The Future of Puppy Linux

For stuff that really doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Puppy

#261 Post by puppyite »

I have feelings of affection for you as well, you little devil you. Now I know what inspired your avatar, Provocateur Exemplar.

Can’t we be friends, pretty please with a cherry on top? Under that gruff exterior I bet you’re just an old softie.

Hey are we OT?
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#262 Post by jpeps »

Bernie_by_the_Sea wrote: The mess I pointed to earlier mostly in other threads -- the fact that Puppy has no recognizable identity; the fact that often an unofficial version is incompatible with other versions; the fact that new users are drawn to Puppy based on widely disseminated information based on a single version some reviewer or user saw but isn’t applicable to Puppy as a whole; the fact that most versions of Puppy simple don’t work as advertised; etc.
I think in the efforts to make puppy user friendly, beginners can be misled into thinking that they don't have to know anything. Click here to automatically remaster, or compile, or to install a package from another distro. I love the ease of using Ubuntu's applications with Lucid, although I also have my own uninstaller, first check what and where files are being installed, and certainly don't expect to have all the same libraries.

Likewise, all the different flavors speak to the high level of expertise and creativity in the Puppy Community. Someone can build a version that meets their needs for running their music studio, and share it. Others get involved, post bug features, and it goes from there. Kind of like a free market economy, where the best ideas come from the users. Sure, more differences equals less similarities.
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#263 Post by Q5sys »

puppyite wrote:Q5sys,
I have feelings of affection for you as well, you little devil you. Now I know what inspired your avatar, Provocateur Exemplar.

Can’t we be friends, pretty please with a cherry on top? Under that gruff exterior I bet you’re just an old softie.

Hey are we OT?
So you respond to my comment about your conduct on this forum with sarcasm... sigh. I'd hate to live in your neighborhood, since you claim to be the HOA president.

Have you ever heard the quote "Ductus exemplo"?
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#264 Post by jpeps »

Q5sys wrote: Have you ever heard the quote "Ductus exemplo"?
Sure, it's the motto for the United States Marine Corps' Officer Candidates School located at Marine Corps Base Quantico.

Critical knowledge re the future of Puppy

#265 Post by jonyo »

your point is moot q5 in that you focus your argument on an individual

why should others be allowed to partake? because you like what they have to say?

and by some who i would have expected to know better

perhaps you do take others to task?
Q5sys wrote:
puppyite wrote:nooby,
When I read your posts I hear chalk scraping on chalkboard. You are so thematically consistent you could create boilerplate and never write again.
Seriously Gerard... again is this all you are capable of?
Stop with the personal attacks. You continue to do it over and over when someone makes an argument that you do no like. Instead of addressing the issue you attack the individual. This makes you look as petty as a middle school bully.

I'll define this again although apparently you refuse to read and comprehend it.

This is what is called an 'ad hominem attack'. Short for argumentum ad hominem, is an attempt to link the validity or invalidity of a premise to a characteristic or belief of the person advocating the premise.

Ad hominem attacks are where you attack the person, and not the argument. If you can’t pick apart the argument being made, don’t go after the person. It makes you look stupid. If your response to my point is to attack me personally, you’ve lost. You’ve got no point to make, and you’re just embarassing yourself.

Abusive ad hominem attacks involve insulting or belittling one's opponent in order to invalidate your argument. This tactic is logically fallacious because insults your opponent's personal character or actions which have nothing to do with the logical merits of the your opponent's arguments or assertions.

You say:
puppyite wrote:Admittedly I have no tact or people skills. My only allies are logic and strategic thinking.
Well then show it. You're constant personal attacks are immature and childish.

#266 Post by jonyo »

yes i left so what, what is your point?

one cannot return when circumstances for leaving may have changed and resolved themselves?

you'd rather hear from whodo, so what

i'd rather not hear from you period
Aitch wrote:pot, kettle, black....jonyo

I'd sooner hear from WhoDo than you or Bernie....didn't you leave, stating that Puppy wasn't for you anymore

.....miss it, did you....?

Aitch :)
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#267 Post by Bernie_by_the_Sea »

jpeps wrote:Likewise, all the different flavors speak to the high level of expertise and creativity in the Puppy Community. Someone can build a version that meets their needs for running their music studio, and share it. Others get involved, post bug features, and it goes from there. Kind of like a free market economy, where the best ideas come from the users. Sure, more differences equals less similarities.
Except that OpenSource is the exact opposite of a free market, pure socialism. In a free market the best ideas come from individual inventors and entrepreneurs. Users have little or nothing to say about the product other than buying or not buying it. Tell Microsoft you have a great idea for a music studio to include in Windows 8. There’s a great deal of creativity in the kennels but expertise is in doubt since the finished product is often not very good. Yet preachers of the cult then set forth and proclaim and preach that Puppy now has a music studio version. Things put together by committees are seldom as good as things developed by a single strong leader.
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#268 Post by jonyo »

puppyite wrote:
MinHundHettePerro wrote:Unfair, innit?
I'm not following you. Would you care to elaborate (plain English please)?
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#269 Post by jpeps »

Bernie_by_the_Sea wrote:. Things put together by committees are seldom as good as things developed by a single strong leader.
..except when the "strong leader" overrides the expertise of countless professionals working within their own field of expertise (eg, central government running local business).

