Speeding up the SnapMerge

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Speeding up the SnapMerge

#1 Post by jemimah »

This topic started in the sfs-on-the-fly thread but really needs its own thread so here it is.
jemimah wrote:Here is some code from the snapmerge script. Adding more layers makes it slower because each whiteout file needs to be checked on each layer. This script is already painfully slow and the main reason I don't want to add more layers,

I supposed it's worth experimenting and seeing what how much difference it makes.

Code: Select all

while read N
 BN="`basename "$N"`"
 DN="`dirname "$N"`"
 [ "$BN" = ".wh.aufs" ] && continue #w003 aufs has file .wh..wh.aufs in /initrd/pup_rw.
 [ "$DN" = "." ] && continue
 if [ "$BN" = "__dir_opaque" ];then #w003
  #'.wh.__dir_opaque' marks ignore all contents in lower layers...
  rm -rf "${BASE}/${DN}/*" 2>/dev/null #wipe anything in save layer.
  #also need to save the whiteout file to block all lower layers (may be readonly)...
  touch "${BASE}/${DN}/.wh.__dir_opaque" 2>/dev/null
  rm -f "$SNAP/$DN/.wh.__dir_opaque" #should force aufs layer "reval".
 #comes in here with the '.wh.' prefix stripped off, leaving actual filename...
 rm -rf "$BASE/$N"
 #if file exists on a lower layer, have to save the whiteout file...
 [ -e "/initrd/pup_ro1/$N" ] && BLOCKFILE="yes"
 [ -e "/initrd/pup_ro2/$N" ] && BLOCKFILE="yes"
 [ -e "/initrd/pup_ro3/$N" ] && BLOCKFILE="yes"
 [ -e "/initrd/pup_ro4/$N" ] && BLOCKFILE="yes"
 [ -e "/initrd/pup_ro5/$N" ] && BLOCKFILE="yes"
 [ -e "/initrd/pup_ro6/$N" ] && BLOCKFILE="yes"
 [ -e "/initrd/pup_ro7/$N" ] && BLOCKFILE="yes" #v424
 [ -e "/initrd/pup_ro8/$N" ] && BLOCKFILE="yes" #v424
 [ -e "/initrd/pup_ro9/$N" ] && BLOCKFILE="yes" #v424
 [ "$BLOCKFILE" = "yes" ] && touch "${BASE}/${DN}/.wh.${BN}"
 rm -f "$SNAP/$DN/.wh.$BN" #remove whiteout file. should force aufs layer "reval".
shinobar wrote:
jemimah wrote:Here is some code from the snapmerge script. Adding more layers makes it slower because each whiteout file needs to be checked on each layer. This script is already painfully slow
Yes, jemimah. It is so slow.

Code: Select all

#also need to save the whiteout file to block all lower layers 
I wonder why we need to check them. Why not unconditionally copy all the file in pup_rw...?
I also wonder what the rc.update does...? :roll:
jemimah wrote:
shinobar wrote:

Code: Select all

#also need to save the whiteout file to block all lower layers 
I wonder why we need to check them. Why not unconditionally copy all the file in pup_rw...?
I also wonder what the rc.update does...? :roll:
Say I create a new file then delete it and a white out file gets saved to the save file. Then later I add an sfs containing a file of the same name. The file will not appear because the white out file is there blocking it. I believe there is code in the init script to check for this condition and delete the interefering white outs when you add an SFS, but I know from experience that even that doesn't always work.

But that's an interesting thought - maybe the whiteout checking code in snapmerge is redundant and can be removed. However, It may be an error condition in AUFS to have a whiteout file with no file below it. I know for sure UnionFS is really picky about that, but I think AUFS is more tolerant.

However, I think the real bottleneck in the script is checking for free space in the save file for every single file copied down. That could be omitted in the case where your save file has more free space than the size of the files in RAM - but otherwise I think you need to do it.
jamesbond wrote:shinobar, sorry to hijack your thread. I'll move off your lawn very quickly after this.

