Why did YOU choose Linux?

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Why did YOU choose Linux?

#1 Post by Mic67 »

I saw this question in another forum and thought it relevant.

Another question is not why you chose Puppy but how you came to choose Puppy.

I choose Linux for many reasons.

1 proof of evolution
2 it works
3 technically its superior
4 the live CD
5 older hardware
6 more security
7 Puppy make it easy to use

I choose Puppy based on a recomendation in a forum. And the facts that:

1 it was a live CD
2 small size
3 intutive file system (not flux box)
4 it works and only took 10 minutes or less
5 HD not needed

With a live CD you can use a different OS in minutes.

Once you use the distro all the reason ought to be obvious.

Amazingly in this type of minimal distro there are very few players

The trend seems to be to have a distro of 600MB, plus.

Whereas to have a distro that achieves "net"working dialup & others forms thereof, and the ability to access the basic multi media would satisfy most people (home users) and for computer newbies and not just linux newbies. Puppy linux is a perfect fit.
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#2 Post by Flash »

It's like cars. Everyone wants an SUV to haul their worthless carcass around. A zippy little sports car would do it better and be a lot more fun. Go figure :lol:
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Re: Why did YOU choose Linux?

#3 Post by WhoDo »

Mic67 wrote:I saw this question in another forum and thought it relevant.

Another question is not why you chose Puppy but how you came to choose Puppy.
I chose Linux because:
  • It is free
    It works
    It is fast
    It is more configurable
    It is more secure
    I could safely try it first (LiveCD)
    It works on older hardware
    It requires less RAM
I came to Puppy Linux after trying and discarding:
  • Damn Small Linux (not intuitive)
    Austrumi (even less intuitive)
    Deli Linux (difficult to configure)
...and Istayed because:
  • It runs in RAM
    It runs from a LiveCD
    It supports most of the hardware I need supported
    It can be made VERY intuitive for newbies to use
    It just works
    It is easy for newbies to install
    It has great support infrastructure
I use Puppy to breathe new life into old hardware as part of a Project to provide donated PC's to worthy individuals and organisations free of charge. We support schools, community groups, unemployed, charities, women's refuges, refugee organisations, etc.
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#4 Post by Lobster »

:) I did not choose Linux - it chose me . . .


I started using free software on Windows. It was going well. I had used Knoppix quite a bit turning it into a Debian install. I found multiple OS on one HD not safe or reliable, so have always tended to put one OS on one HD.

Knoppix / Debian was not intuitive and not as easy as XP which I was used to. I was interested in some programs available on Linux but was more comfortable with XP.

I intended to create my own distro - Linux Tmxxine but needed to find out what others were doing.

I was using Puppy about 30% of the time trying various distros, they all seemed much the same. Only Puppy seemed different and offered more potential.

I decided rather than create yet another distro to support an existing one. The best attitude and potential was Puppy. Barry confirmed that I could use Puppy as the basis for Linux Tmxxine.
When XP broke (again) rather than reinstall I just started using Puppy

more info here "How I became a Penguin"
Puppy Raspup 8.2Final 8)
Puppy Links Page http://www.smokey01.com/bruceb/puppy.html :D
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#5 Post by rarsa »

I tried it out of curiosity in the mid 90's but didn't have time at all to play with it.

Then I had time, but not a computer to try it in to install it and liveCDs were a pain to use.

Then I got time, another computer and still curiosity so I got the distro fever downloading, installing and trying about 20 distros.

I tried Puppy 0.98 and passed at it because of the screen flickering of Xvesa (I'm extremelly sensitive to the flickering).

One day I decided to give Puppy another try and voila, since 1.01 I'm hooked.

