How to Set Up Your Network for PCs and Macs

Problems and successes with specific brands/models of networking hardware.
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How to Set Up Your Network for PCs and Macs

#1 Post by Flash »

I thought this article might give some useful tips to Puppy Linux users.

#2 Post by gcmartin »

Thanks @Flash. Read your offering. Good read.

Macs have had the SMB2 protocol for couple years as I remember. Linux just got it couple months ago. This is the international protocol that glues all LAN devices together, so to speak, such that all current OSes (MACs, Win XP/Vista/7/8, and current - future Linuxes), and devices (little LAN multimedia units, printers, and games) will play equally and fairly on our LANs.

@TazOC is the only distro distributor who has successfully implemented the SMB2 version in his latest Lighthouse64. But, this is still in beta.

But, using the older SMB protocol, Puppy has had differing offerings to this. With the exception of Kirk's FATDOG, Last fall, @Shinobar and @Mobeus were the first 2 adventurers who produced compatible 32bit capability.

As I understand it, @01Micko is days away from also producing a fully functional and protocol compliant ability to do the same in his SLACKO for all of us.

Hope this helps.
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