Been thinking about it too ... I'm comparing the situation that requires snapmergepuppy and the one where /pup_rw is mounted directly on pupsave file. In this case, no management of whiteout files is done (as shinobar said) - and yet things will work correctly.

In the specific PUPMODE where merge script is required, these are the conditions:
a) there are, effectively, two pupsave files - the tmpfs layer, and the real pupsave (mounted ro by aufs)
b) we want to create the impression that this two pupsaves work as one
c) we don't want to duplicate items from pupsave to tmpfs
d) optionally, tmpfs and pupsave is allowed to have different size

a) & b) is rather easy to accomplish, it's c) & d) which causes the most headache and the need for merge script. Actually, c) is also the cause of problem if your real pupsave file is almost full, yet the tmpfs is empty (ie fresh boot). One can keep adding things without knowing that one cannot save the stuff anymore. Kinda like vmware thin provisioning, but without enough backing storage :shock:

If it's only a) & b) - easy - just load pupsave to tmpfs at start, and then rsync everything to pupsave during shutdown (or during merge). The real pupsave don't even need to be part of the branch.

But we need to do c) and d) since that's the agreed design criteria for now. Based on the above, I think the only check needed is as follows, for a combination of a "real file" and its corresponding whiteout file:

1. whiteout file exists in tmpfs, real file exists in pupsave
Cause ==> the file has just been deleted during user session.
Action ==> delete real file in pupsave & create the whiteout file (to prevent any file from lower layer getting exposed).
Then delete the whiteout in tmpfs.

2. whiteout file exist in tmpfs, real file doesn't exist in pupsave
Cause ==> whiteout is for a file in lower layer
Action ==> create whiteout file in pupsave
Then delete the whiteout in tmpfs.

3. real file exists in tmpfs, whiteout exist in pupsave
Cause ==> new file created over previously deleted file (from previous session)
Action ==> copy file from tmpfs to pupsave, and delete whiteout in pupsave
Then delete the real file in tmpfs.

4. real file exists in tmpfs, whiteout doesn't exist in pupsave
Cause ==> new file created in this session
Action ==> copy file from tmpfs to pupsave,
Then delete the real file in tmpfs.

5. real file exist in tmpfs, real file also exist in pupsave
Cause ==> file is updated in this session
Action ==> copy file from tmpfs to pupsave,
Then delete the real file in tmpfs.

Of course when I say "file" it also applies to directories.

I think that should handle 90% of the cases. We skip corner cases of "we only save the whiteout files only if the lower layer SFS have the real files" - I don't really see why this is necessary.

If the slowness comes from checking all those files in the SFS layers, then by dealing only with tmpfs and pupsave, this delay should be greatly reduced. If it's not, then the above may not help. In fact, I'm doubting the need to have c) and d) in the first place ... I mean, you have that very important big file you need to save, you can always save it in /mnt/home (ie the real storage).

Ok, I'm off - jemimah we can start another thread on this if you want to.

Shinobar, thanks for the update, I'll test it and get back to you.
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#2 Post by jemimah »

I think what happens if you copy down unneeded whiteout files is that you get an I/O error when you try to create the file later. I will verify this and get back.
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#3 Post by jamesbond »

jemimah wrote:I think what happens if you copy down unneeded whiteout files is that you get an I/O error when you try to create the file later. I will verify this and get back.
Tested with aufs 2.1-standalone.tree-35-20100920 (the one that comes with FD64). No I/O error - everything works as expected. A non-needed whiteout file on the second layer will be obscured by a file of the same name on the higher branch.
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#4 Post by jpeps »

Thanks for this great discussion....it's unearthing some mysteries (at least for me).
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Re: Speeding up the SnapMerge

#5 Post by technosaurus »

jemimah wrote:This topic started in the sfs-on-the-fly thread but really needs its own thread so here it is.
jemimah wrote:Here is some code from the snapmerge script. Adding more layers makes it slower because each whiteout file needs to be checked on each layer. This script is already painfully slow and the main reason I don't want to add more layers,

I supposed it's worth experimenting and seeing what how much difference it makes.