Why? simplicity. It is a distro I can easily make my own, I understand what's going on under the covers and can mess with it.
[url]http://rarsa.blogspot.com[/url] Covering my eclectic thoughts
[url]http://www.kwlug.org/blog/48[/url] Covering my Linux How-to
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#6 Post by Ted Dog »

Love of homebrew computers! I was a young kid and my grandfather worked at NCR I was allowed to view the first IBM PC autopsy at the NCR developmental lab I never heard of the PC, but there was such a buzz with a room full of equipment probing over this PC, I never actually saw it since the room full of electronics blocked the view of the PC. My grandfather was working on the NCR PC versions case, monitor and keyboard design and had full sized models for me to play with in his office. I got bored quickly with a non-functional computer, of which I had no clue what purpose it had, so I snuck away and got lost trying to view the real thing. Finally after a few hours, they had to announce my disappearence over the PA. Of course, a mop-top kid is easy to spot in a sea of adults and was taken back to my granddad.
So my interest in computers was set. A year or two later I was able to play with a real computer a Tandy PC at my local RadioShack. So I typed in my first line of code in the form of a question,
Is there a God?
and it quickly spit out a reply SYNTAX ERROR? wow criptic deep and profound. Must be old king james british english for 'Sin Tax' [you are in] ERROR for such a question. Rebuked via a computer and angered God I did not try the computer for a few weeks, but I had to return to claim my free battery of the month. I was not going to risk my membership card in the 'free battery of the month club' the nine volt battery has to be some month soon!
So I tried the computer again. This time I'll be friendly and avoid any diety questions.
My name is Ted
and it quick as before SYNTAX ERROR? man it never forgets, It recalled my diety question, and It now knows my name. How stupid can I be. So I stepped away and another young battery club member, typed in
Hi am Rick
I was looking over his head and to my horror the machine still knew I was still looking, and this Rick kid knows I am taxing God with my syn. So I quicky left the store.
About half an hour later, I get a phone call, mom said some kid named Rick is on the phone. Rick???? I do not have a friend named Rick, so I confused just said hello, Rick stated he has my battery and membership card that I left behind. Horrified, he was asking me where I lived so he could drop it by. I tried to avoid any contact between this Rick kid and my mother, since he was in the know about my SYNTAX ERROR. So I figured to meet up with him in a public place to exchange the goods. Since he was about half a foot shorter I figured Its a risk if he was going to try to beat me up, since he held my battery club card and hopefully my free battery.
So we agreed to met up outside a food store near the Radio Shack. I paced myself on my bike in case I need to make a fast escape I conserved my energy.
I did not see him outside the store so I waited, and waited a full five minutes now deeply conserned he and his battery stealing gang was laying in wait for me to leave, I stepped inside the store to use their phone. I told my mom that I was leaving the store now and if I am a minute late I was jumped by this crazy Rick kid so come get me!!
I gave the phone back and dashed to the door, just as I reached the door someone shouted my name. I whipped around and Rick was a second shy of running into me. Winded, he said why I run everytime? Scared and combative I asked why he was inside when I was waiting for him outside? He stated he got hungry waiting for me and reached inside his small brown bag. It was a small bag so he could not be reaching for a handgun, it could be a small but sharp knive so I stepped behind the small screened handrail at the door to help stop the blade if that was his plan.....
Oh wait, This could be a long story. fast forward 20 years... Rick ended up a friend, and my former programming manager. Gave me the heads up and a hand full of floppies of this free Unix for PCs It was neat to be cutting edge and less than a week later I booted to the command line on my first linux install.

#7 Post by Mic67 »

"It's like cars. Everyone wants an SUV to haul their worthless carcass around. A zippy little sports car would do it better and be a lot more fun. Go figure"

Humm...I just dont get that concept.


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#8 Post by marksouth2000 »

Flash wrote:It's like cars. Everyone wants an SUV to haul their worthless carcass around. A zippy little sports car would do it better and be a lot more fun. Go figure :lol:
That's a good analogy. In the spirit of analogy, I would take it even further, and say that Puppy is like a bicycle.

It takes up less space and resources than the big OSs do, like a bicycle can be parked in the hall instead of a garage, Puppy can live in your pocket instead of taking a hard drive.

It's better for you to use it, since, just like the bicycle lets your body exercise while you're getting somewhere, Puppy lets your brain get exercise while you do constructive things.

You can modify it to your heart's content without having a dedicated and expensive workshop. Just as a bicycle can be worked on, tuned, and tweaked with only a small box of inexpensive tools, Puppy can be modified and remastered and rebuilt without needing expensive software and huge desktop boxes to build additions or make changes. Also like a bicycle, Puppy takes many standard parts that can be swapped or replaced with other parts easily available everywhere.

