Olitec USB V92 modem: can't load modules in 1.0.2

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Olitec USB V92 modem: can't load modules in 1.0.2

#1 Post by friks »


I'm using puppy 1.0.2 with the 2.6 kernel. I have compiled the modules for my modem (it s a Olitec USB V92 ready, i foundthe drivers on linuxant) using a mandriva distribution with the same kernel. When i want to load the modules in puppy with insmod, i obtain this message:

insmod: error inserting 'whatever.ko.gz': -1 Invalid module format

I try to load modules that are already in puppy, like usbserial, and i get the same error. Do anyone know why? or could give me compiled drivers that works with puppy 1.0.2 and above.

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