Code: Select all

while read N
 BN="`basename "$N"`"
 DN="`dirname "$N"`"
 [ "$BN" = ".wh.aufs" ] && continue #w003 aufs has file .wh..wh.aufs in /initrd/pup_rw.
 [ "$DN" = "." ] && continue
 if [ "$BN" = "__dir_opaque" ];then #w003
  #'.wh.__dir_opaque' marks ignore all contents in lower layers...
  rm -rf "${BASE}/${DN}/*" 2>/dev/null #wipe anything in save layer.
  #also need to save the whiteout file to block all lower layers (may be readonly)...
  touch "${BASE}/${DN}/.wh.__dir_opaque" 2>/dev/null
  rm -f "$SNAP/$DN/.wh.__dir_opaque" #should force aufs layer "reval".
 #comes in here with the '.wh.' prefix stripped off, leaving actual filename...
 rm -rf "$BASE/$N"
 #if file exists on a lower layer, have to save the whiteout file...
 [ -e "/initrd/pup_ro2/$N" ] && BLOCKFILE="yes"
 [ -e "/initrd/pup_ro3/$N" ] && BLOCKFILE="yes"
 [ -e "/initrd/pup_ro4/$N" ] && BLOCKFILE="yes"
 [ -e "/initrd/pup_ro5/$N" ] && BLOCKFILE="yes"
 [ -e "/initrd/pup_ro6/$N" ] && BLOCKFILE="yes"
 [ -e "/initrd/pup_ro7/$N" ] && BLOCKFILE="yes" #v424
 [ -e "/initrd/pup_ro8/$N" ] && BLOCKFILE="yes" #v424
 [ -e "/initrd/pup_ro9/$N" ] && BLOCKFILE="yes" #v424
 [ "$BLOCKFILE" = "yes" ] && touch "${BASE}/${DN}/.wh.${BN}"
 rm -f "$SNAP/$DN/.wh.$BN" #remove whiteout file. should force aufs layer "reval".
shinobar wrote:
jemimah wrote:Here is some code from the snapmerge script. Adding more layers makes it slower because each whiteout file needs to be checked on each layer. This script is already painfully slow
Yes, jemimah. It is so slow.

Code: Select all

#also need to save the whiteout file to block all lower layers 
I wonder why we need to check them. Why not unconditionally copy all the file in pup_rw...?
I also wonder what the rc.update does...? :roll:
jemimah wrote:
shinobar wrote:

Code: Select all

#also need to save the whiteout file to block all lower layers 
I wonder why we need to check them. Why not unconditionally copy all the file in pup_rw...?
I also wonder what the rc.update does...? :roll:
Say I create a new file then delete it and a white out file gets saved to the save file. Then later I add an sfs containing a file of the same name. The file will not appear because the white out file is there blocking it. I believe there is code in the init script to check for this condition and delete the interefering white outs when you add an SFS, but I know from experience that even that doesn't always work.

But that's an interesting thought - maybe the whiteout checking code in snapmerge is redundant and can be removed. However, It may be an error condition in AUFS to have a whiteout file with no file below it. I know for sure UnionFS is really picky about that, but I think AUFS is more tolerant.

However, I think the real bottleneck in the script is checking for free space in the save file for every single file copied down. That could be omitted in the case where your save file has more free space than the size of the files in RAM - but otherwise I think you need to do it.
jamesbond wrote:shinobar, sorry to hijack your thread. I'll move off your lawn very quickly after this.

Been thinking about it too ... I'm comparing the situation that requires snapmergepuppy and the one where /pup_rw is mounted directly on pupsave file. In this case, no management of whiteout files is done (as shinobar said) - and yet things will work correctly.

