Translate Bacon Recorder

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Translate Bacon Recorder

#1 Post by don570 »

Translate Bacon Recorder
This is a simple one window application to schedule the
recording of music, for instance overnite recording.

I already have French German Spanish and Russian translations.

... but I would love more :lol:

Just read the next post and translate the English
between the quotation marks into your language.

Then post on this thread or send by email to me.
Check out the software so you understand what
you're translating.
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#2 Post by don570 »

Code: Select all

#Bacon recorder

set -a
# miscellaneous buttons

# Completion message
LOC200="The recording started at "
LOC201="The recording finished at "
LOC202="is stored"
LOC203="in the folder"
LOC204="The mono recording started at "
LOC205="Stop button was clicked "

#Default Preferences
LOC300="Default Entries"
LOC301="Default length of recording"
LOC302="Path of output file"
LOC303="Restart Bacon Recorder to activate changes"
LOC304="    Set    "

#Warning messages
LOC401="The recording has started now."
LOC402="It will finish in "
LOC403=" minutes."
LOC404="Start time wasn't set correctly."
LOC405="Try again by setting the start time to the future."
LOC406="The countdown has not been set."
LOC407="Please set a value."
LOC408="Check if the partition is mounted for your recording"
LOC409="You have stopped the current recording."
LOC410="You are ready to make a new recording."
LOC411="Enter new settings."
LOC412="No recording was found."
LOC413="Recording will start in"
LOC414="Recording will start at"

LOC500="Audio Mixer"
LOC501="Restoration of previous settings"
LOC505="Recording will begin immediately"
LOC506="Recording will begin at START TIME"
LOC507="Check the last 14 lines of the log"
LOC508="Stop a scheduled recording"
LOC509="or a recording that is underway."
LOC510="Select to prevent over-recording"
LOC511="of a previous recording"
LOC512="Play previous recording"
LOC513="Check sound volume before recording"

#Preferences and help
LOC603="Default settings"
LOC605="There are two types of recordings possible, Countdown and Timer."
LOC606="Use Timer if you know the time of the start of the recording."
LOC607="There will be a message of completion when"
LOC608="the recording has finished."
LOC609="The default path of your recording"
LOC610="can be set in Preferences."
LOC611="Adding a Timestamp will prevent the possible"
LOC612="over recording of a previous recording."
LOC613="Wave and MP3 Stereo are high quality"
LOC614="whereas MP3 Mono is lower quality,"
LOC615="but the file size is small!!"
LOC616="A countdown of zero starts recording immediately."
LOC617="'No entry' will be flagged."
LOC618="To prematurely stop the recording, type 'killall arecord' in the terminal."
LOC619="Log "
LOC621="The Stop button will stop a scheduled recording,"
LOC622="or a recording that is currently underway."
LOC624="Recommendation: Install DeaDBeef as Music Player"

#Countdown Recording
LOC800="Enter Countdown (minutes)"
LOC802="Start Countdown"
LOC803="to Record"

LOC900="Choose the recording format"
LOC902="MP3 Stereo"
LOC903="MP3 Mono"
LOC904="Output file"
LOC905="Add Timestamp"
LOC906="Recording Length (minutes)"
LOC908="START TIME (24 hour)"
LOC909="Begin Recording Now"
LOC910="Set Timer Recording"
LOC911="Timer Recording"
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#3 Post by RSH »

Hello don570,

is this one already translated? I've got Bacon Recorder in my LazY Puppy 528 and it has the german translations (checked only the GUI).

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#4 Post by don570 »

I already have excellent French German Spanish and
Russian translations... but there's still plenty more languages
in the world. :lol: any more translations would be welcome!!

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#5 Post by ferro10n »

Hi don570 :D

I'm working on the Portuguese and Italian locales, but first of all, as you requested, I checked and improved the Spanish locale for Bacon Recorder (interesting app, by the way :D ):

Code: Select all

#Bacon recorder

set -a
# miscellaneous buttons

# Completion message
LOC200="La grabación comenzó a las " 
LOC201="La grabación terminó a las " 
LOC202="se almacena" 
LOC203="en la carpeta" 
LOC204="La grabación mono comenzó a las " 
LOC205="Se pulsó el botón Detener "

#Default Preferences
LOC300="Entradas predeterminadas" 
LOC301="Longitud predeterminada de grabación" 
LOC302="Ruta del archivo de salida" 
LOC303="Reiniciar Bacon Recorder para activar cambios" 

#Warning messages
LOC401="La grabación comenzó" 
LOC402="Finalizará en " 
LOC403=" minutos." 
LOC404="La hora de inicio no se asignó correctamente." 
LOC405="Pruebe de nuevo ajustando el tiempo de inicio al futuro." 
LOC406="No se ajustó la cuenta regresiva." 
LOC407="Por favor, asigne un valor." 
LOC408="Revisar si la partición está montada para la grabación" 
LOC409="Ud. ha detenido la grabación." 
LOC410="Ud. está en condiciones de hacer una grabación nueva." 
LOC411="Ingresar nuevos ajustes."
LOC412="No se encontró ninguna grabación."
LOC413="La grabación comenzará en "
LOC414="La grabación comenzará a las " 

