How to use Vodafone Vodem Zte K3565z USB modem (SOLVED)

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#21 Post by rerwin »

Thank you for the good news! What was #Modem set to before you edited it? I would expect it to be different from the Modem line above it (or else it shouldn't be there at all). I hope my near-ready version of modem support will either find the correct device name or let you use the "test" button to find and test it. But I am pleased that the button does work when you have the correct name in it. Also, I think that will work even without probe-ERASEing the old name.
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#22 Post by aracnachid »


I think I have put you crook somewhere. I do have to apologise, I am new to Linux in any form so please forgive me for my ignorance, I'm trying to get up to speed as I go.

If the "#Modem" line is a different line to the "Modem" line in wfdial.conf then I believe I have given you false info.
All I edited was the "Modem" line as the "# Modem" line is not present in my wfdial.conf file.

I booted from live cd just as a test and upon boot opened pupdial to create a wfdial.conf file, edited the "Modem =" line to /dev/ttyUSB3 and saved it.
Restarted pupdial and pressed the ttyUSB3 button, it applied the init strings and I added my APN and phone# settings.......Success it works...

That was without the .pet package installed.

Now am I right to assume that package is intended to add the "#Modem" line to an existing wfdial.conf file allowing pupdial to look past the first modem entry?

If it is...Is it possible it did not work for me on a fresh install because I hadn't opened pupdial to create the wfdial.conf file?

I am going to run a few tests to see if I can duplicate that magic result I had first time. I will try connecting in a new pupsave how I was in the start of this thread by probing for the modem which will be found a ttyUSB1 add my APN, attempting a connection and then closing pupdial and intalling the .pet package.....See what happens.
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#23 Post by rerwin »

Now I understand what you did. It had the same effect as if you had added the line "#Modem = ttyUSB3". Note that this is with the added packages only. Pupdial looks at both and uses this one if present, otherwise the uncommented line. Anyway, the test button alone should select ttyUSB3. Then you could probe so that the correct initialization strings get set for ttyUSB3. No need to reboot.

The first time you use pupdial with a modem already detected, you get a popup that does the same test as the button does, but also looks for an alternate possibility. Apparently the test did not get a response from ttyUSB3, at least not in the period it waited. My new version uses a different way to find all possible alternatives, although some may not work if they belong to other, non-modem, devices. But the test button will cycle through all of them for the user to try.

Without the dotpet packages, you did the right thing.
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