In the specific PUPMODE where merge script is required, these are the conditions:
a) there are, effectively, two pupsave files - the tmpfs layer, and the real pupsave (mounted ro by aufs)
b) we want to create the impression that this two pupsaves work as one
c) we don't want to duplicate items from pupsave to tmpfs
d) optionally, tmpfs and pupsave is allowed to have different size

a) & b) is rather easy to accomplish, it's c) & d) which causes the most headache and the need for merge script. Actually, c) is also the cause of problem if your real pupsave file is almost full, yet the tmpfs is empty (ie fresh boot). One can keep adding things without knowing that one cannot save the stuff anymore. Kinda like vmware thin provisioning, but without enough backing storage :shock:

If it's only a) & b) - easy - just load pupsave to tmpfs at start, and then rsync everything to pupsave during shutdown (or during merge). The real pupsave don't even need to be part of the branch.

But we need to do c) and d) since that's the agreed design criteria for now. Based on the above, I think the only check needed is as follows, for a combination of a "real file" and its corresponding whiteout file:

1. whiteout file exists in tmpfs, real file exists in pupsave
Cause ==> the file has just been deleted during user session.
Action ==> delete real file in pupsave & create the whiteout file (to prevent any file from lower layer getting exposed).
Then delete the whiteout in tmpfs.

2. whiteout file exist in tmpfs, real file doesn't exist in pupsave
Cause ==> whiteout is for a file in lower layer
Action ==> create whiteout file in pupsave
Then delete the whiteout in tmpfs.

3. real file exists in tmpfs, whiteout exist in pupsave
Cause ==> new file created over previously deleted file (from previous session)
Action ==> copy file from tmpfs to pupsave, and delete whiteout in pupsave
Then delete the real file in tmpfs.

4. real file exists in tmpfs, whiteout doesn't exist in pupsave
Cause ==> new file created in this session
Action ==> copy file from tmpfs to pupsave,
Then delete the real file in tmpfs.

5. real file exist in tmpfs, real file also exist in pupsave
Cause ==> file is updated in this session
Action ==> copy file from tmpfs to pupsave,
Then delete the real file in tmpfs.

Of course when I say "file" it also applies to directories.

I think that should handle 90% of the cases. We skip corner cases of "we only save the whiteout files only if the lower layer SFS have the real files" - I don't really see why this is necessary.

If the slowness comes from checking all those files in the SFS layers, then by dealing only with tmpfs and pupsave, this delay should be greatly reduced. If it's not, then the above may not help. In fact, I'm doubting the need to have c) and d) in the first place ... I mean, you have that very important big file you need to save, you can always save it in /mnt/home (ie the real storage).

Ok, I'm off - jemimah we can start another thread on this if you want to.

Shinobar, thanks for the update, I'll test it and get back to you.
Could stop some unnecessary checks by combining them
[ -e "/initrd/pup_ro1/$N" -o -e ".... ] && BLOCKFILE="yes"

And try moving some stuff outside the loops
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Re: Speeding up the SnapMerge

#6 Post by Q5sys »

jemimah wrote:Say I create a new file then delete it and a white out file gets saved to the save file. Then later I add an sfs containing a file of the same name. The file will not appear because the white out file is there blocking it. I believe there is code in the init script to check for this condition and delete the interefering white outs when you add an SFS, but I know from experience that even that doesn't always work.
Ok I'm trying to understand this as I've never looked into this before. So let me ask a question to better understand you.
1) You create a new file and delete it (Im assuming you mean in your save file? if so... how does this change when youre using a full install)
2) After you add an SFS containing that file, you say 'the file will not appear' Where will the file not appear? In the SFS or in the safe file? Or is it 'in' the safe file but the system wont read it. If Im understanding this has to do with the layering and that higher layers cant be overwritten by lower layers... IE in a decending order: the main SFS file, then pupsave file, then extra SFS files.
3)When/how/under what condition do these white out files get deleted?
4)At the risk of asking a dumb question, why are 'whiteout files' even being made? Why not have a single file say 'whiteoutfile.txt' where the files which are 'whiteout'd' (for lack of a better term) are sed... so instead of checking each layer for a file you can just grep the whiteoutfile.txt and see if what you are looking for is there and has been 'whiteout'd'

jemimah wrote:Adding more layers makes it slower because each whiteout file needs to be checked on each layer.
Last question.
When are these white out files checked? Is it only when loading an SFS, at startup, at shutdown... or every time the file system is accessed?
I'm trying to wrap my head around it, but i'm not quite understanding the order of events here. Anyway someone can bullet point summary it for me? :P
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#7 Post by jemimah »

Ok here is the situation that definitely gets you I/O errors.

