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#701 Post by jemimah »

Saluki-008 has been released.

New in 008:

I've replaced retrovol with the xfce mixer. To get it to work you need to right click and open the Properties then left click and set your controls.

Various refinements and bugfixes

The following apps have been added:
  • abiword
    xmenumaker - Thanks Geoffrey!
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#702 Post by Billtoo »

I'm running the live dvd with a save file.
It's working well, no problems so far.
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Re: first saluki tryout

#703 Post by einar »

jemimah wrote:
einar wrote:Hi Devs and others :)

its my first try on saluki and it feels realy polished. As a ultra linux noob i find it easy to get it do do what i want. i realy like the control panel and the not so clutterd start menu with "run program, find and control panel" it looks clean and well made.

The only think is that it does not feel as snappy as other puppys. aka slacko and lucid . I Guess this is because of the XFCE. and dont missunderstand me, it is fast but not instant like the others. But then again i have only tested it on my acer aspire one. It is a Intel Atom 1.6Ghz with 1 GB memory. is it to slow for Saluki ?

I have also not tested any apps. I know the devs have not made any yet. but what is Saluki compatible with ? I see the wary5,quirky and common in puppy package manager. can i use one of those ? or all ?

Hope my questions are not to stupid. and that you can forgive my bad english.

Best regards
It does take somewhat longer to boot on slowish machines, but once it's booted, it ought to be fairly snappy. It runs fast on my eee with the same specs as your aao. I'm not sure where you are experiencing slowness.

Saluki is compatible with wary/racy packages. Stuff in the repos should work.

its not the boot but lauching a program takes some milli secounds but with JWM it happens before i press the icon ;) you see ? :) hehe anyways i have tried the 08 on the HP Dragon its a dual core 2ghz lap and its running like a charm. and yes it is snappy :) Worked fine until i choose to make a save file. Stuck at "probing devices. wait a moment" I had 1 disk mounted when i started the save file tool.

other than that is it possible to get .pets for the big must have programs like wine, vlc, clementine, umplayer. xbmc, samba with a quick share a folder program, a quicker image viewer. and drivers for nvidia and amd ( ati ) ?

am i asking to much ? yes probably ;)

I feel that luki will be one of the great ones :)
Keep up the good work
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#704 Post by jemimah »

Here is cairo-dock. You need to install gtkglext first and turn on compositing in xfwm tweaks. ... ...

Size is 4.2MB.

The workspace switcher applet caused the dock to crash so I deleted it. I may see if I can fix it later.

So far I am super impressed with how well this just integrates with xfce.
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Re: first saluki tryout

#705 Post by jemimah »

einar wrote:
other than that is it possible to get .pets for the big must have programs like wine, vlc, clementine, umplayer. xbmc, samba with a quick share a folder program, a quicker image viewer. and drivers for nvidia and amd ( ati ) ?
Saluki is wary/racy compatible, except for drivers. I think someone posted the nvidia drivers a while back, but I forgot to save the link.
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#706 Post by Lobster »

I feel that luki will be one of the great ones
Keep up the good work
In 008 posting from Midori browser. Just about to try some of the programs included. This might be the last alpha? Certainly feels that way. Flash installer came up during initial setup (locale, timezone etc) which seemed innapropriate somehow . . .
Saluki is different and yet the xfce feels familiar. Something to grow into. So far, so good . . .
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#707 Post by pacer106 »

booted with pfix=ram to check out cairo very good lookin i must say :) did some other tweaks with xfce and managed to lock it up not even the 3 finger salute would save me. glad i pfix=ram'd lol.

while it worked it looked great & felt real snappy congrats on a job well done jemimah & all who are helping saluki along :)

looking forward to betas & a final release now :)
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#708 Post by Aitch »

jemimah wrote:Binscan looks cool, but there's no actual download.

Aitch :)
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#709 Post by Geoffrey »

jemimah,thanks for Cairo dock, works great even in no OpenGL mode, I really like the desklets, far better than trying to use pwidgets.

I noticed there was no menu entry, this will get it working
(no OpenGL)

Code: Select all

cairo-dock -c
OpenGL (hardware acceleration)

Code: Select all

cairo-dock -o

#710 Post by aarf »

Deltas are at usual user and pass . 40M for isos deltas and 3M for devx

Code: Select all

wget -4c --http-user=puppy --http-password=linux

Edit: i cant confirm that these work. My gprs connection is so bad that i cant be sure i am getting a non corrupted file downloaded for testing.. Will attempt online md5sums.
Last edited by aarf on Tue 24 Jan 2012, 12:44, edited 3 times in total.
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Xce4 panel persistence

#711 Post by Marv »

Updated 007 save file to 008, manual frugal install to cfcard. Everything went well, all settings preserved, Excellent fonts now, my CUPS printer installation of an HP4500 survived. I'll address the sfs vs pet printer driver ? in another post.

