Has any one compiled openscad?

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Moose On The Loose
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Has any one compiled openscad?

#1 Post by Moose On The Loose »

I think this coming weekend, I may make a try on getting openscad to compile on puppy 4.31. I don't expect to manage to really do it but it looks worth the effort.

I could save a lot of time if anyone has already done the work.

So far I think that it wants QT and opengl. QT I think I can feed it. The opengl, I am hoping to be able to fake or remove the need for it. opengl makes drawing faster but perhaps the performance hit won't kill the usefulness of the program.
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#2 Post by muggins »

Have you tried the pre-compiled binaries?
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#3 Post by muggins »

OK, just tried them myself...install easily, starts up well, only prob is I don't currently have a working openGL graphics environment. If you do, then no need to compile as it looks as if it would work straight away.
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#4 Post by muggins »

Hmmm...I'm unable to edit my posts in this new subsection...anyway I was going to say, to Moose, that looking at the source code, opengl is a requirement, plus qt4, cmake and boost.
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#5 Post by Moose On The Loose »

muggins wrote:Hmmm...I'm unable to edit my posts in this new subsection...anyway I was going to say, to Moose, that looking at the source code, opengl is a requirement, plus qt4, cmake and boost.
I tried the binaries first off. They don't work in puppy 4.31 nor in open SuSE.

Yes, I know that QT4 is needed. I hope to be able to compile and statically link it.

I am hoping to be able to see a way to fake it out into not needing opengl. Since opengl draws stuff on the screen and that same action can be done without opengl, I figure with a little creative coding I can make functions that fake the opengl actions that are really needed.

The sources look to be something that can be compiled if I can supply the needed libraries or fake them. I intend to just compile the whole mess and statically link it.
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#6 Post by muggins »

Hello Moose On The Loose,

good luck with this...but I'm curious why you would want to take the difficult road of trying to compile an openGL based app, so as not to use openGL, rather than just upgrading your Xorg with openGL drivers?
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#7 Post by Moose On The Loose »

muggins wrote:Hello Moose On The Loose,

good luck with this...but I'm curious why you would want to take the difficult road of trying to compile an openGL based app, so as not to use openGL, rather than just upgrading your Xorg with openGL drivers?
I want to try to make it that it will on Puppy-4.31 with nothing added. The idea is to make a *.pet that if installed on the live CD boot will make openscad work. Since different video cards need different opengl drivers and not all of them have opengl, the option of building in the opengl doesn't look promising. This means that I more or less am forced into the path of coding around it if I want to do this.
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Re: Has any one compiled openscad? (Abandoning for now)

#8 Post by Moose On The Loose »

It needs GCAL. The make process for GCAL doesn't work.

Other big distros come with openscad ready to go so if I want to use it, I have an option.
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#9 Post by muggins »

Do you mean CGAL, not GCAL? If so, I think the former also needs openGL. I tried compiling it on p412, & cmake got to 60% done, before it halted due to a missing QGLWidget.
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#10 Post by Moose On The Loose »

muggins wrote:Do you mean CGAL, not GCAL? If so, I think the former also needs openGL. I tried compiling it on p412, & cmake got to 60% done, before it halted due to a missing QGLWidget.
Eys htat is hwat I meant to type.

I got an "unknown cmake command" IIRC as an error message on a statement that read something like "hide_variable(something I don't remember)"

I decided after looking at it for a while that I was going to end up doing way more work than I had planned on so since I can install a different distro and have it work, I figured that would be a plan.

Right now I have openSuSE-11.4 in VirtualBox. I can run it in there and it renders the objects very nicely for me. Only if I have a reason to do it very often would I bother doing a real install.

BTW: I absolutely hate the UI of openSuSE-11.4. After using puppy I am just spoiled by the nice clean menu it has.
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#11 Post by donbright »

OpenSCAD requires

QT (with qtgl enabled)

If you don't have any good OpenGL drivers, you can set the environment variable LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 and this will give you 'software rendering' with OpenGL. It is slow, but it works.
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