Puppy has usability

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Puppy has usability

#1 Post by Lobster »

We are doing well - I will be telling you a story in a moment . . .

Barry is working hard on compiling Puppy in t2 splendour (our new development system)
On the surface Puppy remains familiar with possible scanner and digital camera support being added in 2.10 (the jump from 2.02 in part shows this to be a major upgrade - when available. My best guess is 6 weeks to 2 months away) Barry has not set a deadline and [shrug] let him have the space to work in . . .

We have two great new Puppys coming up
Puppy 2.02CE
PuppyOffice CE (also based on 2.02)
CE means it is a 'community edition'

I would remind you that Barry is working towards his semi retirement. So we welcome those working on Puppy. Developing understanding and creating new ideas and possibilities . . .

Hopefully we will standardise on XDG menus, retaining that familiarity for future versions.

Our usage increases. More people are creating and releasing specialised versions of Puppy such as PuppyLite, PuppyOfficeCE and Mean Puppy.

What is happening with .pet?
I hope it includes some sort of form that those compiling .pets can fill out (text about the program. URL links, Wiki page etc)

Now let me tell you a story.
When I made the decision to move to Linux, Puppy was not my first choice. I did not take it seriously. It was too small and underpowered. However the documentation from Barry was good and it taught me many things I needed to know about other distros I was installing.
So I came for the documentation. For example, Puppy taught me how to create an ISO easily and dependably.
Pupget was the simplest installer I had ever come across. Dillo was not really a usable broswser for a modern distro. Some of the programs were small but not as good as I required. The forum was very helpful, so I was learning basics and using and exploring other distros. Because I was reading the Puppy forums and understanding what was being said. I was learning how to use Puppy in particular to solve problems.
After a few more releases I found I preferred Puppy to Ubuntu, Redhat and flavours of the month which I installed on the (HD) hard disk then broke - through exploration.
I could not break Puppy if I booted from CD. Puppy worked well from CD. The programs were improving. A better browser. I was becoming a little more active on forums. At first I mostly listened (or read). The transition was very simple. I had XP on HD, Puppy on CD and would install other distros on another HD.
XP broke and I tried fixing it. Got it limping for a while but was now using Puppy more and more. Other distros I looked at, I just thought - not fast, too bloated, too complex. You are the weakest link - Goodbye!
So I knew XP needed reinstalling. I never bothered.

I have 98SE on my hard drive (really for a scanner) I rarely use the scanner. So I use Puppy.

The point is this. Puppy grows on you. You grow with it. Puppy offers a very complete package. A good OS, Good developers. Good add ons. Good advice and community. It is realising its potential. Puppy has usability. It gets the job done.

How did you come to be using Puppy?
Last edited by Lobster on Mon 21 Aug 2006, 09:28, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by darkerror05 »

Well I started using linux back in 2003. I started with RH7. Boy was that a pain. Then I got a Mepis disk and I really liked being able to boot a Live Cd anywhere . At this time I was still on dail-up. So that basicly forced me to start using small distros.
I looked at many distro's. I norrowed it down to Damnsmalllinux and puppylinux. I desided to try Damnsmalllinux because it was smaller. It was cool. Small and fast. I learned small distros that i could add to was the way I wanted my linux. But there was a problem. DSL was not really good for the full desktop I was looking for.
So i started trying new distros. I tried some DSL vareients but most of them where a one man show without that community feeling I love. Then I got broadband. I still hadn't found a distro I liked. Then i remebered puppy. I desided to give it a go. I downloaded Puppt 1.09CE . I completely fell in love. Fast, small, great package managment and new packages being made all the time and also the great documentation. Also most of all... The best web community I have ever seen. Great people willing to help anyone. It was great.
Now it is basicly all I use at home. Now I hate using computers at school and at my Dad's house because they are chock full of winblows. But I found a remedy. Linux on a thumbdrive that can boot or runn in qemu :D . Well thats my story. Anyone else?
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