File exists in Read-Only layer
Both file and its whiteout exist in Read-Write layer.

Code: Select all

# pwd
# ls -al
total 8
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 2011-02-06 12:18 .
drwxr-xr-x 44 root root 4096 2011-02-06 12:17 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root root    0 2011-02-06 12:18 audio
-r--r--r-- 22 root root    0 2011-01-31 06:52 .wh.audio

Code: Select all

# ls
ls: cannot access audio: Input/output error
audio        doc         mini-icons  ps-pdf        text           video
backgrounds  midi-icons  pixmaps     spreadsheets  vector-images  xml
This does on occaision happen unintentionally with Puppy and the only fix is to delete the offending whiteouts by hand.

So at the very least, it is necessary to check the save file.
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Re: Speeding up the SnapMerge

#8 Post by jemimah »

Q5sys wrote: Ok I'm trying to understand this as I've never looked into this before. So let me ask a question to better understand you.
1) You create a new file and delete it (Im assuming you mean in your save file? if so... how does this change when youre using a full install)
2) After you add an SFS containing that file, you say 'the file will not appear' Where will the file not appear? In the SFS or in the safe file? Or is it 'in' the safe file but the system wont read it. If Im understanding this has to do with the layering and that higher layers cant be overwritten by lower layers... IE in a decending order: the main SFS file, then pupsave file, then extra SFS files.
3)When/how/under what condition do these white out files get deleted?
4)At the risk of asking a dumb question, why are 'whiteout files' even being made? Why not have a single file say 'whiteoutfile.txt' where the files which are 'whiteout'd' (for lack of a better term) are sed... so instead of checking each layer for a file you can just grep the whiteoutfile.txt and see if what you are looking for is there and has been 'whiteout'd'

jemimah wrote:Adding more layers makes it slower because each whiteout file needs to be checked on each layer.
Last question.
When are these white out files checked? Is it only when loading an SFS, at startup, at shutdown... or every time the file system is accessed?
I'm trying to wrap my head around it, but i'm not quite understanding the order of events here. Anyway someone can bullet point summary it for me? :P
1) None of this applies to a full install, as AUFS is not used at all in that case. The main topic of interest here is shutting down in Pupmode 13. It's pretty annoying to wait 10 minutes for the snapmerge script to save your files before letting you shut down.

2) The file will not appear for the user. The user shouldn't have to care about the layers. The whiteouts in the top layers, the save file and the RAM layer, override the existance of files in lower layers.

3) If you delete a file that exists in a read-only layer a whiteout file is created in the read-write layer. After that, there's no way to get the original file back (without munging the layers yourself). You can create a new file with the same name - in which case the whiteout file will be deleted but now your new file is there blocking the original version.

4) I assume the AUFS developers thought of that and rejected it for some good reason - but I don't know what that reason might be.

5) Whiteout files are checked in the init script, and the snapmerge script. Also maybe newer versions of pet install script that write directly to the save file in pupmode 13 but it's been a while since I looked at that. I think the checks in the init script can be moved to shinobars sfs-loader script, totally obviating the need for a reboot - I don't believe there's a compelling reason the filesystem needs to be unmounted for a layer update.
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#9 Post by jpeps »

I've also had to manually remove whiteout files that get into pupsave and prevent subsequent loading of files. For example, picpuz was separated out in an old remaster, although there in the present lupu-sfs. However, there's


..so files are missing, and it won't run. Delete the whiteouts, reboot, and all is well.
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#10 Post by technosaurus »

Just changing from bash to busybox ash gives ~2000% improvement because ash can use applets as builtins ... saving .02s per call on average just by not having to "locate" a separate file (this is usually the bulk of time usage since the actual actions are very basic)

