Puppy 4.3.1 network connection issues

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Puppy 4.3.1 network connection issues

#1 Post by Shadowbane_92 »

Hello all.
I am new to linux, and have chosen Puppy Linux 4.3.1, and have so far been extremely pleased with it. It boots up amazingly fast, looks good, is functional: in short, has everything windows lacks.

However, I have had issues connecting both my laptops to the internet via my wireless networking card. According to windows Vista, it is an Atheros AR5007. When I go into the connection manager, it is all fine. It detects my card, my network, finds an IP address and says that all is good. However, when I try to use the internet, it spits up a connection error. When I connect my laptop to the modem via Ethernet, it works fine.

Could anyone possibly tell me why this might be? Thankyou very much.

Also, on an unrelated note, I am running puppy off my flash drive, and was wondering whether the root folder is stored on the flash drive, or the computer hard drive. Thanks again.
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#2 Post by KentC »

I know this is an older thread but deserves some help.

You can always run the following command to check what is root:

df -h

This will show you what root is and where it's located at.

As for the wifi issue, I've been having this as well so I've beenusing eth0 instead. I would like help as well with wireless and this OS. More to come as my soon attempts begin.

Kent C.
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