In Puppy, generally a single individual produces the product with the help of feedback from the community. A close-minded individual who can't listen to feedback rarely produces anything of significance. I'm not a fan of setting up a puppy committee
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#270 Post by Bert »

Bernie_by_the_Sea wrote: Except that OpenSource is the exact opposite of a free market, pure socialism. In a free market the best ideas come from individual inventors and entrepreneurs. Users have little or nothing to say about the product other than buying or not buying it.
Sigh... Seems like some people have trouble leaving last century's vocabulary and mentality behind. Open Source has nothing to do with old world politics. Open Source is about the realization that if you allow the ideas of the best, most creative minds to be available, in the open, for further use by other creative minds, something bigger than the sum of the ingredients will almost certainly happen. It's about the realization that ideas are always available to humans in a sort of inspirational cloud and by allowing the work of several individuals on one subject, the result will always be greater, nicer and more useful. Moreover, there is no end to the "product", it keeps evolving, just like we do.

Bernie, your so called " free market" has brought this planet to the edge of its final crisis. Your entrepreneurs have just about killed this living organism, called planet earth.

Many Americans seem to be brainwashed into this black-and white 'capitalism versus socialism' thinking. Which is sad and utterly dangerous as this old US empire has more weapons and more debts than the rest of the planet taken together.

Show me ONE example where your "free market" has either:
1. solved a human need
2. added something worthwile to human life.

You will call me a socialist, but I am not. We need freedom of thinking, speech and communication, but we also -and urgently- need brotherhood in our economy.

To me open source is just the bud of great things to come.
Last edited by Bert on Sun 22 May 2011, 20:46, edited 1 time in total.

#271 Post by jonyo »

Bernie_by_the_Sea wrote: In a free market the best ideas come from individual inventors and entrepreneurs. Users have little or nothing to say about the product other than buying or not buying it.
users decide what will sell or be of use, they make you or break you

it behooves a provider to know what is desired and provide it
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#272 Post by rcrsn51 »

Bernie_by_the_Sea wrote:Except that OpenSource is the exact opposite of a free market, pure socialism. In a free market the best ideas come from individual inventors and entrepreneurs. Users have little or nothing to say about the product other than buying or not buying it.
Are you not familiar with Microsoft's beta testing programs?

#273 Post by jonyo »

Bert wrote: Show me ONE example where your "free market" has either:
1. solved a human need
2. added something worthwile to human life. medicine technology
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#274 Post by Bert »

jonyo wrote:
Bert wrote: Show me ONE example where your "free market" has either:
1. solved a human need
2. added something worthwile to human life. medicine technology
Food? That is Myth One. Do you realize mankind has had civilizations that lasted thousands of years, without needing commercial chemical fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides and genetically engineered seeds? What happened is all fertile soil has been turned into needy, dead substance, thanks to the free market mechanisms.

Medicine? Haha. It is not because we now can keep some human bodies 'alive' to a certain age, that we've progressed... What is well-being? A doctor would now say "the absence of disease". Wow..
Medicine should be part of daily life, part of the way we live, not a decision made by some authorithy. Wasn't it Churchill who said: "an apple a day keeps the doctor away,..especially if you aim well.."

Technology? Yes, great stuff, enabling us to have this communication. But please have a look at what the 'free market' has in mind for us.

#275 Post by jonyo »

i'm all ears
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#276 Post by Bernie_by_the_Sea »

Bernie_by_the_Sea wrote: Except that OpenSource is the exact opposite of a free market, pure socialism. In a free market the best ideas come from individual inventors and entrepreneurs. Users have little or nothing to say about the product other than buying or not buying it.
Bert wrote:Sigh... Seems like some people have trouble leaving last century's vocabulary and mentality behind. Open Source has nothing to do with old world politics.
OpenSource has everything to do with the form of human politics, from ancient Babylon, Greece, Rome right up through the British Empire and today's Russia and China.
Bert wrote:Open Source is about the realization that if you allow the ideas of the best, most creative minds to be available, in the open, for further use by other creative minds, something bigger than the sum of the ingredients will almost certainly happen. It's about the realization that ideas are always available to humans in a sort of inspirational cloud and by allowing the work of several individuals on one subject, the result will always be greater, nicer and more useful.
This sounds like the raving of a religious fanatic which is exactly what it is, the preaching of Magic. Inspirational cloud indeed.
Bert wrote:Moreover, there is no end to the "product", it keeps evolving, just like we do.
Biological evolution is a theory that too many attempt to analogize to non-living things. OpenSource cannot “evolve
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Bruce B

#277 Post by Bruce B »

Bernie_by_the_Sea wrote:You can have no idea of my attitude nor
the reasons I post what I do.
OK, then I'll take that as you know what you do and why.

AND I can trust you to stay out of trouble?

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#278 Post by harii4 »

This thread has been derailed by politics and personal attacks.

Like any OpenSource project if there are no users than that project dies.
like this sample: POGO LAUNCHER :(
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#279 Post by puppyite »

jonyo wrote:
puppyite wrote:
MinHundHettePerro wrote:Unfair, innit?
I'm not following you. Would you care to elaborate (plain English please)?
I wonder why he couldn't just have said "isn't it"? Thanks for the link jonyo.
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#280 Post by Bert »

Okay, enough.

This Bernie is not worth spending more time on.
Just an old fool.

If "OpenSource has everything to do with the form of human politics, from ancient Babylon, Greece, Rome right up through the British Empire and today's Russia and China.", why and how has it suddenly "failed and is slowly winding down. It peaked five or six years ago."

I just lost my motivation to reply to this and the rest of his nonsense.

If I am a "religious fanatic", what to call poor Bernie on his dead planet earth?

I'm sorry.
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