You don't need a special licence to operate Puppy. Just as bicycles can be used by anyone of all ages and persuasions, without needing permission from big government, and can be taken off road, down little tracks, up mountains, inside the house (etc), Puppy can be operated by anyone, anywhere, anytime, on as many machines as one wants, installed, from liveCD, USB key, without needing permission from anyone or signing EULAs or fearing that one will be pulled over for breaking the rules.

Like a bicycle, Puppy is inexpensive enough that everyone can have their own, even people in countries where SUVs and proprietary software (and the computers capable of running it) are not affordable for most people.

I could go on, but I won't. However, the analogy is a strong one, and i'd like to thank Flash for initiating it.

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#9 Post by Pizzasgood »

All of my classes are at least a half mile from my dorm, so my bike is definitely one of my best friends. Specifically, Puppy is a mountain bike. A wimpy street bike is limited to the street. My mountain bike goes anywhere it feels like. Puppy runs everywhere, and he's durable.

I chose Linux because of the freedom, customization, stability, and cheapness. I initially chose Puppy for the size because I had dial-up, but now I use it for the speed, efficiency, simplicity, and "off-the-wall" factor. He also uses easily defined portions of my drive, so I can reinstall or move him easier. As in I can just rename the savefile and make a new one, rather than messing with partitions. That is incredibly useful when testing things.

Besides, I like an operating system that I can refer to as "he" rather than "it" when I'm so inclined....
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#10 Post by Kaos' avatar »

I just like puppy because it's so fast compared to other operating systems, Linux or Windows.

As you lot like analogies, I'd say that puppy is like a mouse on steroids. It's freakishly small and faster than nature ever intended.
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Re: Why did YOU choose Linux?

#11 Post by peppyy »

Mic67 wrote: Another question is not why you chose Puppy but how you came to choose Puppy.
Admissions of a freeware junky.

For most of my life I have been, lets say, financially challenged. My first computer was a Tandy TRS80 Micro 10 with a memory expansion module I received for a present. I quickly spent everything I had saved to buy a comparable tape recorder and build an adapter to save any projects I started. It was not long before I became bored with the machine and carefully packed it away. I would not see another computer for many years.

My first experience with a gui was windows 3.1.1 for workgroups on another Tandy computer. It was a 486-sx 25MHz with 16mb of ram and a huge 651mb hard disk. I was laid up with sciatica for several weeks and my sweetie set it up to keep me entertained. Once I was over my initial fear of hurting the machine I was addicted and became quite good with it. This brought me to save my money and buy my own machine, a refurb HP 233mhz with win95 and that is where it all started to happen.

Long story short, I was soon up to 500mhz and a burner with win98. I still use that machine on occasion and a few of the over 400 freeware programs it has on it. It was about now that I discovered a live cd called Morphix. Slowly I became more familiar with Linux and when I built my first speed machine, 2.4Ghz, I installed Libranet 2.8 on it and began to avoid the M$ environment. I made my first linux mistake and pre-purchased a copy of Libranet3.0. After installing my state of the art distro from 6 full cd's the creator passed away and support fell by the wayside. During several months of troubleshooting and repairing my bloatware I got discouraged and started looking elsewhere. It was on this machine that I began to compare distros.

Needless to say after burning an awful lot of live cd's I discovered Puppy 1.0.1 and have never looked back. Sure I have tried a lot of live distros since like Slax, Backtrack and DSL but I have been running Puppy in one flavor or another as my main OS, HD Install for the last year and it is here to stay. I have now setup several older laptops for friends, family and a couple clients with Puppy and even my 75 year old father gets along well with it. Now that is a testimonial in itself.

"And they called it Puppy Love"

Puppy Linux, Man's best friend is now your computer's best friend too.
Puppy Linux...
It just works!

#12 Post by Mic67 »

Now that I have been using Linux (Puppy) for more than a few days but still less than a month, the following is an update of sorts:
Since trying Puppy Linux it has become my preferred and primary OS.

And since having tried Puppy I have spent a fair bit of time researching and studying Linux and Puppy.

-First of all you got to love the fact of a bootable OS on a Compact Disc, and it seems that Puppy is the only one that totally loads to ram. A new and fresh OS every boot. Also the fact that this does not require a HD although the ram requirement, in this instance would need to increase. To what level? Humm... Well I would say that probably at least to 256 megs (with no HD swap) and that probably 385 megs would probably be best without a HD swap. Why?

