Mount multisession (burned) DVD-R on older DVD drives

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Mount multisession (burned) DVD-R on older DVD drives

#1 Post by dukenukeme »


i have developed this procedure for mounting DVD-R that has multisession on it on older dvd-readers (or other that would not mount it)

-you have older dvd reader , for.ex on laptop
or on desktop computer
-presumably it is still functional (they built it well those days)
-you burn multissesion in two or three or 4 sessions
and when you insert it in laptop it only show first session

there is workaround! (on linux operating system only)

for UDF mutilsession DVD

Code: Select all

 mount /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom2 -s -t udf -o ro,user,noauto,exec,umask=0,session=0,lastblock=2135200 

Code: Select all

dvd+rw-mediainfo /dev/hdd 

it is about at the bottom of listing
Track#1 : 14@0
Track#2 : 14@361136
Track#AA : 14@ 2135200 <<<<<<<<<<<< look HERE !!!!
Multi-session Info: #2@361136
for ISO multisession (in case of old device) DVD

Code: Select all

# umount /dev/hdc
# mount /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom2 -s -t iso9660 -o ro,user,sbsector=2111936
# umount /dev/hdc
# mount /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom2 -s -t iso9660 -o ro,user,sbsector=2111936,unhide
Track#1 : 14@0
Track#2 : 14@2111936 <<<<<<<<<<<< ----- look HERE !!!
Track#AA : 14@2278064
Multi-session Info: #2@2111936 <<<<<<<<<<<<< or HERE !!!!!!
READ CAPACITY: 2278064*2048=4665475072
this one is not really working ?

mount /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom2 -t iso9660 -o ro,user,umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,noauto,sbsector=2111936

===== reading using cdrecord iso9660 for cd-r rom=================
Disk type: CD-DA or CD-ROM
Disk id: 0x9D804
last start of lead in: 330909
last start of lead out: 359849

Track Sess Type Start Addr End Addr Size
1 1 Data 0 134639 134640
2 2 Data 146042 328656 182615
3 3 Blank 335559 359846 24288

Last session start address: 146042
Last session leadout start address: 328657
Next writable address: 335559
Remaining writable size: 24288

Code: Select all

 cdrecord dev=0,1,0 -media-info
you get 0,1,0 with command : cdrecord -scanbus
(but this is obsolite , is it scsi emulation ?

Code: Select all

 sudo mount -t iso9660 -o ro,user,noauto,umask=0,sbsector=146042 /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom
===== read by using cdrecord udf for dvd disk ,i think ===============
Disk type: DVD, HD-DVD or BD

Track Sess Type Start Addr End Addr Size
1 1 Data 0 359087 359088
2 2 Data 361136 2135199 1774064

Last session start address: 361136
Last session leadout start address: 2135200
this way is going to mount previous session , without last ?
but non allways working :D
Last edited by dukenukeme on Wed 24 Mar 2010, 09:08, edited 1 time in total.

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#2 Post by dukenukeme »

sory for doubel post , the first one is long i prefer to minimise edit ;)

here is a simple script that mounts it automaticaly
- first needs to be prepared (edited)
- you need to get NUMBER10 variable using previous procedure
and ful fledged dvd-rw device :D (for every multisession burned disk)
- edit script and put in a section for your disk
(it is in case multiple choice statement , bash interpreter)
-precize the mountpoints by editing
- you may comment out line if gives you trouble : #blkid /dev/hdc
(IO sector read errors on old drives)
-now you dont need any more dvd-rw to read multisession (hopefully):

Code: Select all


plz send feedback

*original thread is from linuxo LUG (serbian)
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#3 Post by Béèm »

Nice post. I have a UDF CD made in Windows I tried and it did mount as per your first command, but only in read only.
I tried with ro changed to rw.
The CD mounted, but only in read only.
It is already a start as I can use ROX to view the contents of the CD.

As it is a CD, the second command didn't work.

It would be nice if one could write to such a CD as well.
I suppose the needed tools are missing for this.
I use dpup484-beta4
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#4 Post by dukenukeme »

hi , tnx for feedback :D

do you have combo dvd&cd/rw like this combo I or this combo IV or
just this dvd reader

were you unable to mount multissession dvd's in operation? (nero ususaly issues a warning when you make addition files that dvd can not be read allways)

since this is dvd reader , reading of seccond command is issued on desktop(some other computer) where you have newer dvd-rw drive ;)
- and then the number of this sector is writen down and used for remount when neded.

it seems the system is manufactured about y. 2004 trough 2006 ... 46024.html
i was not aware that those ~2005 mfktred dvd drives have had trouble
whith multissession dvd's, allways thought this is for very old drives.
It would be nice if one could write to such a CD as well.
yes there is a way , it is called packet writing to UDF CD-RW
the kernel must be compiled with adequate option.
it is enabled inside puppu's .config ( DOTconfig-K2.6.30.5.... )

you also need some of the user space tools ... linux.html ... iting.html
(perhaps it was dicussed somwere on other thread ? )

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#5 Post by Béèm »

The R40 has a combo plus bay with a DVD ROM/CD-RW device.

I didn't had a DVD multi-session media, but a CD-RW in UDF, hence the test I did.

Some, I think 3 years ago, I tried the packet writing and even compiled stuff. I don't quite remember what exactly.
I think amongst these were UDF tools.

