Puppy Linux Windows Installer - LICK v1.3.3 released

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#61 Post by steve_s »

noryb009 wrote:I just uploaded a pre-compiled Puppy Linux 520: http://db.tt/FJcXCZF
Nice work! I had done this a while back with 4.3.1, but I am very pleased to see it here! Nice work on 520 and for making it easier for those Windows users... 8)
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#62 Post by davids45 »

G'day noryb009,
I think GRUB is case sensitive. You called the folder "Puppy431", but in your first post you called it "puppy431". Fix that if menu.lst and try it again
Thanks for pointing out my case mis-match. Problem fixed and now more Puppies installed in my Windows 7.

David S.
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#63 Post by teasiu »

hi, noryb009,

I fixed the code sucess use iso file don't need add in the soft.

I hope you can see this as soon as possible.

Code: Select all

Function UnzipPuppy
#  SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
#  SetOverwrite ifnewer
#  File "${PLICDIR}${PUPPY_SFS}"
#  File "${PLICDIR}vmlinuz"
#  File "${PLICDIR}initrd.gz"
  File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\7zG.exe "7zG.exe"
  File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\7z.dll "7z.dll"

  ${If} ${FileExists} "$EXEDIR\puppy520.iso"
  ExecWait '"$PLUGINSDIR\7zG.exe" x "$EXEDIR\puppy520.iso" -o"C:\${INSTALL_DIR}" -y -x![BOOT]*'
  SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
  SetOverwrite ifnewer
  call in


And at .oninit

Code: Select all

IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\puppy_520.iso" found
  MessageBox MB_YESNO "you must have a puppy520.iso file in the same directry, now i had check that you have not got it, continue?" IDYES NoCancelAbort




Code: Select all

Function un.deleteFiles
#  Delete "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"
#  Delete "$INSTDIR\${PUPPY_SFS}"
#  Delete "$INSTDIR\readme.txt"
#  Delete "$INSTDIR\initrd.gz"
#  Delete "$INSTDIR\vmlinuz"
  Delete "$INSTDIR\*.*"
  Call un.uninstall
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#64 Post by teasiu »

The installer is 1.4M

BUT , It can't save 2fs file when uninstall.
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#65 Post by noryb009 »

teasiu: Thank you for the code, it looks interesting. I'm currently working on a installer where the user chooses the ISO, but your code will help a lot.

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#66 Post by teasiu »

May i have your email address for some code question?
please sent me an email.

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Quickset Wary-511-01q-small installer for Windows

#67 Post by shinobar »

The Quickset Wary-511-01q-small installer for Windows,
made thanks to the Puppy Linux Windows Installer - V1.1:
d5bc0c6361d2516c54cec78d8bb281bc Quickset_Wary_Puppy_Linux-511.exe
Downloads for Puppy Linux [url]http://shino.pos.to/linux/downloads.html[/url]
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#68 Post by noryb009 »

Thanks shinobar, added to first post.
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#69 Post by mrd »

I tried this on my Dell laptop and it fails trying to find the pup_520.sfs file. Any ideas?
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#70 Post by noryb009 »

Did you use an already compiled installer on the first post, or did you compile it yourself?
---If you compiled it yourself, where did you install in to?

Do you have any other linuxes installed on your hard drive?

Have you used any version of puppy before on this computer?

Can you also post your C:\menu.lst?
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#71 Post by mrd »

- I used the 5.2 version from the link in the top of this thread that was a .exe file.
- I did have puppy 4.3.1 installed previously on this laptop in the same Lin N Win type configuration.

- I don't have access to the menu.lst right now, but it was generated by the install and appeared slightly different from the typical ones I've used following the Lin N Win instructions in the past.

I had tried a standard Lin N Win install priot to the .exe and had the same results and even tried many different menu.lst configs.

I've also tried placing the pup*.sfs file directly in c:\.
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#72 Post by noryb009 »

Try this:
-copy the files in C:\Puppy-Linux-520 to C:\
-change the menu.lst to this:

Code: Select all


title Puppy Linux 520
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /initrd.gz
kernel /vmlinuz
initrd /initrd.gz

title Puppy Linux 520 - Do not load save file
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /initrd.gz
kernel /vmlinuz pfix=ram
initrd /initrd.gz
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#73 Post by mrd »

I'll try it out first thing in the morning since it's my work laptop and I'm home now. Thanks for the help so far!
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#74 Post by noryb009 »

Just uploaded a new virsion: Puppy Linux 525

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#75 Post by mrd »

No luck.. I hit the same issue where it can't find the lupu_520.sfs file?

It's on a new Dell laptop. :-(
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#76 Post by noryb009 »

I don't think this problem is related to the windows installer anymore. If the menu.lst is OK, and puppy boots, then it's puppy's fault (I think).

2 things you can try:
1) Double check the MD5 sum on "Puppy Linux 520.exe" (it's 13c4b413ebe0e4f0cbfd1e9ed4ca37dd )
2) Try the 525 installer in the first post.
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#77 Post by mrd »

I'll give it a shot, but I tried the Lin N Win config with my .iso and got the same results even tough the .iso boots and installs fine on other systems. I've had this problem on older versions and it was always something to do with the menu.lst. I'm wondering if the (hd0,0) option is causing some issues since there is a recovery partition on this latop that sows up as a boot option. trying to examine the partitions in gparted shows an "unknown" partition that takes up the entire sata drive?
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#78 Post by reasonit »

Thanks a ton for this! Exactly what I was looking for.

I tried the 525 pre-compiled version.

2 things:
1. 2 entries were added in boot.ini instead of one.
2. Persistence isn't working . It says its saving the file. But upon rebooting it doesn't load the saved file. The saved fie is located in my D drive(ntfs partition) Edit: persistence works if the save file in on the C drive . :) .

puppy is fantastic
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#79 Post by noryb009 »

1. 2 entries were added in boot.ini instead of one.
Did you have puppy installed before?
Do they say the same thing? (Start Puppy Linux)
If you reinstall puppy (keeping save file and deleting grub when asked) do 2 appear still?
2. Persistence isn't working . It says its saving the file. But upon rebooting it doesn't load the saved file. The saved fie is located in my D drive(ntfs partition) Edit: persistence works if the save file in on the C drive . .
If you want to use the D drive for your save file, edit C:\menu.lst and remove the psubdir="Puppy-Linux-525" part.
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#80 Post by reasonit »

Did you have puppy installed before?
Do they say the same thing? (Start Puppy Linux)
If you reinstall puppy (keeping save file and deleting grub when asked) do 2 appear still?
no and yes. It says been grubed. not start puppy linux :?:
and I'll try that.

Edit: I tried it again. This time only one entry was created ! So I guess something's messed up at my end. Sorry!
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