Well when I had 128 meg and NO HD SWAP it seemed there was only 4 megs to work with and was not really workable. I added the HD swap and the distro functioned well. I wanted to use this distro without any HD whatsoever. So I started to use it on a machine with 385 meg ram and after booting and before starting anything the ram indicator display showed about 125 megs of ram left. Humm... I wondered why there was only that much ram left after loading. Anyone have an answer? Regardless the distro works and I am happy with it.

Now if you need to write to a Compact Disk then without question you need a HD SWAP, quite possible even if you did have enough ram to cover the OS needs and the data - as I have read in other posts. That is no problem so long as you are aware of that.

Another note is that with puppy that totally loads to ram you can pull the Puppy OS disk to write a new Compact Disc, something I am not sure you can do with other LIVE OS's on a desktop machine with only 1 CD machine in it? Although you ought to be able to do that?

The great thing of puppy and mentioned by everyone is that it works and it is so important to Linux acceptance that, that is acheived as a newbie. Why? Well it is the best promotion for Linux there is. And that if after having tried many distros without success than many newbies would be discouraged or just give up - never give up...

Puppy has increased my interest in Linux - I see it as a evolution and revolution of sorts to computing in general. Even years ago when I tried unsuccesfully a Linux distro I knew then that this would be more than a fad or hobby.

For Linux to gain more acceptance the usability of the system regarding multimedia has to be on par with that of Windows (podcast from linux questions.org).

Why Linux?

Malware, virjii, etc.

Well the dilema is that if you have an older PC that wont run Windows XP effectively what options do you have? Without Linux NONE?

And to be able to afford a system that will run XP, the cost of the BOX and the OS and all the necessary apps. ie. 3rd party firewall, cdr, etc, etc. It makes no economic sense to use XP on a 2nd hand BOX, regardless. So my P2 400mhz 128 meg box for $20 (thrift store) doesnt have much use or value. BTW I live in a city that has a rather large commercial 2nd hand computer market, mostly from corporations discards, so alot of Dell, HP, compaq, IBM machines.

A P3 800mhz with 256 ram 10 gig goes for $80 (as of Nov06) (this PC was over $2100 new in '00 or 01), now would you pay $149 just for the OS for that box? I think that a new low end PC goes for $400 XP included?

Since using Puppy and Linux I have looked at other distro's, many linux info sites.....used bookstore and new bootstores. I have also been to the "Linux Cafe" that is an internet cafe that is not in the virtual world.

Well there were no used linux books to be had. And the new bookstores usually only had about 3 1/2 feet of shelf space for linux and like real expensive $50 for the linux bible....humm does that mean that linux is a religion now? The magazines, well the cheapest that I saw was $21 but that included a disc for some distro. That is $1 more than my P2, which is a better value?

The best thing for Linux is the number of older computers and the Windows OS and continued with Vista (which will quickly make more computers old). I think that the general information media does a poor job (not suprising) regarding computing technology (www not include except for those large commerial mag types). Very simply Linux is contrary to many large commercial economic interests, period, (though it may not necessarly need be so?). Although if you do a search of Linux and capitalism on google there are some arguments to be had. See Microsoft/Novell news stories.

There is the perception that Linux is Geek, which it was in the beginning and maybe even up until the intro. of the Live Compact Disc OS. Does it get any simplier that this? to get started with Linux? And any flavour of Linux OS in 10 minutes up and running?

This is not to say that I dont have many questions and possibly suggestions, afterall I am a Linux newbie, and sort of proud of that.
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#13 Post by slapshot »

Well, I would like to say mine ;-)

I chose Linux because I'm not conform, and I chose PuppyLinux because ... well I'm not conform :-).
You know, I'm really tired of windows heavy and after I tried out some distro I was soon really tired of their heaviness, but somewhere I read of this fantastic distro, I mean Puppy, and I tried then I soon falled in love with it. It is fast, very fast, and powerful and flexibile because you can run it live and have a mega personal storage file which is giving me the chance to change my pc whenever I want without worries about re-installation etc.., just I will have to move my file and cd and "le jeux son fait" :-)

I was really fascinated also from the feeling of community gave to me, it is such an enlarged family and I really liked that.