Use stat -c <format> instead of stat --format=<format>
And similar changes (df wrapper is slow - use busybox df)
Fork child processes for in loop actions that don't affect the loop ( adding a & to the end of chown, chgrp, chmod, cp... will let the loop continue)
Use $((2 + 2)) instead of expr... it is way faster at least in ash by over 2000%

I did significant testing for bashbox to determine which methods were fastest.
...and pulling the loop operations out to a function that you can just spawn with a
Firstloopfxn $params &
Is one of the fastest and easiest ways to speed things up (it _will_ still use lots of CPU )

Just remember that scripts don't get optimized by a compiler, so we have to do it ourselves, especially inside loops.
Check out my [url=https://github.com/technosaurus]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=http://bashismal.blogspot.com]blogspot[/url].
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#11 Post by jpeps »

technosaurus wrote:
Use stat -c <format> instead of stat --format=<format>
And similar changes (df wrapper is slow - use busybox df)
Think that's busybox stat, otherwise it's the same.
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#12 Post by technosaurus »

jpeps wrote:
technosaurus wrote:
Use stat -c <format> instead of stat --format=<format>
And similar changes (df wrapper is slow - use busybox df)
Think that's busybox stat, otherwise it's the same.
that really depends
On really old busybox versions, that is true.
Newer versions have an option to prefer applets.
In ash this feature first looks for an applet with the same name.
Therefore busybox stat is used automatically.
(Just by changing the shabang to #!/bin/ash)
To use the "full" version you need the path also.
Check out my [url=https://github.com/technosaurus]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=http://bashismal.blogspot.com]blogspot[/url].
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#13 Post by jemimah »

Here is a patch from Dougal that implements some of Technosaurus' suggestions and some other stuff.

I've also added /root/.cache and /var/cache to the excludes and put ampersands at the end of file modifiing operations per Technosaurus' suggestion.

I'm going to bump up the number of SFS layers as well for the next Fluppy and we'll see what the performance is like and if saving still works correctly.
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#14 Post by scsijon »

Not sure if this should be in this topic, but do know it shouldn't be in it's previous source topic!

Looking at the code and comments in both.

>?I wonder if there is the ability to control which "layer" users.sfs's could be located in, something like those you know you intend to leave permanently (or semi-permanent) go into one group and be managed one way, while those you are going to use on an intermittant basis or just wish to "try out" go into another group.
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#15 Post by jpeps »

technosaurus wrote:
jpeps wrote:
technosaurus wrote:
Use stat -c <format> instead of stat --format=<format>
And similar changes (df wrapper is slow - use busybox df)
Think that's busybox stat, otherwise it's the same.
that really depends
On really old busybox versions, that is true.
Newer versions have an option to prefer applets.
In ash this feature first looks for an applet with the same name.
Therefore busybox stat is used automatically.
(Just by changing the shabang to #!/bin/ash)
To use the "full" version you need the path also.
I tried with bash/sh/ash in Lucid. All use gnu coreutils unless I specifically specify "busybox"

Code: Select all

BusyBox v1.16.2 (2010-06-19 18:02:46 GMT-8) multi-call binary.

Usage: stat [OPTIONS] FILE...

Display file (default) or filesystem status

	-c fmt	Use the specified format

Code: Select all

Usage: stat [OPTION]... FILE...
Display file or file system status.

  -L, --dereference     follow links
  -f, --file-system     display file system status instead of file status
  -c  --format=FORMAT   use the specified FORMAT instead of the default;
                          output a newline after each use of FORMAT
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#16 Post by jamesbond »

jemimah wrote:Ok here is the situation that definitely gets you I/O errors.

File exists in Read-Only layer
Both file and its whiteout exist in Read-Write layer.

This does on occaision happen unintentionally with Puppy and the only fix is to delete the offending whiteouts by hand.