LOC500="Mezclador de Audio" 
LOC501="Restaurar ajustes previos" 
LOC505="La grabación comenzará inmediatamente" 
LOC506="La grabación comenzará a la HORA DE INICIO" 
LOC507="Revisar las últimas 14 líneas del registro" 
LOC508="Detener una grabación programada" 
LOC509="o una grabación en curso." 
LOC510="Seleccionar para impedir la sustitución" 
LOC511="de una grabación anterior."
LOC512="Reproducir grabación anterior"
LOC513="Revisar volumen de sonido antes de grabar"

#Preferences and help
LOC603="Ajustes predeterminados" 
LOC605="Hay dos tipos posibles de grabación, Cuenta Regresiva y Temporizador." 
LOC606="Use Temporizador si sabe la hora de inicio de la grabación." 
LOC607="Habrá un mesaje de finalización cuando" 
LOC608="la grabación haya terminado." 
LOC609="La ruta predeterminada de su grabación" 
LOC610="se puede ajustar en Preferencias." 
LOC611="Agregar una etiqueta de tiempo impide la posible" 
LOC612="sustitución de una grabación previa." 
LOC613="Wave y MP3 Estéreo son de alta calidad" 
LOC614="mientras que MP3 Mono es de baja calidad," 
LOC615="¡¡pero el tamaño de archivo es pequeño!!" 
LOC616="Una Cuenta Regresiva de cero empieza a grabar inmediatamente." 
LOC617="Se señala una falta de numerales." 
LOC618="Para detener la grabación prematuramente, ingrese 'killall arecord' en el terminal." 
LOC619="Registro " 
LOC621="El botón Detener corta una grabación programada," 
LOC622="o una grabación que está en curso." 
LOC624="Recomendación: Instale DeaDBeef como Reproductor de Música"

#Countdown Recording
LOC800="Ingresar Cuenta Regresiva (minutos)" 
LOC802="Comenzar Cuenta Regresiva" 
LOC803="para grabar" 

LOC900="Elegir formato de grabación" 
LOC902="MP3 Estéreo" 
LOC903="MP3 Mono" 
LOC904="Archivo de Salida" 
LOC905="Agregar Etiqueta de Tiempo" 
LOC906="Longitud de la Grabación (minutos)" 
LOC908="HORA DE INICIO (24 horas)" 
LOC909="Comenzar Grabación Ahora" 
LOC910="Ajustar Grabación con Temporizador" 
LOC911="Grabación con Temporizador" 
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Last edited by ferro10n on Mon 28 Nov 2011, 04:07, edited 1 time in total.
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#6 Post by don570 »

Thanks. I'm going to to post a slightly improved version of
bacon recorder in a couple of days. I've been
able to put an extra line in the log when a recording
is initially set which is nice 8)

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#7 Post by ferro10n »

:arrow: UPDATE DECEMBER 4, 2011


Portuguese locale (Português):

Code: Select all

#Bacon recorder

set -a
# miscellaneous buttons

# Completion message
LOC200="A gravação começou às "
LOC201="A gravação terminou às "
LOC202="é armazenada"
LOC203="na pasta"
LOC204="A gravação mono começou às "
LOC205="Apertou-se o botão Parar "

#Default Preferences
LOC300="Entradas Padrão"
LOC301="Comprimento padrão da gravação"
LOC302="Caminho do arquivo de saida"
LOC303="Reiniciar Bacon Recorder para ativar mudanças"
LOC304="    Ajustar    "

#Warning messages
LOC401="A gravação tem começado agora."
LOC402="Ela vai terminar em "
LOC403=" minutos."
LOC404="A hora de início não ajustou-se corretamente."
LOC405="Prove outra vez ajustando a hora de início ao futuro."
LOC406="Não tem se ajustado a contagem regressiva."
LOC407="Por favor assinale um valor."
LOC408="Revisar se a partição estar montada para sua gravação"
LOC409="Você tem parado a gravação atual."
LOC410="Você está pronto para fazer uma nova gravação."
LOC411="Introduzir nova configuração."
LOC412="Não achou-se nehuma gravação."
LOC413="A gravação vai começar em"
LOC414="A gravação vai começar às"

LOC500="Misturador de Som"
LOC501="Restabelecer configuração padrão"
LOC505="A gravação vai começar imediatamente"
LOC506="A gravação vai começar à HORA DE IN
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#8 Post by ferro10n »

Portuguese & Italian locales and Spanish locale check updated to sync info at You may want to use the updated translations for the next version of Bacon Recorder
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#9 Post by don570 »

I'll get down to business now that the forum is up. :lol:

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#10 Post by esmourguit »

Hello don,

Here the the french file for bacon recorder 2.6.1, with slight modifications.

Cordialement ;)
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[url=][color=blue][b]Toutou Linux[/b][/color][/url] - [url=][color=blue][b]Paquets français[/b][/color][/url]
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#11 Post by don570 »

Thanks to esmourguit. I'll put it in next week.
I just updated the Russian.
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#12 Post by vicmz »

Updates for version 2.6.1
(Spanish and Portuguese)
Updates for Bacon Recorder 2.6.1
(Spanish and Portuguese)
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