Puppy is also simple and is teaching me more and more Linux because it's not all ready and I would like to know how my pc works and control it.

Flash is rigth when he says that everybody want a SUV, just not me ;-) otherwise I chose a Panda 4x4 :-).
I like the bike and I like Marsouth2000's analogy Puppy=bike. I think the same thing because I always use a bike in my little town and such as sport (road bike) and it is so.
And Pizzasgood is rigth when he says that Puppy is like a MB because it is flexible but he forgot to say that a MB cannot be as fast as a road bike ;-) such as also Puppy can and, last but not least, I liked really too much to contribute to community with GioveLUG Eeducational Puppy 2.11 based distro and it is helping our LUG to be some good things such as to help the school, disadvantaged families etc..

All the other guys told very fine things on this wonderful distro so, what can i say ? Thanks to everybody, really.
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#14 Post by norsiwel »

Because if your not part of the solution, your part of the problem.
the only thing that is constant is change

#15 Post by Mic67 »

Why Linux Links:

dated but still relevant to an extent

pretty good

http://geekblog.oneandoneis2.org/index. ... ragmenting
Why doesn't Linux need defragmenting?
Sift through this and there is some useful info on file systems

http://digg.com/linux_unix/Why_Linux_do ... defragging

http://www.osweekly.com/index.php?optio ... Itemid=449
Why Linux Kernel 2.6 Rocks- Interesting

http://searchwinit.techtarget.com/origi ... 72,00.html

Our Linux Top 10 Reasons

Why Linux (and not GNU/Linux)

Dated article, but interesting

Why Linux is like pizza

http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions ... p?t=492892
Why linux is having so many distributions?

Linux vs. Windows: Why Linux will win

A comparison of Linux and Windows


The above was a small sampling from googling "Why Linux"

Also a great resource for learning Linux is Podcasts.

Google "Linux podcasts"

"Linux Reality is a podcast aimed at the new Linux user."
"About the podcast

Are you tired of Windows crashes, spyware, viruses, and vendor lock-in? Are you frustrated with licensing fees and software activation demands? Are you dreading the arrival of Windows Vista, with its increased hardware requirements? Are you willing to try something different?"

# Episode 39 - Cron
# Episode 38 - Useful Shell Commands Part 2
# Delay
# Episode 37 - SSH
# Episode 36 - Other Window Managers
# Episode 35 - Fluxbox
# Episode 34 - IceWM
# Episode 33 - Xfce
# Episode 32 - Web Browsers
# Episode 31 - Pat Davila on An Introduction to Video Editing with Kino
# Episode 30 - Useful Shell Commands
# Episode 29 - Printer Networking
# Episode 28 - Linux Friendly Hardware

The thing about podcasts is that its an easy way to get an introduction on various topics.



#16 Post by Mic67 »

Here's some more links:
http://blogs.ittoolbox.com/linux/locutu ... ting-12826

"Tyler writes:

Bleys is right, the article is absolutely incorrect. (Sorry Locutus)

Not only does Linux not necessarily load the whole program into memory, but even if it did so, you still would have trouble patching a live system: not all open files that you replace are running executables.

What makes Linux different than Windows is that Linux allows you to delete an open file without any harmful side effects. The file will remain in existence (albeit you won't be able to see it with any other program) until the file handle is closed. This is a tricky method of "hiding" a file, by the way: open it, then delete it--you can use it but no one else can, and it will disappear when you close it.

Windows, on the other hand, disallows you from moving or deleting an open file. They use this as a security mechanism to keep you from messing with critical files like the paging file and the SAM hive: the OS opens the file for exclusive access on boot, and never closes it. On side effect of this design, though, is that you can't upgrade or replace any file that's currently open, be they programs or data files. And some programs or files simply can't be closed while the system is running.

To get around that problem, windows provides a mechanism where you can schedule a file to be moved or deleted on startup, before any programs start running. Setup program schedule these operations, then have you reboot to make the changes take effect."