So at the very least, it is necessary to check the save file.
Hmm that's odd, this is not supposed to happen - I mean, I can't see the scenario that leads to it. If there is already a whiteout file on the pup_rw, creating a new file with the same name should automatically clear remove the whiteout file. But we know "impossible thing" sometimes does happen :P

So perhaps we can get away by doing the test once every 20th boot or so? (and/or with some option to do manual check if required - just like fsck).
jpeps wrote:I tried with bash/sh/ash in Lucid. All use gnu coreutils unless I specifically specify "busybox"
Busybox must be specifically compiled for this to happen ("exec prefers applet" and "standalone shell" must be enabled).
jpeps wrote:I've also had to manually remove whiteout files that get into pupsave and prevent subsequent loading of files. For example, picpuz was separated out in an old remaster, although there in the present lupu-sfs. However, there's


..so files are missing, and it won't run. Delete the whiteouts, reboot, and all is well.
This is expected - that's what pfix=upgrade is supposed to do.

Technosaurus, I always thought $((s+s)) expression is bash-ism ... but to my surprise, it does work in ash. Bash has a pretty good reference docs in gnu.org, does a similar doc exist for ash? (at least for busybox ash?)
EDIT: Found it here http://linux.die.net/man/1/ash.
Last edited by jamesbond on Mon 07 Feb 2011, 12:28, edited 1 time in total.
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#17 Post by technosaurus »

That busybox must be compiled without the prefer applets _option_
A pity too - it can significantly speed up scripts and broken ones should have a bash shabang anyways.
During testing I build a full busybox with both ash and hush with ash aliased to bash and hush aliased to sh
... hush is much more compatible nowadays so I may switch them eventually
... I try to make my scripts compatible with ash, hush and bash, so this makes it easier to test them.
It only gets /bin/sh if it works in all 3 (sh may be a symlink to any of them)
It's not really too difficult to make scripts compatible ...dash shell being the exception
Making them work with busybox applets isn't bad if there are good comments
- the busybox mail list is helpful with sorting out bugs and missing features.
One the busybox developer complaints is that prefer applets and nofork/noexec doesn't get tested/reported ... users just recompile with them disabled and don't report any issues. (It may be default in the short future for .0 unstable release)
Check out my [url=https://github.com/technosaurus]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=http://bashismal.blogspot.com]blogspot[/url].
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#18 Post by jpeps »

jamesbond wrote:
jpeps wrote: ..so files are missing, and it won't run. Delete the whiteouts, reboot, and all is well.
This is expected - that's what pfix=upgrade is supposed to do.
hmm...whiteouts somehow got created after moving regular files to an extra_sfs during a remaster...nothing under /usr. pfix=upgrade does nothing. Even pfix=clean doesn't get rid of them, so original files don't load. They have to be found and manually deleted first if you want to continue with your old pupsave. I don't know why this is expected.
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#19 Post by jamesbond »

jpeps wrote:
jamesbond wrote:
jpeps wrote: ..so files are missing, and it won't run. Delete the whiteouts, reboot, and all is well.
This is expected - that's what pfix=upgrade is supposed to do.
hmm...whiteouts somehow got created after moving regular files to an extra_sfs during a remaster...nothing under /usr. pfix=upgrade does nothing. Even pfix=clean doesn't get rid of them, so original files don't load. They have to be found and manually deleted first if you want to continue with your old pupsave. I don't know why this is expected.
Nah, sorry, I read your original post wrongly. Yeah remaster shouldn't copy all these whiteout files.
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#20 Post by jamesbond »

Hmmm ... I'm close to something.

I have two scripts. Testing with tmpfs to tmpfs copy-down (just to check script performance - this is not real-world performance):
- s5 with utf8 locale = 2m34s, with non-utf8 locale it's 34s only.
- s7 = 6s (locale doesn't matter much)

Test pupsave is 1GB live data, 820MB used, 17,000+ files.
s7 is much faster but doesn't cope very well when savefile is almost full (because it copy before delete)
s5 is better because it delete before copy, but slower.
Neither script checks lower layers (SFS layers) - as I posted earlier, I don't see why it's necessary.

I have an idea to combine the best of s5 and s7 - but that will have to wait until tomorrow.

Note: script uses ash, thanks to technosaurus.
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