Through Google I can find again the things about packet writing and I might to jump into it again.
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#6 Post by dukenukeme »

plz note , your dvd-device on t40 may be called /dev/sr0 not /dev/hdd ;)
(im not really sure)

if you get burned some other dvd-r disc as multisses. plz give this howto a go ;)
(perhaps it is allready recognised and automaticaly mounted with all sessions ? )

for packet writing , just is needed source
udftools-1.0.0b3 and needs to be patched (for else some issues occures)
and must check if kernel supports udf (i think)

and then needs to be set from userspace by issuing several commands
(the hard part)

does anyone know about this option ? looks like sone sort of cache for packet writing ?

it was here this earlier thread ;)

best results by using dvd+rw (plus rw) and if formated as udf 1.50 for compatibility, not remember for cd-rw ,have not tryed cd-rw packet on linux :( just dvd+rw

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#7 Post by Béèm »

I discovered right away my device was /dev/sr0 :wink:
And as you see in the old thread, I did those tests in the time of 1.08 , early 2.X.X

So I just googled for udftools an see nothing has changed as per your comment on it.

Maybe that the newer kernels make it easier for the UDFtools.
But I am not sure.

Strange that during all this time that read/write support for UDF didn't make it into the kernels.
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#8 Post by Béèm »

I made some progress.
Being in dpup, I found the UDFtools package in the main repository, downloaded and installed it.

I did the pktsetup

With cdrwtools I could write a blank CD as one track in UDF.
I was able to write some files on it.

I then umounted, but when I mount again, altho the command was successful, I couldn't see the files anymore. directory inaccessible.
And in fact every directory in /mnt is inaccessible then.

I will have to investigate more.
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#9 Post by Béèm »

The thing I forgot was to make the mount directory (/mnt/sr0 in my case) rwx
After doing so it works.
I can write in UDF to the device now.

But I will change from sr0 to sr1, so sr0 is free to be used in puppy for audio CD or ISO9960 data CD's.

Sorry to have hijacked a bit your thread.
As I don't use DVD-R and as I have no older DVD drives I am afraid and can't help you with your issue.
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#10 Post by dukenukeme »

hi , it has been a while... :D

now , i have new graphic based configuration scripts

what you need, of programs:
zenity is mostly default in distributions
dvd+rw tools
isoinfo ,those are standard programs,install from distros packages?

Frst, the lookup for that number , which represents last sesion
is much easier now :D
This feature is incorporated in script , run her as a USER
You may start her by double click (feature of zenity)

use your gud DVD+RW which sees multisesion and insert disc ;)

then you will see prepared text that you need to
just simply copy back in main script
(between placeholders)

then you need to start main script ,this time as ROOT
(since he is doing mounting)

and after.... try to mount on your other dvd-rom (presumably older generation)
which can not see multisesion.

Main script has also integrated UMOUNT-er (press cancel on first dialog for umount)
You may start scripts by double click (feature of zenity)

Also is ,as a bonus, possible to mount mutisesion iso images
(that i have not heard was possible to do)
first create image from mutisesion disk ,usual way , not raw
then by using cdemu ,insert it
sistem will see only first sesion.
Then mount it full with main script , :cool:

Please send feedback , and take preacautions
when running programs as root (hopfully all will be well ;) )

* Note ,my testing older dvd-rom is on anoter computer and i do not have allways
physical acces to him,however this script developed using him ;) .
* also note that script will work on newer kernels >2.6.23
which have unified representation of /dev/sr* devices
even for paralel ata cd/dvd drive (will not run on /dev/hdc for example if seen as such from kernel )
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Mounting multisession on dvd drives , using GUI
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#11 Post by dukenukeme »

hi , new bugfix , enables for /dev/hdc :D

Code: Select all

*version 0.14 
- fixed for PATA cdrom , /dev/hdc /dev/hdd (hopefully)
- fixed for non-unicode distributions (hopefully)
- if you are using DVD+R try booktype to DVD-R or DVD-ROM but before burning
everything else is same as before , hopefully :cool:
zschmount select on /dev/hdc
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Mounting multisession on dvd drives , using GUI
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#12 Post by dukenukeme »

Modified for kdialog :cool:

Code: Select all

*version 0.14 
- fixed for PATA cdrom , /dev/hdc /dev/hdd (hopefully)
- fixed for non-unicode distributions (hopefully)
- if you are using DVD+R try booktype to DVD-R or DVD-ROM but before burning
using tutorial from following link: ... DE_Dialogs

This should enable kde only desktops
to work with it, for example on slackware

what you need, of programs,now,for kdia-schmount:
kdialog is present by default on kde3 and kde4 desktop ?
dvd+rw tools
isoinfo ,those are standard programs,install from distros packages?

For paralel ata ,it is set for /dev/hdc and /dev/hdd ,
and detection will also display hard drives,
can not workaraound at the moment
(presumably cdrom drives are secondary master or slave on number of systems)
if you have /dev/hdb please modify scripts at locations

Code: Select all

for pata in c d
(on three places)

Now, i need your help , please :)
if you have older laptop,Pentium3 or 4
which has Paralell ata cd rom or dvd rom
and if you also have beside an
external usb drive too , i need snapshot
of the "select drive" selection window
to see iif it has enumerated properly, all drives ?
(either old or new kernel , no need to have any multisesion disk for this)
kdialog schmount select on /dev/hdc
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Mounting multisession on dvd drives , using KDE GUI
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