Extract-pet 1.7 - localised

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Extract-pet 1.7 - localised

#1 Post by don570 »

Extract-pet 1.7 - localised

Purpose: a simple right-click on pet package to extract all
files with their paths preserved. The original
file remains untouched. 8)

Requirements for v1.7: Rox Filer or Thunar file manager.
Tested on Carolina and PreciseNOP which use Thunar.

Warning: When destination of extraction is a FAT32 drive -->
certain characters in filename aren't allowed. This can
cause potential problems!!! In particular I have found the colon
character to be a problem on files stored on USB sticks. You will
get a strange,confusing warning message.

I have improved Tazoc's script to give an additional
place to store the extracted folder and localised
the app.

It uses a combination of yaf-splash and Xdialog messages.

pot file for translators to fill and send back
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application to install
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foreign locales -French and German
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Last edited by don570 on Sat 16 Mar 2013, 19:26, edited 8 times in total.
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#2 Post by don570 »

I noticed that this app won't work if pet package has white space
in file name. It's not a simple matter of quoting variables.

I'll continue to work on this over the weekend.

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#3 Post by don570 »

new version 1.4

I've been concentrating on getting my extraction programs to work correctly
even when the packages have whitespace in their name. This happens
(albeit rarely) when the Windows downloader finds a similar file
stored on your hard disk so it makes a name change automatically
during the download. The file isn't corrupted at all . It's just that the
filename now has a space . An example --->

Code: Select all

bash_advanced_guide-6.6e (1).pet
Fixed in version 1.4 extract-pet


I discovered that extractions shouldn't be done to
a Fat32 drive such as a USB stick. That's because Fat32 doesn't
support the colon character in filenames whereas linux does.
This could cause potential problems, so the general rule

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#4 Post by don570 »

Here's another example of how Windows changes the filename of
a pet package, resulting in whitespace in the downloaded file


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#5 Post by don570 »

New version 1.5

-I've worked on the warning messages.

-I've found that problems with extracting on a Fat32 drive are rare
except for scripts that I have written!! That's because I use
a colon character for localization files i.e. fr:french or de:german

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new version 1.6

#6 Post by don570 »

new version 1.6

- I have included LOC304 and LOC305. I was working too fast and
left them out :oops:

These locales will warn people about extracting on a FAT32 USB stick.
I have read on internet that not only some text characters won't
translate proplerly but also links have a problem with FAT32.

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version 1.7

#7 Post by don570 »

version 1.7

Conversion to gettext localization and compatibility to
Thunar file manager. Tested on Carolina and PreciseNOP
which use Thunar.

There are French and German translations available.
I include the pot file which anyone can fill in translations to
their native language and send back to me.
Remove fake .gz extension to obtain pot file.

I can quickly make a mo file, which is placed in NLS file.

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#8 Post by mavrothal »

Out of curiosity: what /root/.config/pclock/orangebox.rc is doing in Extract-pet-1.7.pet ?
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#9 Post by don570 »

I am putting it consistently in my pet packages now so that
I get a yellow color when Xdialog is launched

I decided to switch from orange to yellow. It looks better.

Other programmers can use it if they want.
Just keep it in the same location and same name.

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#10 Post by xanad »

Hi Don570
Extract-pet 1.7 - italian language
very useful 8)
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#11 Post by Argolance »

:arrow: PetDebUnpack 0.1

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#12 Post by don570 »

Uextract is what I use now. It is properly supported.
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