Dillo-patched (Browser? Word processor?)

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Dillo-patched (Browser? Word processor?)

#1 Post by mouldy »

Today I downloaded current version of Damn Small Linux. I hadnt really looked at it since 0.6.x version and its now at 1.2.1. It had improved for sure, but I still much prefer Puppy.

One interesting application in DSL is a patched older version of Dillo. This thing outperformed current version of Dillo on the web. I was even able to access my ebay account with it. Got javascript errors when I tried to access bank account though.

Apparently couple years ago some folk outside the main Dillo developers made some patches that greatly increased Dillos abilities. The patches were rejected by main Dillo fork as not what they had envisioned for Dillo.

I think that was a mistake as the more capable Dillo is, the more users you get, and thus more support. You can then go back and do it in a more esthetic way in future.

Alas apparently the patches dont work with current version of Dillo and the patch makers werent diehard enough to create a second fork of Dillo using these patches. Or even update their patches.

I get around to it, will try and copy this old patched version of Dillo to my install of Puppy. It would be useful to me.
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#2 Post by mouldy »

Swapped /usr/local/bin/dillo and /etc/dillorc from DSL to Puppy. Saved Dillo I had in Puppy by renaming Dillo files

Moved /home/dsl/.dillo in DSL to /root/.dillo in Puppy.

Patched Dillo 0.73 runs but trying to use bookmark function in any way crashes it. And no matter how I change /etc/dillorc cant make Dillo automatically fully expand to fill screen upon loading it.
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#3 Post by BarryK »

The Dillo project is going at a snails pace. It is 5 years old, and I agree they have shut out some useful code enhancements ...perhaps there were political issues there.

The one to watch is Elinks ...I know, only text-mode, but the developers do have a longer term plan to change it into graphics mode -- which is feasible, as that is what the Links browser did. Elinks could, in a couple of years, be the browser for tiny Linux systems -- this is my crystal ball gazing!
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#4 Post by mouldy »

Ok, downloaded and installed elinks to see. Posting with it now. It apparently has limited javascript as it doesnt do anymore than the patched version of dillo 0.73. I can go to my ebay account but not bankaccount or hotmail, etc. Also no faster and lot of remembering of which key does what. The most interesting thing is that it can run without x.

Now anybody have idea of why any use of bookmarks crashes Dillo0.73-patched that I stole from DSL? The bookmark file bm.txt is there so is it looking somewhere else or does the bookmark part of this old Dillo require some missing library or something not in Puppy? It works fine in DSL.
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#5 Post by mouldy »

Think answer my own question. Get Gdk -ERROR when running Dillo from rxvt and I push Dillo's bookmark button.
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#6 Post by GuestToo »

dillo has a seperate bookmarks program (i don't remember it's name ... dillo 0.8.5 has dillo, dpid, and dpidc binaries)

there are several graphical versions of links ... links2 and links-hacked

the links-hacked website doesn't seem to be working

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#7 Post by mouldy »

Yes dillo-0.8.4 and at least as far back as dillo-0.8.0, they had dpid and dpidc. Looked and looked on DSL and couldnt find either. Either didnt have them with dillo-0.7.3 or called them something else or DSL hid them very well. I would guess they called them something else as the bookmark function seems identical to modern dillo.

Downloaded dillo-0.7.3-1mdk.i586.rpm from two different sites. Both seemed corrupted and I couldnt open them with rpm2cpio utility. So dont know if they included dpid/dpidc.

I remember links-hacked. Wasnt it included in an old version of Puppy? Or at least from somewhere. Pretty good light browser, but has the links eccentricities so have to memorize keystrokes to accomplish anything.

Oh, got dillo073-patched to open full screen on Puppy. It just wasnt finding config file so has some sort of built in default. Once it did worked fine. And the modern Dillo can actually see and use the old config file. Old file just doesnt have nearly as many options.
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#8 Post by mouldy »

Ok, rpm was corrupted, but by changing "rpm" to gz, I was able to see the file names. Couldnt extract them, but could see them. Dillo-0.7.3 used bookmark server called "bm_srv12". Tried just renaming dpid file, but no-go. So got the bm_srv12 file off DSL. Bookmarks now work fine and no crashes.
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#9 Post by Nathan F »

If you get this working could you let us know the full process so that I can duplicate it? I still like the DSL patched version of Dillo. I'd love to use it in Puppy. If it can be made to work I'd like to try and make a dotpup for it unless you are already planning on it.

I'm going to try and find the rpm's in question and see if I can extract the files. I'll let you know if I have any luck.
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#10 Post by mouldy »

Copy the /usr/local/bin/dillo binary in DSL to same location in Puppy. Might want to first rename the present Dillo 0.8.4 binary to say dillo2 (you can set it up so you can run either 0.7.3 or 0.8.4 and leave both in Puppy. Copy the /usr/local/bin/bm_svr12 in DSL to same location in Puppy.
Copy /home/dsl/.dillo in DSL to /root/.dillo in Puppy. Again might want to first rename /root/.dillo to say /root/.dillo2
Copy /etc/dilorc from DSL to /root/.dillo in Puppy if its not already there.

As I said in last post Dillo-0.7.3 now works as well for me in Puppy as it did in DSL. Note, the .dillo directory is hidden, need to tell ROX to unhide hidden files. Good luck, I too like the patched Dillo.
Last edited by mouldy on Tue 12 Jul 2005, 23:32, edited 1 time in total.
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#11 Post by Nathan F »

Thanks, I think I'm going to try it later. Right now I'm a little bogged down with another project.

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#12 Post by Nathan F »

I've made a dotpup version of dillo_patched. Thanks to Mouldy for laying out how to get it working. And thanks to everyone else who helped him. This dotpupregisters with pupget so you can use pupget to uninstall and as a plus when you upgrade to Puppy next version(!!!!!!) it should stay put. There is currently no menu entry as I'm still on a learning curve. If you already have the other dillo installed you must rename a couple of files. Rename /root/.dillo to .dillo2(or whatever you feel is appropriate). Rename /etc/dillorc also. If you don't then it will overwrite these two files. You can switch the names later if you want to use both versions.

The program can be run from the command line by typing dillo_patched, or you can drag /usr/local/bin/dillo_patched to the desktop for a shortcut. I'm sure an industrious person could add this to their start menu and/or find an easier way to co-habitate with the current dillo.

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#13 Post by Nathan F »

Just an update on the last post. I edited my install script for the dotpup to make entries in the start menus of fvwm95, jwm, and icewm, which are the three most common WM's. It should now be almost like you installed it through pupget. This is getting pretty close to my idea of how dotpups should work.


site about modified dillo

#14 Post by anonymous2 »

Sources, rpms ... about modified dillo 0.8.5:


I think it goes great, frames, ssl, tables, tabs, good configure utility (panel-->view-->options)... except javascript, which I've never seen in dillo, (only links-hacked)
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