One oddity noted. The xfce4 panel reverted to the default settings. Reapplied the launchers and appearance settings easily enough. Saved to the flash and rebooted.
Panel reverts back to the default.

Removed the save file and booted 008 fresh. Added one launcher to the panel, set some appearance parameters rebooted, creating a save file, and poof it reverts to default again.

In /root/.config/xfce4/xconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/ the xfce4-panel.xml file is being overwritten with the default on reboot. If I copy in a saved xfce4-panel.xml file the panel is fine.

The launchers in /root/.config/xfce4/panel survive ok and all other xfce4 settings also are ok.

Can someone try to replicate? No problems at all here til 008.

Pups currently in kennel :D Older LxPupSc and X-slacko-4.4 for my users; LxPupSc, LxPupSc64 and upupEF for me. All good pups indeed, and all running savefiles for look'n'feel only. Browsers, etc. solely from SFS.
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#712 Post by James C »

Fresh manual frugal install on my main Athlon XP box.Sound and internet good on initial boot....had to use xorgwizard to achieve desired 140x900 resolution.Installed SeaMonkey 2.6.1.Everything looking good so far.

# report-video
VIDEO REPORT: Saluki, version 008

Chip description:
oem: NVidia
product: NV18 () Board Chip Rev A2

Driver used by Xorg:

Video mode used by Xorg:
Resolution: Depth 24 Depth: "Display"

...the above also recorded in /tmp/report-video
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#713 Post by Tman »

I should be be going to sleep soon..:o
Luki 008 is impressive. Midori still has it's quirks but Saluki looks like it's good enough for day to day use. Great work, Jemimah.
luki088 with modified Stardust theme
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#714 Post by Sage »

Geoffrey - naughty boy! You have broken the board rules. I cannot see the whole of p47 even on my widescreen. You have to resize so images are visible @ 800x600 on a 4:3 screen. We don't have a proper moderator on this Board, so we rely on correspondents doing this themselves. There are millions of folks out here who will struggle with their old 14" crt monitors. We did all this years ago, several times, but newcomers may not be aware and oldcomers with posh modern kit tend to forget the less fortunate in this unequal world. Otherwise, enjoy your reportage.
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#715 Post by Sage »

jemimah, angel: thanks for 008, great selection. Nobody works so hard and effectively as you! You are the blast of fresh air to keep everyone interested and on their toes.

Maybe we could persuade you to look at EudoraOSE sometime? There are several .pets available. I use Claws a lot (because it works on almost every distro); it is a really good default selection, but folks who have used Eudora tend to like it so much they adopt it. It now belongs to the Mozilla camp so might have better compatibility with those preferring SM and FF browsers? Not sure about that, though. Downside is size, so it may need to remain .pet or .sfs? It is strictly Webster-o-centric so should appeal to your countrymen.Of course, it permits accumulation of personal dictionary, like the rest of email clients, but this can be tedious for the indolent and indefatigable distro-hoppers.
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#716 Post by mavrothal »

Luki looks ready for beta :)

But is this suppose to happen with cairo-dock?
See screenshot
(The black frame stays always there no matter what configuration I tried)
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Re: cairo-dock

#717 Post by Geoffrey »

mavrothal wrote:Luki looks ready for beta :)

But is this suppose to happen with cairo-dock?
See screenshot
(The black frame stays always there no matter what configuration I tried)
you need to turn on the Compositor in window manager tweaks to activate the transparency
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#718 Post by smokey01 »

aarf It didn't work.

Code: Select all

wget -4c --http-user=puppy --http-password=linux

The diff file downloaded ok but when I applied it with diff manager the result was a 40M luki-008.iso file.

aarf wrote:Deltas are at usual user and pass . 40M for isos deltas and 3M for devx

Code: Select all

wget -4c --http-user=puppy --http-password=linux

Edit: i cant confirm that these work. My gprs connection is so bad that i cant be sure i am getting a non corrupted file downloaded for testing.. Will attempt online md5sums.
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Re: cairo-dock

#719 Post by mavrothal »

Geoffrey wrote:you need to turn on the Compositor in window manager tweaks to activate the transparency
Worked. Thanks (May be this could be part of the

Any trick to open folders? Should I "tell" it somehow to use thunar?
Also the "home" icon points to shortcuts desklet which is kind of confusing. Anyway to reconfigure?
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#720 Post by alec78 »

Hi All,


I can confirm smokey01's finding, an 40MB iso after using the 007___008 delta file.
Awaiting the next delta file.

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