This helped me understand some goings on. Maybe another time I will make a post about "shadow ram" and "shadow bios's". You can see this when you delete a large say MP3 file the memory wasnt recovered in the memory display, after a while it was, just something to think about and look for. Athough the recovery of that used memory isnt always consistent.


http://www.seopher.com/articles/29_8_of ... over_vista
29.8% of XP users may move to Linux over Vista
http://thinkhole.org/wp/2006/10/30/five ... ecure-ssh/
HOWTO: Five steps to a more secure SSH
http://blog.i64.pl/PiosBlog/200610/29-l ... now-about/
http://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.c ... hp/3638441
"Live iptables Monitoring
Want to see your iptables firewall in action, in real-time? Use the iptstate command. This shows all activity in a top-style display:"

Humm in rxvt this "iptstate" command shows command not found? Anyone? This would be a superb feature!!!<<<<


#17 Post by Mic67 »

Here's some more links:
http://blogs.ittoolbox.com/linux/locutu ... ting-12826

"Tyler writes:

Bleys is right, the article is absolutely incorrect. (Sorry Locutus)

Not only does Linux not necessarily load the whole program into memory, but even if it did so, you still would have trouble patching a live system: not all open files that you replace are running executables.

What makes Linux different than Windows is that Linux allows you to delete an open file without any harmful side effects. The file will remain in existence (albeit you won't be able to see it with any other program) until the file handle is closed. This is a tricky method of "hiding" a file, by the way: open it, then delete it--you can use it but no one else can, and it will disappear when you close it.

Windows, on the other hand, disallows you from moving or deleting an open file. They use this as a security mechanism to keep you from messing with critical files like the paging file and the SAM hive: the OS opens the file for exclusive access on boot, and never closes it. On side effect of this design, though, is that you can't upgrade or replace any file that's currently open, be they programs or data files. And some programs or files simply can't be closed while the system is running.

To get around that problem, windows provides a mechanism where you can schedule a file to be moved or deleted on startup, before any programs start running. Setup program schedule these operations, then have you reboot to make the changes take effect."

This helped me understand some goings on. Maybe another time I will make a post about "shadow ram" and "shadow bios's". You can see this when you delete a large say MP3 file the memory wasnt recovered in the memory display, after a while it was, just something to think about and look for. Athough the recovery of that used memory isnt always consistent.


http://www.seopher.com/articles/29_8_of ... over_vista
29.8% of XP users may move to Linux over Vista
http://thinkhole.org/wp/2006/10/30/five ... ecure-ssh/
HOWTO: Five steps to a more secure SSH
http://blog.i64.pl/PiosBlog/200610/29-l ... now-about/
http://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.c ... hp/3638441
"Live iptables Monitoring
Want to see your iptables firewall in action, in real-time? Use the iptstate command. This shows all activity in a top-style display:"

Humm in rxvt this "iptstate" command shows command not found? Anyone? This would be a superb feature!!!<<<<


#18 Post by Mic67 »

Here's some more links:
http://blogs.ittoolbox.com/linux/locutu ... ting-12826

"Tyler writes:

Bleys is right, the article is absolutely incorrect. (Sorry Locutus)

Not only does Linux not necessarily load the whole program into memory, but even if it did so, you still would have trouble patching a live system: not all open files that you replace are running executables.

What makes Linux different than Windows is that Linux allows you to delete an open file without any harmful side effects. The file will remain in existence (albeit you won't be able to see it with any other program) until the file handle is closed. This is a tricky method of "hiding" a file, by the way: open it, then delete it--you can use it but no one else can, and it will disappear when you close it.

Windows, on the other hand, disallows you from moving or deleting an open file. They use this as a security mechanism to keep you from messing with critical files like the paging file and the SAM hive: the OS opens the file for exclusive access on boot, and never closes it. On side effect of this design, though, is that you can't upgrade or replace any file that's currently open, be they programs or data files. And some programs or files simply can't be closed while the system is running.

To get around that problem, windows provides a mechanism where you can schedule a file to be moved or deleted on startup, before any programs start running. Setup program schedule these operations, then have you reboot to make the changes take effect."

