Iceweasel (GNU Firefox variant)

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Iceweasel (GNU Firefox variant)

#1 Post by mjg »

Lobster touched on this in another post, but to add some detail: A new variation of Firefox has been released called Iceweasel.

It is a GNU version of the browser, created to comply with Debian free software guidelines. The Wikipedia entry explains it better.

I downloaded the Iceweasel package from here and installed it on Puppy 2.10. It works fine and installs extensions easily enough.
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Set Linux browsers for stun

#2 Post by Lobster »


Set Linux browsers for stun Mr Zulu
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#3 Post by Dougal »

I don't really see the point of running in Puppy a Firefox variant that's meant to be used with the Debian package management system for updates...
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#4 Post by mjg »

I don't really see the point of running in Puppy a Firefox variant that's meant to be used with the Debian package management system for updates...
The variant is only meant for Debian in the sense that its free and open source. There is a philosophical debate brewing about whether Firefox is open source or proprietary.

It means nothing for Puppy unless a user wishes to align themselves with one camp or another. This post is to illustrate that all variants work within Puppy.

Personally, I can't understand the Debian position.
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#5 Post by MU »

As I described in the other firefox-thread:

Debian stable uses older libraries incompatible with new versions of firefox.
As the "stability" pragma does not allow to upgrade the libraries to newer ones, they had to backport (re-program) firefox to work with these libs.

As such code-modifications require a re-branding of the "Firefox"-product, it is quite logic to create a new product like Iceweasel.

The diversification into "stable" and "testing" Debian-distributions certainly has advantages for mission critical systems (though for my private desktop I prefer a less strict policy like Puppy is using), so I think it is good, that now a solution was found, that should fullfill all the license-requests.

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#6 Post by klhrevolutionist »

3 cheers for debain + iceweasel
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#7 Post by vern72023 »

not bad - and it imports the mozilla settings etc excellently however it comes in at abt 21MB just for the browser (no extensions) where the complete seamonkey suite I use which includes composer, mail and bropwser only takes up 17MB.

I also use K-Ninja which is another browser bacsed on the latest mozilla engine and that comes in at around 20MB ( but does include abt 4MB of extensions and plugins)

Interesting anyway
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