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#1 Post by PaulR »

I've seen quite a few mentions of GRAMPS on the forum but no mention of GenealogyJ or 'GenJ'.

As it's a Java program it requires JRE so may not be to everyone's liking; that said I have the latest version (supposedly unstable but not a problem in my experience) running sweetly from hard-disk outside my save file i.e. in a single directory that also contains the JRE.

I haven't tried to pare down the JRE and I don't know if GenJ works with OpenJava, there's bound to be tons of bloat in there. If anyone is interested in this give me a shout and we can try to make it slimmer!

PS I was a contributor to the program but development has stalled since about 2010. There is a fork - Ancestris - but that doesn't seem to be very active either.
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Toutou France provides ohmigene

#2 Post by Pelo »

Toutou France provides ohmigene, with only two levels of relatives, to find here forum francophone
Last edited by Pelo on Sat 22 Apr 2017, 14:29, edited 1 time in total.

i will try ancestris 49MB deb package.

#3 Post by Pelo »

i will try ancestris 49MB deb package.
Gramps will be difficult to beat, so nice. A professional tool. Enter information about people still alive. It's much easier than with dead people. Begin by yourself. It will be the easier :!:
Ancestris was installed on Trunckpup, a Slacko 5.3.3 derivative
Pro : sisters and brothers easy to add
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#4 Post by smokey01 »

WikiTree is a web based system but is quite good.

Genealogy apps as Gramps, ancestries are not bad.

#5 Post by Pelo »

Genalogy apps as Gramps, ancestries are not bad. The problem is to fulfil them, it's much time. genealogy or Puppy are two hobbies. You will have to choose. Ancestry with java starts well will John F. Kennedy, an american president and a european king as preformated trees.
Puppy is a useful hobby, you can communicate with it with your relatives. Gramps will not allow you to communicate with your gramps.
jre- 47 M was used for ancestries. I did not enter any record.
Gramps, main topic
GenealogyJ i will test when my network better to download package.

Ancestry with java is easy to fullfil.

#6 Post by Pelo »

test results, genealogyj comes from the past times, really not a pretty one. I like Gramps, but Ancestry with java is easy to fullfil.
These apps are sucessfull in sourceforge, However Puppy Linux users don't feed back anything, but that is not only for genealogy apps. Once installed, users spend time with their hobbies. and it's a big job to find information about dead people. My choice is to begin with my relative still alive.
Java is not light...
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