This helped me understand some goings on. Maybe another time I will make a post about "shadow ram" and "shadow bios's". You can see this when you delete a large say MP3 file the memory wasnt recovered in the memory display, after a while it was, just something to think about and look for. Athough the recovery of that used memory isnt always consistent.


http://www.seopher.com/articles/29_8_of ... over_vista
29.8% of XP users may move to Linux over Vista
http://thinkhole.org/wp/2006/10/30/five ... ecure-ssh/
HOWTO: Five steps to a more secure SSH
http://blog.i64.pl/PiosBlog/200610/29-l ... now-about/
http://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.c ... hp/3638441
"Live iptables Monitoring
Want to see your iptables firewall in action, in real-time? Use the iptstate command. This shows all activity in a top-style display:"

Humm in rxvt this "iptstate" command shows command not found? Anyone? This would be a superb feature!!!<<<<


#19 Post by Mic67 »

Here's some more links:
http://blogs.ittoolbox.com/linux/locutu ... ting-12826

"Tyler writes:

Bleys is right, the article is absolutely incorrect. (Sorry Locutus)

Not only does Linux not necessarily load the whole program into memory, but even if it did so, you still would have trouble patching a live system: not all open files that you replace are running executables.

What makes Linux different than Windows is that Linux allows you to delete an open file without any harmful side effects. The file will remain in existence (albeit you won't be able to see it with any other program) until the file handle is closed. This is a tricky method of "hiding" a file, by the way: open it, then delete it--you can use it but no one else can, and it will disappear when you close it.

Windows, on the other hand, disallows you from moving or deleting an open file. They use this as a security mechanism to keep you from messing with critical files like the paging file and the SAM hive: the OS opens the file for exclusive access on boot, and never closes it. On side effect of this design, though, is that you can't upgrade or replace any file that's currently open, be they programs or data files. And some programs or files simply can't be closed while the system is running.

To get around that problem, windows provides a mechanism where you can schedule a file to be moved or deleted on startup, before any programs start running. Setup program schedule these operations, then have you reboot to make the changes take effect."
"Hi Vivek,

My explanation is a very simplified one and as some of the other comments have explained not all the file has to be loaded into memory. Linux does try to use memory as much as possible because it is simply faster than accessing the hard drive.

Linux is much more efficient in its memory usage than windows. Windows likes to keep files in memory even when they are not in use and aggressively uses the swap file even if it is not needed. Linux tends to only use the swap file when memory is completely full. When you look at a linux systems memory it will often show that its memory is full. In fact linux uses as much of the memory as possible as a cache for the disk which is dynamically resized according to the needs of running programs.

Again this is a simple explanation more can be found by googling."

This helped me understand some goings on. Maybe another time I will make a post about "shadow ram" and "shadow bios's". You can see this when you delete a large say MP3 file the memory wasnt recovered in the memory display, after a while it was, just something to think about and look for. Athough the recovery of that used memory isnt always consistent.


http://www.seopher.com/articles/29_8_of ... over_vista
29.8% of XP users may move to Linux over Vista
http://thinkhole.org/wp/2006/10/30/five ... ecure-ssh/
HOWTO: Five steps to a more secure SSH
http://blog.i64.pl/PiosBlog/200610/29-l ... now-about/
http://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.c ... hp/3638441
"Live iptables Monitoring
Want to see your iptables firewall in action, in real-time? Use the iptstate command. This shows all activity in a top-style display:"

Humm in rxvt this "iptstate" command shows command not found? Anyone? This would be a superb feature!!!<<<<

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#20 Post by Pizzasgood »

Hmm... On the same thread of the pizza analogy, it's also like cookies, burgers, and cake. Yep, Linux is a piece of cake.

Variety is good. Observe the banana:
While in no danger of outright extinction, the most common edible banana cultivar 'Cavendish' (extremely popular in Europe and the Americas) could become unviable for large-scale cultivation in the next 10-20 years. Its predecessor 'Gros Michel', discovered in the 1820s, has already suffered this fate. Like almost all bananas, it lacks genetic diversity, which makes it vulnerable to diseases, which threaten both commercial cultivation and the small-scale subsistence farming.

No one pizza or cookie will satisfy everybody, and having one is just more dangerous.

Almost completely off topic tidbit:
The banana plant has long been a source of fibre for high quality textiles. In Japan, the cultivation of banana for clothing and household use dates back to at least the 13th century.
[size=75]Between depriving a man of one hour from his life and depriving him of his life there exists only a difference of degree. --Muad'Dib[/size]
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