Window managers, icon programs, widgets, etc.
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#1 Post by Argolance »

Suite of applications to personalize/optimize the workspace of Puppy/Toutou LINUX... Image Image Image Image

For more details, download and comments, please see => the French thread "2PDE - ENVIRONNEMENT BUREAU pour Puppy Racy 5.3"
Thank you!

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#2 Post by Argolance »

2PDE Updated...
Feedbacks would be very appreciated!

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#3 Post by PFan »

thought you might like to know, your 2PDE is running nicely on BK's Precise Puppy 5.3.97-rc2. Still playing with it to get a feel for everything, but it looks nice and is pretty fast.
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#4 Post by Argolance »

thought you might like to know, your 2PDE is running nicely on BK's Precise Puppy 5.3.97-rc2. Still playing with it to get a feel for everything, but it looks nice and is pretty fast.
Yes indeed! However, there are surely little things that should probably be corrected/adapted for all to run properly. It is a good news though! On the French forum, a user said that it works fine witn Slacko but, trying on my side, I was trapped at startup in the blue welcome screen...
I have no time enough to make 2PDE working with other Puppies, so I made a choice...

Thank you!

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critical problems that should be attended to

#5 Post by scsijon »

Argolance, sorry, but your not in my 'like' list at present. I had to do a complete rebuild of a "Full" Installed puppy with quite a few extra user installed packages! A day lost!

I do think that you need to do a few things to your package to sort it out:

- have a splash screen at startup warning that your package alters the way jwm is setup and works (although it should have it's own config files that do not affect the existing jwm), also the splash screen also needs to warn that for those using a 'full' install that it is NOT reversable, as I found out to my regret, and have a backout/abort button that they can abort the installation before it starts at that point;

- separate the dependancies from being within your package, and have a test that the dependancies you use will not downgrade existing versions of those dependancy packages already installed;

- and I would sugest that you separate your package so it 'stands alone' with it's own configuration files, as all the other desktop/windowmanagers are suppose to do within puppy, so that the only start differance is instead of 'xwin jwm' or so it's 'xwin 2pde' for it's initial start and they can change back by reversing the statement again.

However after all that, I do like it's looks and if you can fix these problems it should be a good addition to puppy's set.
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#6 Post by Argolance »

Hello scsijon,
Thank you for your feedback.
Argolance, sorry, but your not in my 'like' list at present. I had to do a complete rebuild of a "Full" Installed puppy with quite a few extra user installed packages! A day lost!
Sorry too! :oops:
(May I say that when I began to use Puppy (I don't know why?) I absolutely wanted it to be full installed on my PC. But I encountered many problems: Power failure, bad settings, and so on (most of the applications I tested/tried to install could never be uninstalled properly, causing every time, some irreversible issues here and there). So I began making backups of my entire installation anywhere else on my drive: This was heavy and not convenient at all. One day, I decided to run Puppy, I would say, Puppies, with live-CDs and save files... My 'puppyist' life changed: I understood it is initially conceived to run this way and finally found this was the more flexible and best one).

Now, all the things you suggest are right.
But I have to say this first release of 2PDE just intended to be installed 'on the fly' on a fresh Puppy racy 5.3 Live-CD session/installation, as recommended in the first post of the French topic about 2PDE. It is why I didn't think of:
- have a splash screen at startup warning that your package alters the way jwm is setup and works (although it should have it's own config files that do not affect the existing jwm), also the splash screen also needs to warn that for those using a 'full' install that it is NOT reversable, as I found out to my regret, and have a backout/abort button that they can abort the installation before it starts at that point;

- separate the dependancies from being within your package, and have a test that the dependancies you use will not downgrade existing versions of those dependancy packages already installed; - separate the dependancies from being within your package, and have a test that the dependancies you use will not downgrade existing versions of those dependancy packages already installed;
Concerning jwm (this is in the first post too - google translation):
The latest versions of JWM unfortunately causes problems with transparency effects. The version that comes with 2PDE (JWM-508 by Joe VSVN Wingbermuehle - compiled options: confirm fribidi icons png xft xinerama shape XRender xpm) do not support smoothing icons MENU bar or launching applications. It is not localized but is only translated into French. For those who do not wish to use shadow and transparency effects, just rename the current file /usr/bin/jwm and substitute /usr/bin/jwm_ori.
- and I would sugest that you separate your package so it 'stands alone' with it's own configuration files, as all the other desktop/windowmanagers are suppose to do within puppy, so that the only start differance is instead of 'xwin jwm' or so it's 'xwin 2pde' for it's initial start and they can change back by reversing the statement again.
This is the good idea, but I don't know if I am able to do it: knowledge and... time!
However after all that, I do like it's looks and if you can fix these problems it should be a good addition to puppy's set.
Thank you! :)
I am preparing an iso file, based on Racy 5.4. I thing this is actually the best way not to have the problems you encountered. :wink:


2PDE with Racy

#7 Post by Pelo »

Argolance bonjour.
Your desktop is a good one. Some remarks ;
The saves are Racy, we have Toutou somewhere. it's done on purpose to respect authors ?
Change the mount panel position which is on left up corner, hiding all desk icons.
Tu as fait du grabuge ? il est pas content. Moi, aucun dégât chez moi.
Bonne journée, frenchie.
You Tube
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Last edited by Pelo on Sun 17 Apr 2016, 08:03, edited 1 time in total.

Rox : opening a window

#8 Post by Pelo »

Cannot open several rox windows at the same time, so we cannot 'glisser-copier' between two windows. I Had to use Xfe to transfer my files between directories.
Sorry my english is poor.
Last edited by Pelo on Thu 11 Aug 2016, 05:11, edited 1 time in total.

tested sucessfully with Librepup (pfranz) and tahrpup (pelo)

#9 Post by Pelo »

tested sucessfully with Librepup (pfranz), The Puppy that protects the users against enemies.
Tested too with tarpup (pelo)
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#10 Post by Argolance »

Nobody prevents you from using 2PDE with other Puppies than Puppy Racy 5.3 (I have written quite enough on this above). If it works, so much the better! But is at your own risk...


Hungarian team does it with Tahrpup 6.0.5.

#11 Post by Pelo »

Hungarian team does it with Tahrpup 6.0.5. Some Problems with dropbox.
2PDE should get Tahrpup nice ! Wait and see, dowloadingsite should be available soon. S-kami usually answers requests quickly.
Translated to magyar, not so easy as to release 2PDE in US, native language.
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#12 Post by ally »


Tahrpup sur son 31

#13 Post by Pelo »

2PDE and Tahrpup sur son 31 for a nice wedding.
Everybody will be welcome as guest, jumping to further information by clicking the blue.
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Last edited by Pelo on Thu 06 Oct 2016, 06:06, edited 2 times in total.

Je charge la 2PDEspen k

#14 Post by Pelo »

La 2PDE maygyar Tahrpup did not enjoyed me. I am uploading 2PDEspen k to get better fun. Its a Slacko.
Just taste this magyar version By aclick here and ISO will appear
Vive les échanges culturels :!:
Translation to English soon, translation to Hungarian will arrive later, never i studied this language,
Grub4Dos will be done With Patriot OS, screenshot below.
Migration done. Test can begin.
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