How about an Arch-based Puppy version?

What features/apps/bugfixes needed in a future Puppy
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How about an Arch-based Puppy version?

#1 Post by timeecho »

howdy ...not sure where to put this so feel free to move...
Arch linux is maturing as of late and seems to be settling down
with its is a very fast very configurable system
I wonder if youd consider offering an Arch based PuPPy???
it would be a great fit and something very very useful to many.
JWM is already supported but not as a default .iso
it could/should be very easy to do and a good match
so waddayathink huh well huh well huh huh please please
not only that it would be very invigerating for the PuPPy
project and Arch as well.

incidentally Puppy is great stuff and an old friend for me, thanX
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#2 Post by ally »

hey echo


there already a couple of arch forks, looks for alphaos and sensei, there was an earlier 'archpup' which was abandoned in favour of alpha


#3 Post by simargl »

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#4 Post by ally »

my bad........!

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#5 Post by ally »

deleted double post

#6 Post by oui »

Hi simargl

As you know, I did spend a lot of time with your first two version 12.04 as well as 12.12
simargl wrote:similar to archpup that was discontinued because of wrong (conflicting) name
I find this explanation to easy: archpup did not only be discontinued but directly erased, are not accessible any more.

Your fans has to apprehend your capricious jumps using your software...

They try today, do somewhat other tomorow, will return to the stuff they did try the days after tomorow (perhaps because the new stuff from the next release did not persuade them; this did happen to me with the devx.sfs for 12.12! I did erase it to fast as I was sure that the next version would be even better - but I did not test immediately because of changes in my occupation and did constate later: the new version is really different!), and

... impossible!

not available any more :lol: !
AlphaOS is new system compiled from scratch - means it's not using packages from other distro - in that it is different from any Puppy linux system
how will you bring over to spend a lot of time in a system from scratch where nobody else as you will be fit to offer some support if this risk is permanently given?

your version from alpha seems to be really good. the architectur is accurately the same in better as the architecture from arch pup 12.12 (no save file, no windows, no ballast as opposed to other Puppy's with small windows for greating, setting up, leaving the system etc., also an ideal environment for productive work and not only for presentations to linux beginers or windows renegats) what I continue to use daily because it was possible to build in a lot of GNU software packages from the depository from Parabola linux, the real free and fully open source arch, so as well Icecat as Iceape, really free version, etc. it was easy, the size of the new ISO is reasonable (under 200 Mb, where java / MP4 player are extra as well as adequate office suite, and, the deficiency from Arch Pup, no printer support building in), my dream would be a 100 % GNU conform but really always actual puplet (as iguleder did begin a lot of time before the time of yours Arch Pup using Debian packages, also with Iceape, but being now really obsolete...)

but alpha seems me to be a really different matter:
no Parabola packages
= not ready to use really GNU stuff available any more in connection with it

and a designer having shown in the past that he is beeing able to erase his actual work each day without to warn his users a reasonable time before he does that... no long term vision of support!

kind regards

#7 Post by simargl »

Last edited by simargl on Sun 01 Sep 2013, 15:08, edited 1 time in total.
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#8 Post by R-S-H »

simargl wrote:has great potential to become distribution just for one user (me)
Oh my God! :lol:

Ask ten different users/testers and you'll have to build ten different versions of your puppy. So, it's surely not the wrong way to create a personal puppy - might be useful for some other users as well. While working on LazY Puppy I did a lot of work based on suggestions of users/texters - but it has had to fit into my personal needs or has had to be really useful from my point of view/use. Otherwise: no!

It is still mainly my personal OS, but has users around the world (also used as main OS) and is used in Germany on a public school (classes 7 to 10) as a replacement for windows (LazY Puppy 2.0.2).

By now I've finished the process to end up with an personal-one-user-me-LazY-Puppy-3-DE-OS - and: I LOVE IT! :lol:
[b][url=]LazY Puppy Home
The new LazY Puppy Information Centre[/url][/b]

#9 Post by oui »


Hm, you also have discover why I did not be a faithful adept of Lazy (a really very good architecture and distribution, but to complex in all-day-use for me)...

I am an adept and fan from Arch Pup 12.12. and use it daily (as well as the KDE-Linux from Josep24x24: it is the only one puplet able to turn the screen 90’ for good graphical applications. It is old, obsolete, but it does that and the other not...!!!)


It does about the same as lazy pup (*.sfs oriented)
but is completely simple: no menu! you can select one of 20 options and finish!
Arch Pup was completely "fresh" according the absolutely last release of a very important good distro, Arch Linux (but not GNU-distro, this is/would be Parabola-Linux in the Arch linux world. I know now the guy's from Parabola: They are developers in front from pure GNU Linux base development and really very helpful for each!). Arch is one of the 2..3 most actual Linux'es available actually!

The most Puppy's are really obsolete in their libraries or some what.

This was the difference with Arch Pup: on top, absolutely not obsolete and branchable to a real high performance GNU-Linux depository branch.

I accept your argumentation that Lazy 3. can be the best because I know that you are more than an excellent coder (like sigmarl or iguleder!)

At this time nobody can test your Lazy 3 else you yourself...

I ALREADY (it is a big difference) did test extensively the Alpha from sigmarl and did wonder how good it is. but no way to install easily my GNU goodies (free kernel, icecat, gnu java etc.)...

I can only say: it is good and very pleasant to see that such good coders are in the environment of Puppy linux, else if it is not always possible to get an immediate use of it.

good working

kind regards

arch based puppy

#10 Post by elroy »

While, on the surface, using Arch as a base is appealing due to the fact that it makes use of a cutting-edge base system, and because it uses the most modern of packages currently available, it does have its' drawbacks. It's true that it can make use of Python 3.0, and Gtk-3.0, not to mention the latest and greatest kernel and glibc; but it also offers obstacles concerning Puppy. For one, it provides a symlink for /lib; and while this may be dealt with via woof2 or other means, it must be remembered that it uses some packages that are not Puppy-standard, such as systemd. And that said, even if everything were to be an equal “apples to oranges

#11 Post by simargl »

Last edited by simargl on Sun 01 Sep 2013, 15:07, edited 1 time in total.
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#12 Post by disciple »

[quote]1st off, Puppy is meant to run off of older hardware – and because of this, the “modern
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

Classic Puppy quotes

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