"

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#1657 Post by jemimah »

Hokal, can you post a dmesg from Puppeee as well? It's not apparent what is missing.
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#1658 Post by jemimah »

dougeeebear wrote:I've tried several key combos including Ctrl-Alt-M, both with and without quotes, and I still get the popup menu when I hit Fn+ an Fkey when there are no programs open on the desktop.
Hmm, it worked for me.
This is exactly what I have:

Code: Select all

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#1659 Post by dougeeebear »

Ahh, I see, Alt+Ctrl+M does work.
Alt-Ctrl-M does NOT work.
I was using the wrong format ( - instead of + ).

Once again, thank you.

Regards, Doug
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#1660 Post by hokal »


eeepc 901 with 4GB original ASUS sd and 64GB runcore sd.
dmesg.zip rename to .txt.
A first install (virgin) dmsg file!
The 64GB card has 2 partitions. 1st partition 3GB ext2, 2nd partition 57GB ext4. That's the way I partinoned the sd card.
Evoked with Gparted I get /dev/sda1 ext3 ! and /dev/sda2 ext3! both with attention exclamation mark!
Mark for both partitions: e2label: bad magic number in super-block while trying to open. Couldn't find valid file system superblock.

thanks Horst
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